I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 103: Unexpected Guest

Chapter 103: Unexpected Guest

0A/N: 2nd Bonus Chapter     

"Who or what are you?"     

Kel paused for a minute before turning towards her and acting normal.     

"The same way you have secrets. I have mine" Kel replied honestly but Serana was unwilling to accept that answer.     

"The things you know, the only possible answer is that you've met my mother before or my father told you which I find very hard to believe." Serana replied but Kel didn't seem anymore willing to reveal anything.     

"Like I said, I have my secrets and you have yours. I gave you that letter for my own selfish reasons. I don't want Harkon and his new "accomplice" to succeed in making Skyrim a dominion for vampires. Does that make things clearer?" Kel's answer wasn't something Serana was expecting which made her angry.     

Her eyes turned blood crimson and she extended her arm towards Kel.     

"You will tell me everything." She ordered but Kel did no such thing.     

"Stand down." Suddenly Serana fell to her knees, but Kel was still simply walking away. Instead Serana turned her gaze to the stairs where Silvya stood with her hand extended out to her.     

"If you want to stay hidden from Harkon and reunite with your mother I can help you but don't expect any answers from me. Or you can join Harkon in his quest but I assure you the end won't be pretty. If you choose to stay, Silvya will show you around. If not she'll escort you out so that the dragons don't rip you apart." With those parting words, Kel left the area and went to his quarters.     

Silvya walked down to Serana with a serious expression on her face. To Serana, this person wasn't the same simple minded Silvya she was a few days ago.     

"Whatever your choice, if you try anything against Lord Kel...I will end you." Silvya's eyes began to glow along with her staff and Serana could feel her bones creak.     

"I didn't plan on hurting him...I just wanted answers" Serana answered clearly and didn't seem to mind the pain.     

"You're not lying..." She muttered as the glow in her eyes faded.     

"I'll go make some treats then, you must be tired from your journey." Silvya spoke in her usual tone before rushing towards the kitchen but before falling over her own dress. This left Serana completely dumbfounded.     

After showing her to her quarters, Silvya left her to her devices and went towards her quarters.     

Serana had no need to sleep and stayed awake contemplating her situation. Questioning whether staying with Kel was the right choice or not. But in the end she concluded it was the smartest option for someone who was being hunted as badly as she was.     

Meanwhile in Kel's room.     

"Release me you heretic! You dare house an undead in my presence...the longer you hold me the more gruesome ways I think of to make you suffer. Do you hear me?" A voice complained coming from a sword next to Kel's bed.     

"Yes I hear you loud and clear. Sadly." Kel replied as he got a wet cloth and walked over to it.     

He picked it up and examined it from different angles before sitting on the edge of his bed and placing it on his lap. Without wasting time he began wiping the sword. Dawnbreaker had no blood stains as it could absorb any blood that touched, rather he was just wiping it to annoy the Daedric prince within.     

"Y-you! How dare you! Release me at once! Ahh stop this at once! This is beneath me! I'm warning you for the last time.....Grrr" Numerous curse words and all forms of angry noises escaped from the sword but Kel continued wiping it with a smile on his face.     

"There all done." Kel held up the sword and admired his handiwork with a smile on his face but Meridia didn't share this sentiment.     

"....Never did I think it possible to despise someone so but know you have done so!" Surprisingly to Kel, Meridia still had enough energy to insult Kel.     

"Right well goodnight to you too" Kel replied and wrapped the sword in a grey cloth and put it away.     

Meanwhile in Serana's room as she just stared at the art decorating her walls, her eyes suddenly gave off a glow.     

"A new scent...and it's malicious" Serana muttered under her breath before rushing out of the room.     

She followed her senses and quickly arrived in one of the halls upstairs. The source was a hooded figure, however this figure was mounted to the wall by jagged pieces of ice. In front of him was Silvya who had already begun an interrogation.     

"Who are you?" She asked while tapping her chin. She asked in her usual tone which made her come off as harmless and airheaded.     

This made the figure turn his head away, Silvya's demeanor suddenly took a turn and she tapped her staff causing the jagged pieces of ice that impaled the man to grow. The healing spell she kept activated ensured no accidents occurred.     

"You will answer her" Serana walked over to her and commanded the figure.     

"He is an assassin from the dark brotherhood, that much is clear. What I want to know is who sent him." Kel also appeared on the scene while stretching his arms out.     

"You heard him" Serana commanded and the figure soon spoke.     

"We aren't told who's behind the contracts. I just carry them out when given one" the figure answered in a dazed tone.     

"That leaves only one option. The location of your base" Kel asked and the figure instantly answered.     

'As expected, it's not the exact same place as in the game.' Kel thought to himself before nodding to Serana who then stopped using the spell.     

"Silvya, get rid of him and go get ready. We're going to pay the brotherhood a visit." Kel said while turning to walk away.     

"I'm coming too. My abilities may come in handy" Serana suddenly said as she walked up to Kel.     

"Aren't you drained from escaping?" Kel responded with a raised brow.     

"Yes I am. In exchange for my help, I want some of your blood...." Serana requested to which Kel didn't answer immediately.     

"... I don't see why not. So if I want your help with Harkon all I need is to give you some of my blood?" Kel asked with his arms crossed.     

"Yes, I'll help so long as you keep me from my father and help me find my mother as well." Serana replied to which Kel nodded.     

"We have a deal."     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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