I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 134: A True Massacre Part 4

Chapter 134: A True Massacre Part 4

0After some time had passed, Saeko and Silyva has finished cooking and had called everyone to the living room to eat.     

Kel was the last to arrive and had each of the girls had sat on separate seats, each leaving a single spot next to them. Silyva went as far as putting a tiny piece of paper written reserved right next to her.     

'This is a different kind of warfare that I want no part of.' Kel thought to himself before picking a plate off the table and seating on the floor.     

"I like having my legs stretched when seating down" he said casually as he took a seat and began eating.     

"We've told nurse Shizuka and Takagi about the situation outside. They also agree that staying here is the safer option" Saeko turned to Kel and reported before continuing to partake in her meal.     

"Of course we agreed, it would be stupid not to considering how many of those things are out there." Takagi added in a defensive tone while Nurse Shizuka was in pure bliss from the meal she was having.     

"As soon as they clear out, we're heading for Takagi's home." Kel looked towards Takagi and announced this causing her to frown slightly.     

"Why?" As if by reflex, Takagi immediately asked for the reason behind this choice.     

"Well no one else here has any relatives in the area, which leaves only you." Silyva explained Kel's reasoning on his behalf and Takagi could only agree.     

"Right, I forgot. Then my home should be the logical and safe place to go right now." Takagi nodded her head towards Silyva and replied in a civil manner but still showed a glare whenever she looked at Kel.     

"Then since we're all in agreement, we should pack anything you think necessary and have them loaded into the car outside." After Kel said this, everyone nodded in agreement and continued with their meals.     

Once done, everyone left the scene and began packing. Eventually evening came and Saeko, who was on lookout with Silyva noticed the number of zombies in the area had reduced greatly.     

"I think we can leave by tonight at this rate, don't you think." Saeko turned to Silyva and asked after making the observation.     

"Yes, I think so too." Silyva replied with a nod before looking below the balcony and gesturing Kel, who was loading items into the vehicle.     

Upon seeing the waving gesture from Silyva, Kel nodded and loaded the last of the items before returning inside.     

"Did you see something?" Immediately after coming up the stairs, Kel turned in the direction of Silyva and Saeko and asked.     

"The zombie's numbers have gone down by a good amount so we can probably leave by night time." Saeko pointed out the observation she and Silyva had made to Kel and the others to hear their thoughts on the matter.     

Kel gave them both a contemplative look before walking over towards the balcony to see the situation for himself. Takagi did the same why Nurse Shizuka had fallen asleep on the sofa.     

"They've definitely reduced by a good number" Kel thought out loud as he began looking around the area while Takagi pointed in the north eastern direction of where they stood.     

"Looks like they're all heading towards the bridge. The people still alive should be trying to get to the other side which means lots of panic and lots of noise." Takagi explained before retracting her hand and crossing her arms once again.     

"We should probably leave soon while the zombies are distracted." Takagi pointed out in a blunt tone causing everyone present to give her a strange look.     

"What?" She asked in a defensive tone with narrowed eyes but Saeko only chuckled.     

"Nothing, just a little too blunt and cold." Saeko replied while shrugging her shoulders slightly but Takagi simply clicked her tongue and dismissed the remark.     

"The police and other authorities still present are probably all gathered at the bridge so those people we'll be fine. Shouldn't we be more worried about ourselves?" Takagi explained with clear annoyance in her voice but Saeko simply maintained her smile.     

"I fully agree, it's just strange to hear it coming from you." Saeko also replied but her answer seemed to irk Takagi slightly but she let the matter go.     

Meanwhile at the same time in the middle of the town, a bunch of vehicles were gathered in a solid formation.     

Next to one of said vehicles, was Koji and next to him was Rei who was crying furiously with her hands covering her face.     

"I'm sorry Rei..." Koji said in a low tone as he placed a hand on Rei's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.     

"Hisashi..." This was the only thing Rei muttered in her moment of sadness, Koji showed a worried look on the surface but didn't seem overly concerned with had transpired.     

Soon, a group of other students walked over towards the vehicle where Koji and Rei where standing.     

"Uh, Koji, there's still no sign Shido Sensei and the group he went with." The student at the front reported in a firm tone while Koji frowned at this.     

"We where all supposed to rendezvous here hours ago, if he's this late then maybe something happened. Do we go after him?" Another student suggested but Koji shook his head before pondering for a moment.     

"One group will return to base, while me and another group will go look for Shido." Koji ordered before looking in the direction Shido had gone.     

'Just what the fuck is going on...'     



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