I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 114: Lessons Part 1

Chapter 114: Lessons Part 1

0Kel was quietly walking through the halls of Fujima academy while deep in thought. As he walked his eyes wandered from place to place, taking in every detail he could about the school.     

'This should be the last floor I check...but...' Kel thought to himself before letting out a sigh.     

Kel carried on checking the floor but just as he did with the previous floors, he only observed while walking. After finishing up on the floor, he went to stand by a staircase that overlooked the front field of the school.     

'Seems I'm no longer being followed. Well not completely...' Kel pondered as his gaze shifted from the school gate to his wrist watch.     

"Missing class on your first day?"     

A feminine voice inquired out of nowhere. Kel simply retracted his gaze from his wrist watch and glanced up the staircase to see the source of the voice.     

'Did she really follow me for that long just to tell me that?' Kel thought to himself as the familiar pink haired girl descended the stairs before stopping about a meter away from him and crossing her arms.     

"Not really missing. I'm not formally a student till tomorrow, for today I was advised to just get my bearings...are you the class rep?" Kel feigned ignorance in knowing the girl and stated his reasoning honestly.     

"No, I'm not the class representative. My name is Saya Tagaki, the smartest person in our class,probably the whole school even" The girl proudly declared in a tone that carried arrogance but Kel expected as much and simply gave her a nod.     

"Nice to meet you?" Kel replied as if asking what relevance that information had to him.     

"Hmph..." The girl humphed and showed a frown before storming back up the stairs and leaving without uttering another word.     

'She seems more arrogant and stuck up than I remember. Doesn't seem like Koji has made any progress with her at least but I'm not sure about the other main cast members' Kel sighed and moved from the staircase.     

As he was walking through the halls heading back to his classroom, Kel came to a halt at a different class.     

"Hm?" He raised his brow in curiosity as he looked through the window and saw Silvya teaching.     

Inside Silvya showed a serious expression as she faced her class. On the board she had written sentences in English for the students to practice.     

"You can start" She instructed while pointing towards the board and the class began reading out aloud in unison.     

"There's more than one way to use butter..."     

"Good girls always swallow..."     

"May all loose women die horribly..."     

The class continued to read the words on the board aloud while Silvya showed a victorious smile.     

'Well that's...educationally accurate' Kel assessed and shrugged his shoulders before leaving.     

It didn't take long for him to reach his class after that. Class was already in progress when he arrived so Kel simply took his seat and focused his attention elsewhere.     

Most of the questions asked by the teacher were answered by Tagaki and or Koji. This continued on until Koji failed a question and Tagaki got it right. For a moment he looked really upset but soon returned to his normal expression.     

"Seems someone has a superiority complex..." Kel muttered while still focusing on a book he was writing in on his desk.     

"What?" Koji turned to him and asked with furrowed brows but Kel said nothing more.     

Koji could only sit back down with a frown on his face while Tagaki crossed her arms and showed a confident smirk.     

The rest of the class continued on rather uneventfully, Koji continued to answer questions while Tagaki had stopped and instead just watched while occasionally taking glances at Kel's desk to see what had him so engrossed in the book he had.     

This trend continued for the rest of the classes until the school day came to an end.     

"Hey Kel was it? Do you want to come with my group as we leave school? I'm sure you already know about the missing students, correct? It's safer to walk home in groups." Koji walked over to Kel's desk and kindly offered but Kel Immediately shook his head.     

"Thanks but no. I'll be alright" Kel responded and kept his words short before leaving the classroom.     

"You know it's pretty stupid to not go home with group?" As Kel was walking out of the classroom he met Tagaki who suddenly asked him the question.     

"Maybe, but I don't really care. See you tomorrow" Kel didn't bother stopping and only gave a quick response before raising his hand and giving a small wave.     

'He's hiding something' Tagaki narrowed her eyes towards Kel's walking figure and crossed her arms as she thought of his odd behavior.     

She soon stopped standing idly and decided to leave as well. She wasn't the only one who was curious about Kel as Koji appeared soon after she left.     

'Just who is that guy? I doubt the school had few capable students...the anime just focused on a specific group. It's why I've been marking down people with a sports background so I can have them in my group but him....just what is he hiding...and why does Tagaki seem interested...Tch' Koji showed a displeased face and slammed the door he was standing near.     

"Yo Koji? Is everything alright? We're about to get going." One of the boys from Koji's group called out to him and asked to which he showed a smile and nodded.     

"Sure thing, I was just worried about the new student you know?" Koji expressed with a smile before joining the group.     

Meanwhile Kel was casually walking out of the school whilst holding a phone to his ear.     

"Silvya, did you get the list I sent to you?" Kel asked in a low tone into the phone's mouthpiece.     

"Yes. Won't you be coming?"     

"No, I'm going to walk around the area for a while. Just to satisfy my curiosity about something. Let me know when you're done."     

Kel gave his reply and cut the call before leaving the school rounds.     

Edited by: MagnuS The Last Gender Bender and clickbait the full time shota     

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