I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 102: Revelation

Chapter 102: Revelation

0 A/N: 1st Bonus Chapter     

After Kel left, Serana was welcomed by the other members of the court. However her father seemed to only care for the scroll which led to an argument. In the end she just walked away and left him be.     

A day after Serana had properly settled in her home, she took out the letter that Kel had given her. She laid on her bed then opened it and began reading slowly.     

Just a few lines into the letter and Serana furrowed her brows. The letter talked about how she was a piece of some ancient prophecy her father was plotting on carrying out.     

At first Serana was extremely skeptical and even angry when reading this, until Kel began revealing information that he couldn't possibly know. Events that took place thousands of years ago. Things known only to her father and mother, accurately detailed like he was there.     

Serana found herself reading more intently and in the end, despite the accusation being strong. It carried equally strong evidence backing it up. Serana was left with no choice but to confront her father about the matter directly.     

"Where did you hear that my dear...." Harkon replied calmly when Serana stormed into his study and confronted him on the matter.     

"That doesn't matter father. I want you to explain all this and the truth!" Serana yelled causing her father to sigh and stand up.     

"Think about it Serana. A world where vampires can roam free without having to fear the sun! Such a world can be made possible by us Serana. You would be the reason such a thing came to be. An existence never to be forgotten! Our court would reign supreme for eternity. Don't let your mother's ideals cloud you of what's really important." Harkon faced Serana and declared proudly.     

"To think mother was right about you. Whatever your grand scheme is, I want no part of it. You can create your perfect world but I shall play no part in it." Serana declared before turning to leave.     

However the doors to study suddenly slammed shut. Serana stopped at the door and her eyes began to glow a crimson red.     

"I'm sorry dear but I can't allow you to do that. My duty to my kind comes before anything else" Harkon said in a low tone as Serana turned around slowly.     

"It was foolish of me to see it all these years...but that ends tonight!" Serana declared before charging at Harkon.     

The speed at which she reached him left him no time to react properly. He could only shield himself with his arms. However when Serana reached him her nails elongated and she swung her arm hard in his direction.     

This caused both of Harkon's forearms to be ripped off. He grit his teeth in pain, in absolute confusion at just how her daughter became this powerful.     

"Just ho-Argh!" Before Harkon could let out any words, Serana clawed at his neck and slit his throat.     

"Lord Harkon!" Distant yelling could be heard from afar which caused Serana to break out of her frenzy.     

She began to breath heavily and everything around her seemed to be slowly becoming faster as the glow in her eyes began to fade.     

She quickly turned her head to Harkon's desk and grabbed the Elder Scroll that was on it and escaped through the window.     

A moment later two shadowy figures appeared and asked what was happening. Harkon's throat soon healed and he spoke in an angry tone.     

"Capture Serana! Now!" Harkon's voice echoed through the castle alerting numerous vampires present.     

It didn't take long for them to begin pursuing Serana. They soon caught up to her as she wasn't fleeing quickly.     

"Lady Serana. You are to return with u-" The Vampire in front didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Serana held out her hand and choked the man telepathically.     

Her eyes began to glow once more and she hated her fangs before attacking in a frenzied state. The two vampires at the scene tried their best but were easily defeated and burned by her.     

"They're more...." she muttered to herself while looking back in the direction of the castle before continuing to flee.     

This time she didn't bother slowing down and raced through forests,plains and swamps without stopping. When she stumbled upon a small settlement, she quickly grabbed an unsuspecting young woman and brought her into the shadows.     

"Kel the Dragon Slayer, you will tell me where his home is" As Serana commanded this the woman's eyes turned blank.     

"The hero Kel lives in Whiterun Estate...numerous dragons can be seen flying above it" The girl answered in a dazed tone.     

The location of Kel's home was no secret as it stood out in the open not far from Whiterun. Serana was about to let the young lady go when she realized she was running low on energy. She seemed hesitant but furrowed her brows and sunk her teeth into the young woman.     

Almost immediately she pulled away and spat out the blood as it felt incredibly repulsive to her. The young lady fell to the ground and began moving around weakly. Serana didn't bother staying any longer and fled from the settlement.     

It took her a full day to arrive at Kel's Estate. However as soon as she stepped on the property, the dragons flying above began to roar.     

"Stand down!" Suddenly a loud voice reached Serana's ears but it was in a tongue foreign to her.     

When looking for the source, she saw Kel standing on a balcony up in his mansion. He gestured to come forward and she did just that although cautiously.     

Kel met her at the door as she was breathing heavily with her robes covered in blood. Serana noticed Kel looking at her robes but she shook her head.     

"It isn't my blood. I'm fine" she stated as she fixed her disheveled hair after which she glared at Kel sternly.     

"Come in" Kel offered but Serana remained where she was and spoke to Kel in a cautious tone.     

"Who or what are you?"     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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