I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 78: Oh Divines

Chapter 78: Oh Divines

0Edited by: Rawaz the lolicon and Magnus the gay     

After the female hunter finished speaking to Kel, she dragged her husband along and left the scene. The man could only glare at Kel as he was forced to leave.     

"They're gone. I think I'm going to head back to the camp before someone really steals my clothes." Said Kel while facing the rocks that hid Lydia and Aela.     

"You're probably just rushing to that wenche's camp. You're just another womanizer!" Cursed Aela from behind the rocks.     

"It's not like I told the woman to try and seduce me, besides I was only trying to be friendly." replied Kel with a smile on his face.     

After Kel said this, he quickly dressed up and decided to leave and head back towards the camp.     

'They both have such tempting bodies, I better go now before I experience some cliche misunderstanding. As Kel left, Aela remained with Lydia. Still cursing his actions.     

"You say he's seen your naked body but had never tried to make a move on you? Or even try to order you to serve him? I've heard some Thanes abuse their power in that manner when they think a houscarl will do anything they ask." asked Aela as she and Lydia began to bath in the river.     

"No, like I told you before. He respects me as I respect him, he treats me like a respected companion and not some servant. I can understand why Silvya willingly enjoys being his servant if she is that in the first place." Replied Lydia while sighing.     

"So he's not the worst out there, doesn't make him any less of an honorless womanizer. I've seen adventurers like him many times, they try to woo women by acting like gentlemen but in reality they are just wench loving womanizers." Voiced Aela while shaking her head.     

"Well you're free to think what you want about him, I doubt he really cares about anything negative you have to say. But remember, you lost your freedom to him fair and square but he shrugged it off like it was nothing. The least you could do is stop cursing him everytime you hear his name like some unhappy wife." Lydia said in a serious tone making Aela go quiet.     

'I don't believe he doesn't have ulterior motives....' Aela thought to herself but didn't respond to Lydia's advise.     

Meanwhile, Kel soon arrived at their camp and found Silvya polishing his weapon.     

"Aren't you going to get some rest Silvya?" asked Kel as he arrived onto the scene.     

"I will after Lydia and Aela come back, I'm not tired yet." Replied Silvya with a smile on her face.     

"Well alright. I'm going to check on a camp not too far from here. We encountered some pretty interesting hunters from there." stated Kel before leaving the camp.     

It didn't take him long to spot another campfire after he walked for a few minutes. Kel wandered into the camp and looked around himself for any signs of the two hunters he had encountered.     

"You must have a death wish lad!"     

Yelled out a male voice all of the sudden. Kel quickly turned to find the male hunter rushing towards him with an axe. Kel didn't panic and allowed the man ever closer before dodging his strike and countering with a punch aimed at his face.     

Kel's fist came in clean contact with the man's face and sent him flying backwards. The man only stopped when he forcefully hit a tree before falling to the ground unconscious.     

"Che! I knew I shouldn't have left you alone Igor!"     

The female hunter soon arrived at the scene and found her husband knocked down. After checking to see if he was alive she turned to Kel and shook her head.     

"Sorry about that, if it weren't for the sake of our children I'd kill this cheating bastard myself. Give me a moment". She said before turning away from Kel.     

She went into a nearby tent and came back inside out with some rope. She then skillfully tied her own husband down before dusting off her hands in satisfaction and turning back to Kel.     

"There, that should stop him from acting up while you're still here. Let's not beat around the bush. I'm tired of always being the one cheated, I too crave to be touched. If you're interested we can skip the formalities and get right to it". Spoke the woman in a confident voice.     

'Nord women really don't beat around the bush...' thought Kel before deciding to answer.     

Rather than answer with words, Kel simply dropped his pants and revealed his throbbing hard cock, the woman showed a sly smile before taking off her clothes as well.     

The two soon embraced each other and began fucking wildly in the open for what seemed like hours. It didn't take long for the unconscious man to wake up to a disturbing sight.     

"Yes! Yes! I want your seed all over my body!" Yelled the man's wife as she got pounded by Kel from behind.     

The man had woken up just in time for the climax. Kel gripped the woman's asscheek and pulled out in the last second before cumming all over her back and ass.     

"You bastard! How dare you! I'll kill you this day or my name isn't Igor Ironheart! Melda? How could you?" Yelled the man in pure anger.     

Kel ignored his threats and soon dressed up after the man's wife slowly cleaned off Kel's cock, making sure her cheating husband witnessed it clearly.     

"You think I don't know about all your little whores? The only reason I haven't left your sorry excuse for a Nord is our children. As far as I'm concerned you're only my husband in name".     

Stated the woman as she stood up, not bothering to clean the cum off her body.     

"Well...I think I should be going Melda. Thank you for the...uh meal". Said Kel as he prepared to leave.     

"No thank you for making me feel like a woman again. You're always welcome inside me." Replied Melda with a smile.     

"Don't you dare leave lad! I'll kill you! I'll find you!"     

The man continued to yell in Kel's direction as he left the camp ignoring the man's threats.     

"Oh shush Igor...I'm not done with you yet."     

The woman said suddenly in an angry tone. She left the man's side and went into the tent nearby for a moment before coming out with a mammothstusk. She coated it's tip in honey before turning towards her helpless husband with a sly smile on her face.     

"W-wait Melda, w-what do you plan to do with that..."     

"Melda please...think about this...I love you, I'll change please Melda I'll change...Melda! Stop!"     

Meanwhile, Kel arrived back at his camp and found Lydia and Silvya chatting while Aela was roasting a rabbit.     

"Welcome back Lord Kel."     

"Welcome back my Thane."     

"Womanizers are better off dead." Muttered Aela as she glared at Kel.     

"What makes you think I'm a womanizer?" Asked Kel in a curious tone.     

"I'm not a child, it's obvious that you went to fool around with woman over at their camp..." Answered Aela not hiding her dislike for the female hunter.     

"Sorry to disappoint you but there was no fooling around, she's married remember? We only had a long 'meal' before praying to the divines for safety during our journeys...."     

Kel replied in a confident and straight manner, but everyone doubted his words greatly, especially Aela. But then all of a sudden they heard a loud cry of a man.     

"Oh divines! Help me! I'll change!"     

"Talos! Mara! Akatosh! Anyone!"     

Then followed the shouts of a woman.     

"Divines! I thank you for the hunt that gifted me this fine ivory tusk!"     

Lydia, Silvya and Aela all had confused looks on their faces as they looked at Kel who simply shrugged.     

"I'm surprised to find you all think so little of me, I suppose I'll just go to sleep. You wouldn't want a womanizer near you after all."     

Kel spoke feigning a disappointed look as he went to his tent, leaving them instead feeling guilty for thinking wrongly.     

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