I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 95: The Aftermath

Chapter 95: The Aftermath

0Some days would pass since the battle of Windhelm came to an end. In that time news of Ulfric's defeat spread across Skyrim.     

It was also stated that General Tullius had fallen in battle and Legate Rikke had assumed temporary command of Skyrim's imperial legion.     

She didn't delay in going after and either capturing or killing the stormcloak rebels that were still alive and scattered across Skyrim. Her biggest target however was Yorgen who was nowhere to be seen.     

Later on, a memorial service was held to honor all the fallen soldiers and people of the civil war. 5 days after the memorial service celebrations were held in all the holds.     

In Solitude, many of Skyrim's most important figures had gathered, including the newly appointed Jarls to celebrate at the blue palace.     

The halls were bustling with people mingling and drinking. However two important faces were missing from the party. Jarl Elisif and Kel.     

Meanwhile in the palace gardens...     

"It's finally over...I cannot thank you enough Kel" said Elisif in a gentle tone.     

"You don't need to, we had a deal and I was simply doing my part." Kel answered honestly and bluntly causing Elisif to smile.     

"Yes, yes of course. When...would you like our wedding to be held?" Asked Elisif in a slow manner.     

"I think it's best we delay the wedding for some months, Skyrim is still in turmoil and many are still recovering from the effects of the civil war and dragons. It wouldn't look good if you were to marry me right away..." Kel replied while shaking his head towards Elisif.     

"Oh, I suppose you're right..." Elisif agreed with some hesitation as she didn't fully understand but nonetheless agreed.     

'She's so naive and gullible...well at least she agreed to what I've said' Kel thought to himself for a moment as Elisif had gone silent.     

"You do know many people are going to try and take advantage of you and influence your decisions now that General Tullius is gone right?" Kel asked in a blunt and straight tone.     

"I was never meant to rule...what can I possibly do?" Elisif replied with her down in a tone carrying sadness.     

"Here" Kel reached for his pouch and removed a small journal and handed it to Elisif.     

"This..." Upon opening it, Elisif's eyes grew wide and she looked at Kel with a look of surprise.     

"Just some advice to help you be a better ruler" Kel commented before standing up.     

"I'm still not sure if I can do this...maybe with your help? You're both feared and respected Kel". Pleaded Elisif with a look of worry.     

"That may be the case but I won't always be around. You need to stop relying on others. What makes you so sure I won't use you if given the chance? Become your own leader Elisif. The people of Skyrim deserve better than some puppet being their high Queen don't you think? If you can't do even that then it's better you relinquish the throne". Kel gave his answer before leaving the gardens     

Elisif was left skimming through the journal while Kel had returned to the palace and rejoined Silvya. A little while later, Elisif also entered the hall and went to take a seat on her throne while many applauded although the majority not being sincere.     

"I thank you all for coming here to celebrate the end to the civil war that has plagued us for so long. While I have your attention, I'd also like to announce that my wedding has been postponed. Both my fiancé and I would like to focus on stabilizing things in Skyrim before anything else. I hope to cooperate with the Jarls and business owners during this process. Thank you" Elisif spoke before nodding her head and going silent.     

Many just clapped and nodded their heads as what she just said did seem like one of the better ways to go about things. Except one.     

"This is preposterous! With General Tullius dead your agreement with Kel should be nullified my Queen. No one will force you to marry him anymore!" Erikur voiced out in anger.     

"You seem to misunderstand something Thane Erikur. Marrying Kel is my decision, who I chose to give myself to has nothing to do with you. As for him being worthy to rule beside me...it was already decided that should anything happen to me, then my husband to be would become Jarl of Solitude, provided he defeated Ulfric"     

"This decision being approved by myself and General Tullius as well as an ambassador from Cyrodil. Kel has proven his capabilities and the legion is in full support of this decision. Is there anything else you'd like to share Thane Erikur?" Asked Elisif in a calm yet firm manner. Unbeknownst to many, as she held her hands behind her back, they trembled furiously.     

"N-no my Queen, forgive me." Erikur said while gritting his teeth.     

Not too far from him, Maven Black Briar, the newly appointed Jarl of Riften wore a frown on her face upon hearing Jarl Elisif's words.     

'This problem needs to be resolved' She thought to herself before turning to Erikur who walked towards a balcony.     

'He'll do nicely...'     

E/N: congrats to my boy stone sorry for the late birthday     

A/N: I have a test in 45 minutes and still managed to drop a short quick chapter. If I don't see stones and reviews, you best believe I'm taking a break to focus on school alone     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



Edited by: Rawaz the bullied editor     

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