I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 121: Day Z Part 1

Chapter 121: Day Z Part 1

0A/N: Unedited chapter. Too busy to both write and edit and still meet the release time so either wait till later or read as is     

It was a busy morning in Kel's apartment as they woke up even earlier than usual to make sure all their preparations where in place.     

As Silvya could conjure most objects without fail, they never intended to carry anything major with them. Instead they insured that the apartment would remain untouched even when the chaos starts just a backup safe house should anything occur.     

"Lord Kel, I've put away the bags of preserved foods and the formations around the building are all set." Silvya walked to the living room with a small hand bag in hand and turned to Kel who was seated on the sofa polishing Meridia.     

"Is this really necessary?" The sword asked in an uncomfortable manner to which Kel nodded his head.     

"Good job Silvya and yes Meridia, I need you at your very best to smite as many of the undead as we can." Kel replied as he continued to polish the edge of the blade.     

"I see, then I won't protest" Meridia replied in an unsure tone before going silent.     

"How are you going to carry a sword onto school grounds?" Silvya asked in a slightly confused manner but Kel only smirked.     

"Smuggling is an art you have to be adept in to survive in military school dear Silvya and I just so happen to be at that level of skill." Kel replied just as he finished polishing Meridia.     

"Then that covers everything we need to do before leaving Lord Kel" Silvya took out a tiny piece of paper and crossed off the last task on the list "cleaning the divine whore" with a smile on her face.     

"You've really takes your guide duties to the next level Silvya. You're making everything so much easier." Kel pointed out before wrapping Meridia in a white cloth and placing her in guitar case.     

"Have I? Well I just feel so much more at ease knowing you don't find me a burden." Silvya explained with a bright smile on her face.     

"Enough compliments and sentimental words, it's time for us to do what we do best." Kel carried the guitar case and put his bag over his shoulder ready to leave.     

"Making problematic reincarnators suffer." Silvya answered while patting her little hand bag all set to go as well.     

The two arrived at school at the usual time they have been for the past few days. Kel had managed to enter with his "guitar case" without encountering any trouble.     

"I'll handle the eastern wing Lord Kel." Silvya suddenly pointed out to which Kel agreed.     

"I'll handle the western wing and we'll meet by the stairs connecting the two at 1pm sharp." Kel agreed before adding on his own words.     

The two gave each other a nod before parting ways as they approached the main school building. Once inside Kel immediately went to class to scope the situation with Koji.     

Upon arriving, Kel found the majority of Koji's group had big bags with them. He furrowed his brows at his but didn't comment anything and just walked towards his seat.     

But just as he did so, Koji walked over to his desk and placed a large bag on his desk with a grin on his face.     

"Yo Kel, me and the guys are planning on going to play baseball or maybe even hockey. This bag has everything you need, you just need to agree to tag along. Even some of the girls are coming." Koji offered with a smile on his face while Kel glanced over to see more than half the class had bags with them.     

'I knew he was working on convincing people to ally with him during the apocalypse but to think he'd get to more than half the class, he even equipped them with weapons and some protective gear under the guise of playing games after school. He also seems bent on recruiting me' Kel showed a small smile as he thought of this and shook his head.     

"Sorry, my mother just sent over this family heirloom so I have somewhere to take it Immediately after school, maybe another day but thanks for the offer though." Koji released a sigh after hearing Kel's words but left the bag on his desk and walked away.     

"Alright then just keep the equipment until then yea?" He stated before returning to his group of friends.     

'Tagaki will most likely stick with him when the zombie attacks start, at the very least I need him capable of protecting her in case I'm not there. He should also be more willing to follow me after I show him just how good a decision that would be for him. Especially once I grow stronger after scoring kill points with my system' Koji showed a confident smile and casually leaned back into his seat.     

"Hmph, I know much better places to play those games and they give much better equipment." Tagaki commented from her desk causing Kel to chuckle at the friendliness girl.     

"Well that's interesting, you should show me sometime." Kel shrugged and entertained her attempt at conversing.     

"I'm a busy person you know, but... I'll consider it alright?" Tagaki stated proudly and Kel only nodded before the teacher arrived and class began.     

Time began to slowly fly by and soon it was 9 am and time for the next class. Kel showed a smile at this and stood from his seat.     

"Hey Tagaki, can you please help me get to the nurse's office? I'm feeling light headed all of a sudden, I may need to go home." Kel put on his best act and reached out to Tagaki who showed a genuine look of concern before nodding.     

"Geez, why can't you just have one normal day in class" She replied before carrying his bad for him while carried his guitar case.     

Kel let Tagaki do the explaining as the next teacher was walking in. After getting permission, the two left the classroom.     

'Dammit, should I follow? No, that would mean leaving my group and Rei here without supervision. There's still time before the zombies arrive so it's fine.' Koji let out a sigh before shaking his head.     

'Step 1, complete. The next step is all yours Silvya' Kel thought to himself while showing a small smirk.     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1.2k stones.     



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