I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 127: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 4

Chapter 127: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 4

0As the sun set and night came, Kel, Silyva and Saeko were gathered on the balcony keeping watch while nurse Shizuka and Takagi had fallen asleep in the other room.     

"You should get some sleep." Saeko broke the silence that was present among the three with her suggestion towards Kel who continued to keep his gaze forward.     

'Maybe Koji won't come here, it's not like they ever showed the directions to this place in the anime or manga but I just can't shake the possibility of him passing through.' Kel thought to himself before letting out a sigh and turning to Saeko.     

"Maybe a little nap is alright, wake me up if you see anything odd." Kel stretched his hands and turned to leave after instructing Silyva who gave a small nod.     

Once Kel left, Saeko turned her attention to Silyva who simply remained silent.     

"You two aren't really siblings are you?" Saeko suddenly asked but Silyva maintained a straight face and didn't turn to Saeko.     

"What makes you say that?" Silyva asked in a hurried tone but maintained her facial expression.     

"You don't look at Kel like an older sister would for one" Saeko answered while showing a sly smile but Silyva remained strong and gave no particular reaction.     

"Then I just have a brother complex" Silyva replied seriously and confidently leaving Saeko no way to reply but instead just chuckle.     

Meanwhile, Kel's plan to simply rest for a bit had not been going how he planned.     

"How do I always find myself in situations like these." Kel muttered while sighing as he turned to the busty blonde woman who seemingly came out of nowhere.     

"Oh don't be like that Kel, there's enough room for the two of us. I can't sleep with Takagi because she keeps tossing and turning" nurse Shizuka pleaded as she sat on the edge of the bed wearing only a towel.     

"Well..." Kel turned to nurse Shizuka and showed a contemplative expression.     

"Are you embraced about sharing the bed with a woman?" Nurse Shizuka asked in a slow playful manner.     

"First of all it's embarrassment not embraced, second of all..."     

'Might as well.' Kel thought for a moment before changing his facial expression and showing a slightly flustered face.     

"It's not that...it's just I'm not really experienced with women and I also have a hard time sleeping in strange places so I tend to cling to things, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." Kel expressed while putting on the best ashamed face he could.     

"Aww, you don't have to be. If it makes you feel safer then I'd be happy to help. There,there" Shizuka replied in a chirpy manner before leaning forward and hugging Kel while patting his head.     

'Time to make the ancestors proud' Kel thought to himself as the two laid down to sleep in the spooning position.     

After a few minutes passed, Kel had remained completely still with his hand wrapped only around nurse Shizuka's waist.     

"Kel?" Shizuka whispered but got no response.     

'He must have fallen asleep, who knew Kel was such a cute innocent softy' She thought to herself and closed her eyes while smiling.     

However, just a minute later, Kel's hand slowly began to caress Shizuka's tummy. She only smiled at this as it was harmless and felt rather comforting for her as well.     

But soon his hand slowly began to climb until it reached one of her two large perky breasts. Without hesitation, Kel's hand firmly gripped onto one and began groping it gently, separated only by a thin towel but feeling still very much arousing nurse Shizuka who now opened her eyes.     

"Kel...that's a bit" Shizuka muttered in a hushed tone as her breathing began to grow slightly rushed and heavy.     

"Mom...please don't leave me, I'll be good from now on" Kel muttered in a shaky voice as if he was frightened or scared. Immediately Shizuka heard those words, she showed a saddened look and turned to face Kel so she could hug him tighter.     

However as she did so, her towel began to slip and her large perky breasts became exposed. Before she could recover from this, Kel held her waist and buried his head between her two soft peaks.     

"...thank you" he whispered in a still shaky tone while moving his head side to side between Shizuka's large exposed breasts.     

'He's just so adorable... and I don't really mind...' She thought to herself before starting to slowly stroke his hair while showing a smile on her face.     

This lasted only for a moment before Kel pulled away slightly and gripped one of her breasts firmly and suddenly planted his mouth on her defenseless nipple.     

"!!" nurse Shizuka felt a jolt run through her body as she felt the sudden sensation on her breasts.     

'He's..he's... Oh no I should stop him and quickly leave but no... he just thinks I'm his mother... I should just leave him be... he should stop soon...' Shizuka gulped and bit her lip slightly so as to not release any sound while hoping Kel would pull away soon.     

(E/N: Imma just ignore how this situation doesn't make any sense)     

He did not.     

Minute after minute continued to pass as Kel continued to assault Shizuka's nipple with his mouth. Her hopes had now shifted from hoping Kel stopped to hoping she didn't make a sound.     

'Oh no... I shouldn't feel good from this... I know he thinks I'm his mother now but it's starting to feel...' *mmm* Shizuka thought to herself before a moan eventually escaped from her mouth.     

When she realized this, she quickly bit her lip but then Kel's hand went from her waist to her plump soft ass. Shizuka began to feel a trickle run down her leg as her breathing grew even heavier than before.     

'This...is bad' She thought to herself as she tried her best to not moan but the sensations were simply too much.     


A/N: Contests ends Tuesday guys so please keep pumping stones into my book King OF Limbo if you haven't already then please start. The quicker it ends the quicker I can start working on a mass release here. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, like, comment and review.     

Feel free to interact with me on discord or support me on *******.     



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