I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 127: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 2

Chapter 127: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Part 2

0After getting passed the barred fence, Kel and the others rushed over to the only car right outside the school. A black seemingly new 4x4.     

'When Silvya said he'd handle the way out, I didn't think she meant summoning a whole new car and parking in right outside the school...' Kel sighed eternally as he approached it.     

"Isn't this a little too convenient, it could belong to a teacher or maybe someone who came here to save someone." Takagi questioned after they all got close to the vehicle.     

"Mhm, won't we be stealing someone's only way of leaving?" Nurse Shizuka asked in a worried tone but Kel shook his head.     

"For all we know they're already dead or worse. If you want we can wait and ask for the keys politely?" Kel sarcastically replied before opening the door.     

"Oh? What do you know, it's already open. Oh? And are those keys I see as well?" Kel continued talking in a sarcastic manner causing Silvya to lower her head while Takagi crossed her arms thinking that he was mocking her instead.     

"It is a bit sketchy but we're in no position to question good luck." Saeko commented as she got into the back seat of the vehicle.     

With nothing more to add over the matter, Silvya started the car while Kel sat in the front seat and the others took the back.     

Immediately the my started driving away from the school, Shizuka who had sat between Saeko and Takagi asked a very important question.     

"Uh, where do you all live? You should first start by checking to see if your loved ones are alright." Shizuka asked curiously but no one seemed overly reactive to the question as they should be.     

"My home's all the way on the other side of town." Takagi answered first in a non too worried tone as she crossed her arms and leaned back into the seat.     

"My only family is my father and he's in the dojo abroad so..." Saeko answered next in a tone that carried even less worry than Takagi as she looked to the front, suggesting Kel should answer next.     

"My parents both stay very far away from here, but I'm sure they're doing fine." Kel answered vaguely casting a glance over to Silvya.     

"Yes, our parents live very far away." She answered hurriedly causing everyone present to get confused.     

"You're siblings?!" Takagi blurted out as if the most surprised while simply sighed and chose not to answer.     

"Well that explains why you both have such blonde hair and those funny accents" Nurse Shizuka commented in chirpy tone.     

"You know, you're really not smarter than you look. How about your family though?" Takagi turned to Nurse Shizuka who simply giggled at the comment before answering her question.     

"Oh my parents both passed away a few years ago while all my relatives live very far away. I do have a friend who's flat isn't far from here but I don't think she's around. But she did leave me a spare key to look after the place when she isn't around, so I think she wouldn't mind if we stopped there for a bit." Nurse Shizuka explained in chirpy tone as before telling the other's more about her friend.     

'Maybe I should have just purged him there and then. The situation isn't ideal for me to gain any alterations from him, but traveling to a world and leaving with only the world alteration seems like a waist....'     

'Doesn't matter I suppose. He's destination after leaving the school is probably the flat we're heading to now to get weapons. If the plan original plan fails again then I may just have to purge him.' Kel sighed to himself as his initial plans for how things would go completely fell apart.     

"We're here!" Nurse Shizuka exclaimed excitedly causing Kel to come out of his daze. As they got in front of the flat, they found the area was yet to have many undead around it so they entered without trouble.     

Immediately after entering the home, the girls had gone to a take bath while Kel wasted no time getting some of the weapons that were present within that home while leaving a few.     

Afterwards he went to stand on a balcony that had a good view of the surrounding area. From there he began to keep watch in case of anything but as he was doing so, something caught his eye.     

A mother and daughter pair were running in a street not too far from the home Kel and the others were in when they both fell over.     

"Help!!" "Help!!"     

They yelled out but Kel simply looked as a few seconds later some undead approached them and gruesomely began to devour them. The cries continued on however for a good minute the area once again became silent.     

Kel showed little reaction to the sight except a small sigh while shaking his head.     

'Any normal person should be at least a bit fazed by that sight but... it doesn't move me. Because what's the point of trying to fix a crumbling world when you can simply reset it.'     

"Is that how God or gods feel about their people? That's fucked up." Kel mutters in a low tone while shaking his head at what he just said, however his words caused the black guitar case he had near him to shake before a voice resounded from it.     

"It's normal for higher beings to be uninterested in the lives of those lower than them." Meridia commented on the matter causing Kel to show an odd look.     

"That's fucked up still." He replied and leaned against the entrance to the balcony.     

"It really is." A voice suddenly added causing Kel to turn back in a hurried manner.     


A/N: For those complaining about action just come back after some chapters or something cause I'm not changing the flow of my story to suit your needs or wants. Otherwise thanks for reading my work guys and I appreciate the stones you're pumping to help. Keep it up and so will I.     

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