Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Era of Dragons (End)

Era of Dragons (End)

0Scissor Runner charged its breadth attack while Mira charged Soul Extinctor in her hands and launched it towards the Dragon while the Dragon launched its breath attack towards Mira. Both the attacks collided and a huge explosion took place that destroyed all the surroundings. Mira released more of her Magic Power and started to charge another Soul Extinctor. Before the smoke and dust could clear from the previous explosion Mira launched the attack and caught the Dragon off-guard.     

The Dragon was unable to defend itself or either move away from that place and was hit with Mira's attack straight on its chest. The Dragon roared in pain and spat out blood from its mouth and dropped on the ground with a huge cavity now in its chest blood flowing out of the hole. Mira sweat dropped when she saw this. She didn't expect the Dragon to die so easily, its scales should have withstood the attack so that Mira could fight more. But it seems luck wasn't on her side. Mira sighed and flew in some random direction to find another opponent.     

Mira: I will ask Erza to fight with me later… that seems a good idea.     


After Irene separated from Cana, she found herself a Rock Dragon. Irene looked at the Dragon and didn't know what Magic to use. Irene decided to use Universe One when she saw that everything around her was already destroyed. She decided to use her strongest Magic and be done with it.     

Irene: It's your bad luck that I was your opponent or you could have posed some threat due to your physiology.     

The Dragon snorted and started to charge a breath attack and launched it towards Irene who erupted and Earth Wall to protect herself. Irene started to release tremendous magic power after that.     

Irene: Universe One…!!     

The whole landscape erupted around the Rock Dragon like ocean tides and engulfed the Dragon and pulled it towards the core of the Earth. Irene sighed with a bored expression and flew away towards the only remaining Dragon. Irene reached the place and saw Natsu eating fire while riding the Fire Dragon. Irene saw that the rest of the girls were also there so she landed near them.     

Irene: How long will this happen?     

Ur: Don't know, I decided to take care of this one and Natsu was already fighting this Dragon.     

Erza: Natsu needs serious training if he can't even take of a simple Dragon like this.     

Cana: Shouldn't we give him a hand?     

But before anyone could answer the question, Axel landed in front of the Dragon. Soon other mages and Dragon Slayers also started to show up around the Dragon. Seeing Axel land near the Dragon, Natsu stopped to eat the flames and the Dragon was able to shake him off.     

Axel: All other Dragons are already dead, surrender or die like the others.     

The sentence was small and simple, the Dragon tried to feel the other Dragons but didn't find their Magic Signals. He was doubtful at before but now he was sure that the other Dragons are indeed dead. There was no other choice for him, if he chooses to fight then he will killed too like the others.     

Atlas Flame: I surrender.     

The Dragon bowed down, usually Dragons didn't do that, especially not to humans but Atlas Flame could danger from this Young Human. Not matter how much Atlas Flame tried he was sure that he would never be able to beat this man.     

Axel: Good. Follow me…     

The Dragon nodded and flew with Axel in the air, the girls also followed him. Axel landed near the bound F.Rouge and picked him up. He again flew up in the air and went towards the castle and landed in front of the Eclipse Gate. Lucy, Wendy, and Hisui were already there along with the Royal Knights. They were all scared when they saw the huge Flame Dragon landed in front of them. Axel threw down F.Rouge on the ground and he screamed in pain. Axel grabbed his head and pulled it back.     

Axel: Why don't you join the other Dragons…     

Axel said that and put a sword over F.Rouge and slit his throat without any care in the world. F.Rouge choked on his own blood and soon died, everyone who saw that was quite disturbed to see that but nobody dared to voice anything including the Royal Knights.     

Axel walked towards the Eclipse Gate and transformed into Valefor. He gathered the minimum amount of Magic Power needed for Extreme Magic and put his hand on the Gate.     

Axel: Extreme Magic: Absolute Zero.     

The huge Gate was completely frozen and then Axel punched the Gate with his full power shattering the Eclipse Gate into oblivion. The whole army of Knights and Mages from different Guild just stood there dumbfounded. Atlas Flame started to glow and disappeared into golden particles returning to its own time. Axel then turned towards Hisui and started to walk towards her. She was immediately scared but didn't knew what to do. Even her Knights were not sure if they should protect her or not.     

Axel pulled out Gram and pointed it at her throat which shocked everyone present there but nobody dared to voice anything. Suddenly a Midget jumped and came in front on Axel and bowed down on the ground. It was Toma E. Fiore, the King of Fiore, a member of 400 hundred year plan.     

Toma: Please… I beg you. Let my daughter go, she is young and naïve.     

Axel wasn't even fazed by the King and was still looking towards Hisui who already had tears in her eyes.     

Axel: I am giving you two options, first give up your position and title or I kill you along with your family or whatever is left of it. Oh… and even your stupid Royal Knights. Anything that has Royal attached to it will die by my hands.     

All the mages and Knights were shocked to hear that, all of them shuddered in fear and many mages looked conflicted but suddenly cheers erupted throughout the crowd. All of them turned around and saw civilians cheering for Axel. Apparently the word has got out that Hisui was the one responsible that Dragons came here. Seeing the crowd cheering for Axel both Toma and Hisui broke down even more. Hisui saw the disgust in the eyes of the civilians and even in the eyes of Royal Knights. Now many mages were also looking at her with disgust in their eyes.     

Hisui: I agree… I will give up my Royal Status, I know I am not worthy of being Princess after what happened today.     

Hisui dropped down her head and tears still continuously fell from her eyes. Axel dispersed his sword but he was not done, he grabbed Toma's throat and threw him at the feet of the Dragon Slayers. The Dragon Slayers were shocked because they didn't knew why Axel did that.     

Axel: Tell them about your full proof plan you made… and don't try to make any excuse since Acnologia is already gone.     

Toma was shocked and terrified when he heard Axel speak. He had no idea how Axel came to know about this but Axel's face told him that if he tries to lie or make and excuse then Axel will gut him like a pig.     

Toma: Let's move to a private place…     

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