I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 93: SpeedRunning the Civil War

Chapter 93: SpeedRunning the Civil War

0After Kel explained what had happened when he went to see Maven Black Briar, Lokir advised him to be careful just in case. If any information regarding her plotting against him turned up, Lokir wouldn't hesitate to inform him.     

"Don't worry, Maven can be handled fairly easily." Kel calmed Lokir's worries with his words.     

Aela has started to grow to trust him to the extent that Lydia did. If Kel said he could do it, they couldn't help but believe him as he was yet to let them down this far.     

Once it was night time, Mjoll came to say her goodbyes. She would be leaving with a large group of caravans for safer travel hence her hurried departure.     

A day later, a courier delivered a letter to Kel. This letter was to inform him that the imperial troops had arrived and made camp in the rift.     

Kel quickly informed the others of this and they began preparing to set off.     

"Well, it was nice having company while it lasted. At least now I can invite over some escorts" laughed Lokir before getting glared at by the women.     

"I'll be sure to visit Riften again. There's much of the City I'm yet to see." Said Kel while showing a grin     

Once preparations were done, Lokir escorted the group to the main gate. Once there he wished them luck and bid them farewell.     

Kel, Lydia, Aela and Silvya travelled to the camp by foot as it was less attention drawing. Though from the looks of things, the stormcloak troops in the Rift seemed very relaxed.     

The group arrived at the imperial camp in the afternoon. Once there, Legate Rikke immediately informed Kel her soldiers were ready, despite not even hearing his plan. The previous battle had left a very big impression on Legate Rikke and her soldiers.     

"That's good...where's Hadvar?" Asked Kel a bit surprised by her complete shift in attitude.     

"I'm not too sure, General Tullius called for him but didn't state why..." Answered Legate Rikke in an inside tone.     

"So it's like that...good. Get your best archers ready to assault. Once we take out the enemy's archers on the wall, give your men the signal to charge the fort. Your archers will provide support from the rear." Instructed Kel hurriedly as he turned to the direction of Fort Greenwall.     

Once Legate Rikke had her men ready, they began to move out. This time around they'd be attacking during the day so coming as a large group at once would give them away.     

Kel and his group would sneak in and take out the few soldiers lurking outside without alerting the majority inside the Fort.     

Aela and Lydia got into sniping positions while Silvya cast a cloaking spell to allow herself and Kel to get close.     

"Now..." Kel whispered to Silvya in a low tone before she nodded and removed the cloaking spell.     

The soldiers nearest to the pair had their eyes grow wide open in shock but before they could respond, they found their bodies had been pierced by large icicles.     

Looking back at the pair that just appeared before them, they could see the woman's eyes glowing an icy blue as she extended her arm in their direction. She closed her hand into a fist and the many icicles burst while still in the soldier's bodies.     

A soldier on lookout soon saw this and tried to alert the other soldiers. However the second he looked to be in panic, an arrow shot through his throat. The soldier gargled on his own blood as he slowly fell to the ground.     

Silvya and Kel had gone in opposite directions to take out soldiers. Kel avoided using his shout to avoid alerting the soldiers of his presence. He instead took advantage of the fact that only he and Silvya were attacking within the hall and decided to use his power to control time.     

In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers on his side suddenly had their throats slit before they fell to the ground. After deactivating the ability, Kel felt his body grow fatigued.     

After Silvya finished on her end she rushed back to his side. Aside from looking tired, Kel stood and reacted the same way he would normally.     

"Give the signal..." he said to Silvya before walking away from the fort.     

Once the signal was given, Legate rallied her soldiers and began to charge at the Fort. Kel however looked to the sky and showed a smirk.     

'They should be about done...' he thought to himself as Lydia and Aela came back to his side and asked if everything was going fine.     

Unbeknownst to everyone except Silvya and General Tullius, as Legate was taking Fort Greenwall, Sahloknir And Nahagliiv were attacking Fort Kostov and Fort Amol.     

By the time Legate was given the signal to charge and attack Fort Greenwall, Fort Kostov and Fort Amol had already been left in ruin with not a single living soul in sight.     

Kel had told this plan to General Tullius as soon as they came to an agreement. To be safe he didn't even inform his second in command while the Jarl was also in the dark about the plan.     

This plan however heavily depended on discretion. The letter to Legate Rikke only told her that they'd be using dragons as a surprise hence they never spread word of how they won Fort Dunstad.     

Many, including Ulfric simply assumed General Tullius just spared a lot of troops for the attack. Without any survivors to confirm this for him, Ulfric could only guess this was the reason.     

He didn't care much for this as he too had his own ace. With help from the runaway companions and some of Ulfric's best men, Yorgen had managed to kill Alduin. After doing so, he managed to bring a good number of dragons under his control. Being fully confident that they could defeat any threat they encountered.     

Ulfric was currently planning to take over Solitude in one fell swoop. But his plan to do this would not come into fruition.     

General Tullius had long since gathered an army hidden all around windhelm. Although small in number, they were hopeful that the element of surprise would give them enough of an advantage as they waited for Kel.     

Once the sun began to set, the General gave the order to attack as per planned. He was risking a lot on Kel's plan but he had full confidence in its success.     

Back at Fort Greenwall, Sahloknir and Nahagliiv had come to take Silyva, Kel, Aela and Lydia. Legate Rikke was still in the dark about what was happening and her men were celebrating their victory, not knowing a gigantic battle had already begun in Windhelm.     

As Kel took to the skies, Sahloknir and Nahagliiv flew beside each other. Soon loud roars began to be heard from all sides as dragon after dragon began to appear near the group. This at first caused Aela and Lydia to be worried but seeing Kel relaxed calmed their worries.     

"My Thane! What's going on?" yelled Lydia towards Kel. He turned to her and showed a smile before responding.     

"Tonight....the war ends."     

Edited by: MagnuS the gay progenitor , Rawaz lolicon enthusiast and Cookie the underage pervert     

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