I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 163: Hierarchy

Chapter 163: Hierarchy

0Later that same night, Raynare and Issei had been called over to Kel's residence after they had finished patrolling to give their reports as well as officially meet his queen piece, Sylvia.     

"So? Anything not worthy to report?" Kel was seated on a sofa in a relaxed posture and asked while Issei sat on a single sofa close by. Raynare on the other hand simply stood with her arms crossed.     

"Uh well, I saw a bunch of suspicious people in cloaks and hats looking at me as I patrolled, you know rapists looking fellas. Whenever I tried approaching them though they rushed away. That's pretty much it." Issei explained while scratching the back of his head.     

"Tsk. Well as for my report, it seems the church has grown suspicious and has begun dispatching patrols of their own. Run into a few unsavory men during my patrol but nothing I couldn't handle. As for the fallen angels, they still want this idiot dead because of his sacred gear and I doubt they'll stop until they succeed but they are only observing for now." Raynare kept her arms crossed and looked at Issei with disgust as she said this while Kel just nodded lazily.     

"Well, that's nothing we can't take care of. Raynare you'll be handling patrols from now on, you've got the right set of skills for the job." Kel expressed as Sylvia walked into the room with a tray of drinks before handing over one to Issei who used every bit of Will power he had to not stare and another to Raynare who Sylvia gave a cold look.     

"Here you go... *slut*" She said in a low tone before sitting next to Kel with an innocent smile on her face.     

Raynare looked at her weirdly but didn't make any response and instead just nodded at Kel's words.     

"I have a question. What is your goal? You told me joining you would save many lives of fallen angels but I still don't know what your end goal is, I feel as your servant it's only fair I understand my Master's wishes." Raynare's question caused Issei to also look at Kel curiously while Sylvia showed a frown to them both.     

"Are you doubting Lord Kel?" She asked with a smile on her face but a deadly look in her eyes that caused both of them to fill a chill run down their spines     

"It's fair enough question I suppose. My goal is simple, to cleanse the world of meaningless conflict. Conflict on its own is a part of life but those who actively seek it without caring for the many innocent lives that may be lost as a result must be purged." Raynare wore a complex face as she heard his words while Issei also took it seriously.     

"I won't say I completely trust you but you do seem sincere, many fallen angels refuse to believe God has forsaken us and still do things rashly in his name. I couldn't care less, however. I only want what's best for my kind so if what you say is true then I'm with you"     

'I'm getting nowhere on my own, but with him maybe this stupid war the higher-ups were pushing for will come to an end. No way am I fucking dying for nothing' Raynare thought to herself as she told Kel her stance.     

"Well with that said, I'm going to call it a night. Feel free to chat and get to know each other a bit before leaving." Kel stood up and yawned while stretching his hands before heading upstairs leaving Silyva with Issei and Raynare.     

"Well this is a bit awkward, um so what do you want to talk about? Issei asked while scratching the back of his head nervously.     

"I think I should state some rules that should be followed by those serving Lord Kel." Sylvia looked at the two and announced with a smile on her face.     

"Disrespect Lord Kel, you die"     

"Go against Lord Kel, you die"     

"Kill the innocent, you die"     

"The last one isn't a rule but I thought I should also tell you that Lord Kel hates loose women" Sylvia pointed out before turning to Raynare with narrowed eyes. Raynare observed this and showed a smile before adjusting her sitting posture.     

"Then I'm sure he'll love having a tight virgin like me, willing to do anything he asks me. Being ravaged by a handsome master isn't so bad." Raynare pointed out causing Issei to gulp while Sylvia's smile began looking more sadistic.     

"As long as a woman dresses like a whore and acts like one, Lord Kel will not like her. I'm afraid you'll just die a lonely virgin and be forgotten." Sylvia retorted while Raynare began running her hands down her own body slowly.     

"I am whatever my master wants me to be, an innocent shy girl, a raging slut, or a strict prude. Whatever he wishes I will do, but since you bring it up. I should ask master what he thinks of my outfit, maybe I can show him a few others for him to pick." Raynare looked up while rubbing her chin and pretending to think.     

'This escalated quickly...' Issei simply watched and chose to keep his thoughts to himself.     

"Tsk, woe is me that my Lord has to bear the wishes of his desperate slut servant." Sylvia chuckled before the two approached each other and made contact with their chests, but in such a battle only Sylvia could reign supreme as they looked like they would burry Raynare's.     

"Hmph, blonde bimbo" Raynare sneered and chose not to provoke her any longer after seeing her figure much more clearly.     

"Heh, Raven slut." Silyva retorted after also seeing Raynare was quite attractive and given Kel's personality, she knew for a fact what he'd do if given the chance.     



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