I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 132: A True Massacre Part 2

Chapter 132: A True Massacre Part 2

0Just as Kel and Silyva where finishing their conversation, Takagi and Saeko has began their own in the room they shared.     

"You like him don't you?" Saeko who was laying on the left side of the bed suddenly asked this question aloud causing Takagi who was laying on the right to jolt up and turn to her.     

"W-What?" Takagi seemed so taken aback by the question that she stuttered upon responding. Saeko showed a faint smile and sat upright before turning to look at Takagi with a sly smile.     

"You heard me, you like Kel don't you?" Saeko repeated her question once more in an even more blunt mannerism while Takagi's cheeks became flushed but her facial expression remained stern as she readied a reply.     

"Of course not, what gave you that crazy idea?" Takagi crossed her arms and replied in the most solid voice she could muster in the moment but Saeko only smiled and laid back down on the bed.     

"Good, since you don't like him then I can make a move on him without worry." Saeko said in a low and casual tone before closing her eyes with a smile on her face. Takagi wanted to speak but felt Saeko was purposefully leading her on so she simply clicked her tongue and laid back down on the bed.     

Meanwhile, the topic of their discussion Kel had just returned to the room he'd be sleeping in. But rather than lie down immediately, he went to sit on the edge of the bed and released a short sigh.     

"Seems you've had a tiring day" A soft melodic voice emanated from Kel's black guitar that laid against the wall causing Kel to turn his head in its direction.     

"...Can I ask you something, Meridia?" Kel had remained silent for a moment even after hearing the voice before replying to the statement with a question of his own.     

As he asked this, the black guitar case gave a bright glow as it swung open. Kel squinted his eyes and turned away from the light as it grew brighter and brighter before completely fading as quick as it had appeared,     

When Kel turned back, he saw Meridia in her second physical form walking over towards him before stopping in front of him. She then simply sat on the floor and looked up at him before giving a nod.     

"If you wish it then I must obey, mustn't I?" Meridia replied with a neutral expression on her face. Her mature features only amplifying her already unique aura.     

"Not really, I may have forced you to help me but you're not obliged to get along with me." Kel showed a faint smile and responded as looked at the woman in front of him as she narrowed her eyes towards him.     

"You're truly a strange god, fine. I will indulge your whims, if I am to be your captive then I may as well converse with you to expand my knowledge of all that I know. So in return for the questions you ask, I wish to ask my own." Meridia for the first time showed a faint smile towards Kel as she replied to his question.     

"Do you enjoy being a god? the killing, the loneliness, the memories of all the people you've hurt, the urge to simply end it all..." Kel kept his head lowered as he said these words, as he looked back on many lives he'd taken in the short amount of time.     

"I do not, but I find it far better than being mortal. Your question is as good as asking, would you rather be the painting or the artist?" Meridia was blunt when she gave her answer causing Kel to give a short chuckle.     

"The idea of my life being shaped by someone else doesn't really appeal to me but in an existence where even gods have greater gods and so on what's the point? Nothing makes sense to me anymore and it all just feels redundant. Life, Death, Time and many other things I considered set in stone can easily be manipulated by the snap of a finger." As Kel replied, he snapped his fingers and caused time in the room to slow down.     

Meridia looked around and noticed the once drifting curtains moving in slow motion. After she made this observation, Kel snapped his fingers again returning the room to the state it was in before.     

"...you seem to have more power than you let on. Which brings me to the one question that has bothered me most in my time as your captive. Why do you not use your abilities? You fight and handle situations as a mortal would have." Meridia looked at Kel sternly as she asked this one question that had boggled her for so long.     

"Every time I use my abilities, I feel I can do anything. I no longer consider nor care about the things around me. Everything just seems so clear. I once wiped out thousands of lives just because I knew I could bring them back to life after I accomplished my goal." As Kel gave his answer, Meridia seemed to have realized something.     

"So try as much as you can to maintain what little humanity you have left in you. That is admirable but foolish in my opinion, it's only a matter of time before that part of you completely disappears." Meridia commented honestly but Kel only chuckled as he got on top of the bed and laid down seemingly ready to sleep.     

"Then I'll enjoy it while it lasts...goodnight Meridia" Kel voiced in a tired voice before closing his eyes.     

Meridia stood from the floor and looked at Kel oddly before showing another faint smile. She then walked back to the black guitar case as her body began glowing, but as she reached it, she looked back one more time at Kel.     

'If you are an artist, then I look forward to the masterpiece you shall create.'     



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