I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 114: Lessons Part 2

Chapter 114: Lessons Part 2

0Night had now fallen and many of the streets had become quiet and empty. Due to the recent missing people's cases, many people began to return home early so it wasn't strange for the streets to not have many people at that hour.     

Kel was among the few people still up and about at that hour. He had been patrolling the streets not only to get a better idea of the area but to also see if he'd be targeted. He knew the idea was a long shot but he had nothing to lose from trying.     

As he was approaching a corner, something caught his eye and caused him to stop in his tracks.     

'It's her, one of the main cast members....' Kel thought to himself as he directed his gaze at a purple haired girl in a school uniform.     

'I've been walking around for awhile but nothing so far...' The purple haired girl thought to herself as she approached a corner ahead.     

As soon as she turned the corner however, a pair of hands lunged at her and grabbed hold of her wrists. The hands belonged to a large poorly dressed man who was panting heavily and trying to disrobe her.     

'Got you.' The purple haired girl thought to herself and clenched her fists ready to act.     


However before she could do so, the attacker let out a pained grunt and released her before falling to the ground unconscious. The purple haired girl looked up to see a young man wearing the uniform of her school in a high kick stance.     

"Are you okay?" He asked her casually while looking at the unconscious man.     

"Yes, thank you...uh?" The purple haired girl expressed her thanks in a strange tone as if unhappy for being rescued.     

"Kel, my name is Kel"     

'Right thank you, had I not showed up you'd have beaten this guy to a bloody pulp or killed him. But I can't pass up the opportunity to meet one of main cast, makes this easier for when Day Z arrives' Kel thought to himself before giving the girl a nod.     

"You can just call me Saeko, thank you again for your help" The girl named Saeko expressed with a small smile as the cold night wind made her hair flutter softly against her face.     

After their introduction, Saeko and Arias left the man in the hands of a patrolling officer. The officer mentioned she needs to stop by the police station the next day to properly explain the circumstances along with Kel.     

After this he advised them both to quickly get home as it was dangerous to stay out too late. So Kel and Saeko would end up walking the dimly lit streets together as they went towards their homes.     

"You're not much of a talker." Saeko suddenly stated while still keeping her gaze forward.     

"Considering what just happened I assumed you wouldn't be in the talking mood." Kel bluntly and in a low tone. His answer however caused Saeko to show a small smile.     

"How considerate. To tell you the truth, I'm part of the Kendo club at school. I was never in any real danger, I was just waiting for a chance to free myself so I'm not overly affected by what just happened." Saeko explained with a small smile and Kel nodded.     

'Left out the part where you were baiting him but that's none of my business.' Kel thought to himself but simply smiled on the surface.     

"That explains why you're confident enough to go home alone. Seems I only got in your way then huh?" Kel asked in a friendly manner and Saeko let out a small laugh in response.     

"In a way yes, you did. From the way you took that guy out and the fact you're also walking alone... I'm guessing you're also confident in your skill?"     

Just like that the two continued to converse but they had to part ways.     

"Well this is where I turn. Thank you for the help and company." Saeko expressed with a small bow and turned to leave.     

"Not like you needed it but you're welcome, have a good night" Kel began to walk away and gave Saeko a wave.     

'That's two main cast members I've met now, doesn't seem like Koji has extended his influence yet. But why? Did he fail? or is he just waiting for Day Z so he can be a hero?...doesn't matter, it won't change his fate' Kel assessed as the moonlight shone upon his bright blue eyes.     

*ring* *ring*     

The sound of his phone buzzing brought Kel out of his thoughts, he quickly took out the phone and responded.     


"It's me Lord Kel, I've just gotten home but couldn't find you."     

"I'm almost there, I was just delayed for a bit. You sound worried."     

"Er...no I know Lord Kel can handle any threat here, I just wanted to know...what you'd like to eat..." Silvya replied in a none too convincing tone.     

"Are you on the menu?" Kel asked casually but could hear some rambling background noise from Silvya's end.     

"Huh...yes..wait no.. I mean...if that's what Lord Kel wants" Caught off guard by the question, Silvya mixed her words before answering in her usual tone.     

"I'll see you soon I'm almost there" Kel quickly said before cutting the call and letting out a sigh.     

"The longer I stay with her the more I appreciate her company. But I can't help but wonder if she really does all this out of duty or maybe she's genuinely just follows me..."     

"In terms of time in general, we've spent months together but... despite me trusting her to some extent, I can never shake the feeling she might just be following orders. After all gods consider mortals like me entertainment...In the end I can't fully trust anyone...unless..."     

Kel continued to quietly assess the situation thus far as he walked back to the home him and Silvya were living in.     

(edited by Kenshi)     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1.2k stones.     



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