Fairy Tail: Djinn Take Over [COMPLETED]

Era of Dragons (I)

Era of Dragons (I)

0Axel, Cana, and Irene were floating in the sky quietly watching the War Game making some small conversations. They saw how Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games but the celebrations were short when a huge light appeared from the castle.     

Axel: Looks like it is starting... Let's head there.     

The two of them nodded and flew towards the gate. They were on the way when they heard loud roars of Dragons. Axel already counted 5 of them according to their Magic Signatures. Axel saw the gate was closing but 7 Dragons have already come to this timeline.     

~WITH ERZA~     

They all stopped the celebrations when they saw the bright light but the next moment they heard loud roars could be heard throughout the whole Fiore.     

Erza: Ur, Ultear, Mira, let's head there. The rest of you all help in the evacuation. Whatever that thing is cannot be defeated by normal mages.     

All the other mages reluctantly nodded and started to help with the evacuation. Erza and the girls were about to leave after giving all instructions but a huge explosion interrupted them. One side of the arena was completely gone, lots of civilians and mages died in that explosion. Two huge dark Dragon claws showed up and a Dark Dragon walked in.     

Everyone was filled with terror when they saw a Dragon this close, some of the peoples even pissed their pants. The Dragon was amused to see their reaction, the Dragon pulled his head back and started to charge a breadth attack. But before the Dragon could attack Erza appeared before the Dragon in her adamantium armor and punched the Dragon on its head. The Dragons' head was pointed towards releasing the breath towards the sky. The punch was so strong that the Dragon fell on his back.     

Erza: This is mine...!!!     

The Dragons Slayer Erza's power and they were also shocked to see the power Erza had in her punch. They even started to doubt their own power, seeing Erza's strength. Mira, Ultear, an Ur didn't wait for anyone and flew away to find their own targets.     

~WITH AXEL~     

Axel, Cana, and Irene were flying towards the castle when they saw a huge Dragon with swirl patterned scales flying in the sky.     

Axel: You guys go ahead... it seems like I have got my target.     

Cana and Irene nodded and continued to fly towards the castle while Axel went towards Motherglare. Motherglare was about to release the eggs but before it could do that Axel appeared in front of it with Ea in his hands. Motherglare saw Axel and snorted and swiped a claw at Axel. Axel then pointed Ea towards Motherglare.     

Axel: Enuma Elish...!!     

A huge wave erupted from Axel and obliterated Motherglare's claw and even its chest got bloody. Motherglare dropped on the ground and roared in pain. Axel also noticed another person running away and decided to immobilize him. Axel knew it was Future Rouge. Several golden chains appeared and two of them stabbed him on both of his shoulders. F.Rouge screamed in pain and dropped on his knees. Axel slowly walked up to him with Gram (demonic sword) in his hands.     

Axel: Where are you running off to??     

F.Rouge: Who are you?? I have never seen you.     

Axel: Very unfortunate... I will the last person you will ever see.     

Axel swiped Gram slashing both his eyes. F.Rouge screamed in pain, again several chains appeared wrapping around F.Rouge immobilizing completely.     

Axel: Now be a nice guy and stay here... I will kill you after I kill the Dragons you brought.     

Axel walked away from him and transformed into Valefor and walked up to Motherglare. It was trying to get up from the ground but was unable to do so because of pain and its injuries.     

Axel: Tsk...Tsk...Tsk... Don't struggle anymore and let me kill you. Extreme Magic: Absolute Zero.     

Motherglare was instantly frozen, Axel raised Gram and sliced at Motherglare. Gram made contact with frozen Motherglare and shattered it into millions of pieces, successfully killing it.     

Several mages saw how easily Axel killed one of the Dragons, all of them started to cheer when suddenly a huge pillar of explosion appeared shaking the whole Crocus.     

~WITH CANA~ (A few moments ago)     

Irene already went a separate way when she saw a Rock Dragon. Cana went to the castle and saw a green Dragon. The whole area was filled was naked people, Cana didn't know what to think of that. Cana found Lucy, Wendy, and another unknown girl all of them had a lack of clothes.     

Zirconis: Oohhh... I missed one human.     

Cana looked at the Dragon and glared at it.     

Cana: Did you do this??     

Zirconis: Yes, I did. Humans taste better without clothes.     

Cana: Good... that means I can kill you without feeling bad.     

Zirconis started to laugh but stopped when Cana started to release her Magic. It scared Zirconis, Cana raised her arm and pointed her fist towards the Dragon and supported that arm with her other arm.     

Cana: Fairy Glitter.     

A huge explosion erupted shaking the whole Crocus, she explosion reached the sky. For a while, Zirconis's scream could be heard but after some time the scream faded. The explosion died down and there was no trace of Zirconis any more, not even ashes could be found. Cana landed near Lucy who was already wearing clothes.     

Lucy: Thanks for the save Cana, you are really strong.     

Cana: Where are Meredy and Natsu??     

Lucy: Natsu went to fight with a Flame Dragon along with Meredy.     

Cana: Oh ok... I will go and find that Flame Dragon and help him. Who is this girl??     

Lucy hesitated for a few moments because she knew Axel and his group was, they will not even mind in slightest while killing someone.     

Hisui: Thank you for helping us... the Royal Family would be forever grateful to you. My name is Hisui E. Fiore, this is all my mistake, if only...     

She couldn't even finish what she was saying before she was backhanded by Cana. Hisui dropped on the ground grabbing her cheek, she couldn't even believe that she was hit. A Knight pulled out his sword and attacked Cana from behind, Cana hit him on the chest. The man dropped on the ground clutching his chest. now that Cana thought f it where did the man even get the clothes from.     

Cana: Because of you so many people died like insects and what did you say??? Sorry and thank you?? Don't worry you will be dealt with and your Royal Status won't protect you...     

Hisui heard that and tears started to roll down from her eyes and Cana walked away from that place. Lucy wanted to refute Cana but she also knew what Cana said was right.     


A/N: Guys I have thought of taking away Hisui's status and titles, what do you think of this punishment...     

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