I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 119: Countdown Part 1

Chapter 119: Countdown Part 1

0Early the next morning, Kel was seated at the dinning table of his and Silvya's apartment.     

"The food is ready Lord Kel..." Silvya soon appeared from behind Kel with a tray of assorted breakfast foods. However the tone in which she announced this to Kel seemed a little off.     

So as Silvya set the food on the table and sat opposite to Kel, he gave her a look and smiled before speaking.     

"I really enjoyed the pie you made, thanks" He expressed shortly before turning his attention to the meal Silvya had just set in front of him.     

"Oh...you're welcome Lord Kel. I remembered you mentioned you liked pie back when we were in Skyrim so..." Silvya spoke in a much happier tone as she replied hesitantly.     

"I see, I appreciate that Silvya. Speaking of, what do you like, Silvya? Maybe I can do something in return." Kel offered in a friendly manner while starting to partake in the meal Silvya had served him.     

"Umm... I like being useful to you Lord Kel." She muttered with her head slightly lowered. Kel simply chuckled at this and shook his head with a smile on his face.     

"Noted." Kel replied in a vague manner while still smiling at the confused Silvya in front of him.     

'What does he mean? Did I answer right...maybe he meant food...stupid Silvya' Silvya thought to herself as she released a small sigh.     

"Today is the last day we'll probably sit down like this for a meal for a while. Tomorrow everyone we'll be fighting to survive. I've only had short interactions with some of the members of the main cast who I assume Koji will go after. He gives off a "I want to be a king of the apocalypse vibe". So far it seems he's just been recruiting the strong guys and gaining people's trust." Kel stated with a serious expression on his face and Silvya nodded in turn.     

"I asked and most teachers seem to like him and think he's an ideal student. Most of the teachers are really kind too, it's a shame...except for Mr.Shido. He looks at his students funny. I've gotten pretty close with Shizuka the nurse if that helps, we seem to have a lot in common".     

"I agree. I mean yes it does help, thanks Silvya" Kel thanked and Silvya smiled happily before the two continued with their meals.     

It didn't take long for Silvya and Kel to finish their meals and set of to school. Once there the two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.     

Upon reaching class, Kel found Tagaki sitting on his desk with her arms crossed.     

"Can I help you?" He asked with a raised brow but Tagaki simply hmphed.     

"I figured you didn't do your homework properly because you had to go to the police station so I brought you this to copy from, just hurry and finish before second period." Tagaki quickly explained before standing from his desk and walking away.     

'I didn't do it at all. What a strange little tsundere' Kel thought to himself before sitting down and copying the work in a few minutes.     

As usual, time began to fly with boring class after boring class. Kel spent his time feigning paying attention while Koji and Tagaki were the only two answering questions a teacher would ask.     

Finally it was time for physical education and the students began to leave but Kel remained seated on his desk in a relaxed manner.     

"How's your ankle?" Tagaki appeared from behind him with her arms crossed but before he could answer, Koji appeared.     

"Yea how is your ankle bro? I was looking forward to having a rematch with you." Koji asked in a concerned and friendly manner with a group of guys and girls behind him.     

"I should be fine to play by next week man, don't worry. We can even practice together, you're a really good player." Kel completed with a smile before the two gave each other fist bumps, leaving Tagaki very confused.     

"That's good to hear, we'll see you after work physic Ed." Koji replied before waving at Kel as he left the classroom.     

"So you two are best friends now?" Tagaki who was still beside Kel asked in an irritated tone but Kel shook his head.     

"I was just being friendly, I think he wants to use me to get close to you. He must like you very much and wants to ask you out." Kel announced while shrugging his shoulders.     

"Gross, I could never like that guy. You better not be telling him anything about me Kel." Tagaki stated in a threatening tone.     

"I may have told him you're good company, very helpful, mature and smart too. Sorry?" said Kel while trying to sound genuine.     

"You didn't know so it's fine, I blame him for trying to manipulate you. Just don't let it happen again...did you mean what you said?" Tagaki asked the last part in a low tone and turned to Kel.     

"Hmm, did I what?" Kel pretended to have not heard her and asked for confirmation but Tagaki simply frowned and left.     

"Nothing!" She stated angrily before exiting the classroom, leaving a smirking Kel.     

'Nothing indeed' Kel sighed before taking out his phone to pass the time.     

A few minutes later, Kel heard someone enter the classroom and raised his head to see, only to find it was a familiar face.     

'Rei Miyamoto...' he glanced at her and thought before lowering his head.     

"Uh, excuse me? Where is everyone?" After seeing no one but Kel inside the classroom, Rei turned to Kel and asked politely.     

"They're having a physical education class, but it should be ending soon. Are you new too?" Kel asked while feigning not knowing her at all.     

"Oh right, today is P.E. Oh and no, I'm not new... I was just away from school for a bit due to personal reasons." Rei replied in a saddened tone before glancing over at an empty desk.     

"I see, well I hope everything is alright now. My name Kel by the way." Kel quickly chose to end the conversation and turned back to his phone.     

"Thanks and my name is Rei." She replied in a neutral tone before heading towards a desk at the back of the classroom.     

A few minutes later, students began returning to the classroom. When this started, Rei stood from her seat and began looking at the door expectedly.     

"Hasashi..." She muttered as a blonde haired boy entered the classroom.     

The boy named Hasashi turned his attention to Rei and rushed over to hug her. Koji and his group soon walked in and followed Hasashi to talk to Rei.     

The class had become chatty until Tagaki walked in and got glared at by Rei. Tagaki simply frowned at her and hmphed before walking over to her desk, however Rei soon followed.     

"Are you so heartless that you can't even attend your own friend's search attempt!" Rei walked over to Tagaki's desk and shouted angrily.     

"And do what? The professionals are doing their best to find them and my father has spared no expense to help. Don't act like you're actually hurting. Before Takashi went missing you didn't even talk to him anymore, you're just guilty you abandoned him for Hasashi you...you rebound slut" Tagaki had stood from her desk and retorted.     

Rei went speechless at the remark and lowered her head as tears began to fall down her face. Hasashi quickly came over to hug her and turned to Tagaki to speak.     

"You went too far Takagi, No one cared for Takashi in this class more than Rei. I think you owe Rei an apology." Hasashi commented. Causing Tagaki to clench her fists and argue back.     

"How would you know Hasashi, you're supposed to be his best friend but you go behind his back to hang out with the girl he likes. So stupid! You're all just so stupid!" Tagaki shouted angrily while glaring at Hasashi who failed too now respond.     

"Wow, she really is heartless..."     

"Can't believe Takashi actually even talked to her..."     

"Maybe she knows something she's not telling us..."     

"She's just a spoiled brat with no real friends..."     

One after another, students began to mutter and whisper their opinions of Tagaki. Tagaki released her clenched fist and ran out of the classroom with tears running down her face.     

After leaving the classroom, Tagaki had arrived at a staircase that had a view of the school's front and continued to shed tears.     

Soon however she heard some footsteps come from behind her. She sniffed and turned around still very much upset.     

"What do you want!" She asked in an angry yet non dismissive tone.     

"Just checking on you, it got pretty intense back there" Kel stood by the staircase and responded in a casual manner.     

"You're new and don't know anything. So just go away... don't pretend like you care." Tagaki said in a low tone with her arms crossed before turning her back to Kel.     

"You're right, I'm new so I really don't care. But I can if you let me" Kel replied before turning to leave.     

"It's not true...." Tagaki muttered in a weak tone causing Kel to stop and walk back down the stairs until he leaned against a rail next to her. He said nothing and waited for her to speak again.     

"I also cared for Takashi and even Haruno, they were both annoying but at least they didn't judge me like everyone else." Takagi expressed and went silent.     

'Seems that's all she's willing to share' Kel thought to himself before turning his head and looking at the school front with Tagaki until she spoke again after some minutes had passed.     

"We should head back to class, we're already late" Tagaki wiped her tears and quickly turned to walking back up the stairs.     

"School is ending soon anyway...*sigh* Ideal students." Kel muttered before following her up the stairs.     

Edited by Magnus The Pansexual Femboy     



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