I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 79: Whiterun Dilemma

Chapter 79: Whiterun Dilemma

0Edited by: Chaos the Mudae Addict, MagnuS the Bisexual and Rawaz the lolicon     

The next morning the entire group woke up early. Kel was the last to wake up and found Lydia and Silvya already preparing a meal.     

"...when did you girls hunt? It's still very early," asked Kel as he yawned and left his tent.     

"Well Aela felt bad for cursing you nonstop yesterday so she woke up early and hunted down a deer for you because it's your favorite. Then I volunteered to skin it while Silvya said she'd cook," answered Lydia as she began packing up some of their equipment.     

"I see, where's Aela then?" asked Kel as he stood upright and stretched his body.     

"She went to take a bath, she was hunting after all," replied Silvya as she slowly roasted the meat.     

Kel didn't ask further about the matter and simply waited for the meal to get ready. Lydia continued to pack their things so they could leave immediately after eating. Once Aela came back, they did just that.     

"...How is it?" asked Aela without turning to face Kel.     

"It tastes really good," answered Kel as he bit off more from his piece.     

"You shouldn't flirt with women anyhow, you may send the wrong message," stated Aela without turning to face Kel again.     

Kel simply nodded and continued to eat his meal avoiding the awkward conversation Aela was trying to begin. The meal ended relatively quick and the group soon set off for Solitude.     

This time around they rode as fast as they could to make it before nightfall. The roads leading there were relatively safe during the day as many were patrolled by imperial soldiers.     

"My Thane, who do you support in this civil war if you don't mind me asking?" asked Lydia as they bypassed some patrolling imperial soldiers.     

Skyrim was currently having a civil war between the imperials and the Stormcloaks. Skyrim was one of the provinces the emperor ruled over, so when the Stormcloaks led by a man called Ulfric Stormcloak sought to take over, the empire responded by sending a man called General Tullius and troops to fight them.     

Solitude is where the imperial headquarters were stationed whereas the stormcloaks were stationed in windhlem. The city Ulfric was Jarl of.     

The high king of Skyrim resided in Solitude and could be said to be the head of all jarls of Skyrim. Ulfric killed the former High king, instigating the war in the process.     

Currently Skyrim had no High King. Solitude was ruled by the former King's young wife...Elisif the fair. Who now served as Solitude's Jarl.     

A/N: If you see something that doesn't add up just remember....AU.     

(Editor note: he definitely hasn't milked that excuse dry yet).     

However, many of the decisions were made by her Thanes, her steward and General Tullius. She was a kind and elegant women who many saw unfit for the position. Many even called her a puppet ruler. But as she had the Empire's support via General Tullius, her position was guaranteed to stay.     

"I don't really have a preference on sides, whichever would benefit me most I suppose." Answered Kel without hesitation.     

'Like many of Skyrim's quests the civil war quest is just you being a glorified lackey. Once whichever side you chose win, you get some title but zero real rewards. Not sure how things would work here...' Kel thought to himself as they got closer to Solitude.     

"I hate the imperials decision to ban the worship of Talos just because of those pesky high elves from the Aldmeri dominion," voiced Aela in an irritated tone.     

"I also have no preference," answered Silvya when Aela turned to her.     

"Well sooner or later we may be called up in it," stated Lydia while sighing.     

Kel nodded at her words before changing the topic. The group ended up arriving not too late in the evening. After they left their horses at the stables, they finally entered the City of Solitude.     

No one in the group had any immediate things they wanted to do so they decided to rent rooms at an inn called The Winking Skeever.     

It was much larger than the Bannered Mare and far more well decorated. This meant a larger fee to pay for rooms but that was no issue for Kel's group. Not surprisingly, the place was low on rooms so they could only book two.     

Kel would share with Silvya which didn't change anything really while Lydia and Aela would share their room. This put both in a bit of a sour mood but that soon changed as they settled down for drinks and a hot freshly cooked meal.     

"Finally, we've been traveling almost non stop. Feels wonderful to finally sit down and have some ale," said Aela in a satisfied manner.     

"On that we can agree, despite all the strange people in Solitude, it's food is beyond top class," added Lydia as she enjoyed the many assorted meals on their table.     

"Do you think Hadvar is in the city?" asked Kel as Silvya poured him some Ale.     

After doing so, Silvya hurriedly walked to the counter to get some more drinks, her bouncing chest bringing many to utter silence. Even the inns very own bard.     

"Oie bard! I paid for a song!" yelled one of patrons.     

"Oh right sorry, where was I. *ahem* Believe, Believe the Dragonborn comes, with a breast wielding power *ahem* I mean chest... wait no With a voice wielding power...."     

(Editor note: for some reason I always listened to that song during long trips).     

The bard got tongue tied and began from scratch while Silvya returned to her group's table.     

"Here you go Lord Kel," she said politely before taking a seat near Kel.     

"Are those real or did you enlarge them with magic?" asked a perplexed Aela.     

Silvya shook her head while Kel put his bottle down and began to ponder seriously.     

'There's magic for that?....' he thought to himself as his mind began to ponder just how extensive magic was in this World.     

"Something on your mind my Thane?" asked Lydia in a curious tone.     

"No...just making some future plans is all. I think it's time I retire for the night, the journey has me craving sleep," replied Kel before standing from his seat.     

Silvya of course chose to follow while Lydia and Aela decided to enjoy the quality food to the fullest.     

Inside Kel and Silvya's room, Kel sat on the bed while Silvya summoned her staff.     

"Anything of interest happening or progress made?" asked Kel while looking at Silvya.     

"You've made progress and are up to 28% before you gain another alteration. But more importantly, Yorgen joined the stormcloaks and attacked Whiterun yesterday...he is it's current acting Jarl...level 24," said Silvya before waiting to hear Kel's input.     

"Does It say how they managed to take over Whiterun?" he asked in a serious tone.     

"A dragon, Yorgen controlled one dragon that helped in the attack. Jarl Balgruuf surrendered so he couldn't lose any more soldiers and fighters. He and the survivors are heading towards Solitude," answered Silvya in a quick clear tone.     

"I see, we'll wait for Jarl balgruuf to arrive then. If we're going to drive him out of Whiterun, I might as well do it in the way that yields most benefits. For now let's get some rest."     

"Tomorrow, we might need to pay Yorgen a visit."     

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