I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 101: Secrets

Chapter 101: Secrets

0After Serana fell unconscious, Kel laid her to rest on a makeshift bed. She remained unconscious for almost an entire day before finally awakening just as the sun was setting.     

"Ugh...." She slowly got up and touched her head while squinting her eyes.     

"Easy there...are you okay?" Kel walked over next to her and held her steady. She looked towards him and nodded.     

But as she faced him, her eyes fell on his neck before she got flashbacks of what happened before she passed out. A surge of power, losing control, a feeling like no other and then darkness.     

"Serana!" Kel's voice reached her and she shook her head slightly confused.     

"Huh?" She looked at him a bit confused and then looked around the cave they were still in.     

"You just zoned out for a moment there." Kel pointed as Serana rubbed her forehead.     

"I'm fine, just a headache" She replied and Kel simply nodded.     

"Vampire hang over, understood" Clearly not wanting to talk about the subject further, Kel decided to quickly shift the mood with a light joke.     

Serana narrowed her eyes at him but she did seem more relaxed than before.     

"Are you feeling well enough to go?" Kel asked Serana who then quickly looked at her own body.     

'I feel...incredible...and my heart...I could've sworn I felt it beat when...' Serana quickly shook off the train of thoughts that she was beginning to have and nodded her head.     

"Yes I'm well enough to go on. Thank you for asking beloved." Serana teased as she lifted the hood to her cloak and began walking towards the exit.     

Serana and Kel travelled during the night and avoided places with people. During travel they kept conversation light with a little teasing and sarcasm here and there.     

"Hold on." Serana suddenly instructed Kel.     

"Don't tell me it's another one of your admirers" Kel asked while readying a fire spell.     

"You know my heart beats only for you my beloved. Now come this way" Serana replied whilst Kel followed.     

"Your heart doesn't even beat...." he muttered as they approached a small isolated settlement.     

"See, over there." Serana pointed towards a field that had cows and sheep.     

"Already hungry?" Kel's question caused Serana to give him a threatening look before she advanced to the field at a frightening speed.     

Serana appeared in front of one of the isolated cows and looked into its eyes. A moment later the cow's eyes became pitch black. Kel remained where he was and just observed from afar.     

Serana then proceeded to sink her teeth into the cow but almost immediately pulled away and spat out the blood.     

'That felt repulsive...I couldn't even bare it' Serana thought to herself while wiping her mouth.     

She then proceeded to take bite after bite from different cows but the result was the same. She then moved to the sheep and decided to test something.     

She made a slight incision using her sharp nail and let the blood flow. She took in the scent of the blood and then showed a disgusted look.     

'It's also giving off that repulsive feeling. I never had this problem before' Serana thought to herself before leaving.     

"You kept moving from animal to animal are you sure you won't get a hangover again?" Kel asked curiously and Serana nodded.     

"I'll be fine for a while, let's continue." Serana answered before the two continued the journey.     

Despite Serana being fine with it, Kel suggested they not travel during the day. During this time they would come out in a cave or a bandit fort that they cleared.     

"Are all bandits this filthy? It reeks of alcohol in here. I think I prefer caves". Serana pointed out as her and Kel walked around the halls of a bandit fort they had just cleared.     

"Well what did you expect? Was it different during your time?" Kel turned to her and asked but she simply glared at him.     

"Are you implying I'm old?" She asked while narrowing her eyes.     

"Not sure what qualifies as old for vampires. Should it even matter since you're immortal?" Kel replied with a question of his own.     

"I'm not having this conversation with you Kel. I'm going to rest now so if you'd excuse me." Before Kel could respond, Serana turned into a bat and flew away.     

"Guess I'll get some rest as well"     

This routine would continue for a day longer until they finally arrived at the northern coast of Skyrim.     

"My home isn't far from here" Serana pointed out as they walked through a misty and snowy forest.     

"Before we get there. I need you to have this." Kel reached into his pocket and brought out a small journal.     

"What's this? Is this a confession beloved?" Serana showed a smirk while Kel sighed and shook his head.     

"Only read this when you're alone and don't show it to anyone else. What you choose to do after reading this is up to you." Kel seriously instructed causing Serana to look at the journal with a complex expression.     

She wanted to inquire more but Kel gestured they move on. It didn't take long for them to reach a dark and gloomy castle. Before they could cross the bridge leading to it, a Vampire appeared. Serana was welcomed with respect and Kel as a guest according to her.     

Inside the castle's main hall, a gathering of vampire's could be seen. At the center of the hall was the Lord of the Court Harkon who turned to Serana and Kel immediately.     

"Welcome back Serana my dear, Do you have it?" Lord Harkon quickly inquired.     

"All this time Father and the only thing you care to ask about is the scroll. Yes I have it" Serana answered with her arms crossed.     

"Of course I missed you my dear, the scroll is just of great importance. I wish your mother was here to see this reunion before I put her head on a pike!" Lord Harkon replied before turning his attention to Kel.     

"That's the man who freed me and brought me here. His name is Kel" Serana introduced Kel quickly and turned back to her father.     

"Oh, I know full well who he is. Kel the Dragon Slayer. Almost the entirety of Skyrim has heard of his endeavors, including my court." Serana then gave Kel an odd look to which he just slightly shrugged.     

Lord Harkon proceeded to offer to make Kel a true vampire as a reward for saving his one and only daughter but Kel refused without hesitation. Harkon proceeded to tell him that he'd spare him this one time but the next time he encounters someone from his court, he'll be prey.     

"If you feel you're stronger than dragons and daedra lords then you're welcome to come face me anytime." Kel replied not the slightest bit intimidated by Harkon's words.     

Instead it was Kel's words that made some vampires present in the hall look at each other oddly. After he said these words, Kel gave Serana a wave and said goodbye. She nodded at this gesture and reciprocated with a small wave     

(edited by KenshiRyiz)     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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