I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 70: Fort Greymoor 2

Chapter 70: Fort Greymoor 2

0Upon entering inside the Fort, Kel, Lydia and Silvya could already hear the voices of others. The interior was dimly lit but still visible enough.     

Kel gestured Lydia and Silvya to head in different directions. Kel took the upper levels, where the bandit leader could usually be found, while Silvya and Lydia took care of the ground and dungeon floors where prisoners were kept.     

A/N: it's not the same interior setup as in game.     

Upon climbing the stairs, Kel could already hear a shout come from the lower floors.     

"Intruders!! Intruders!!"     


A patrolling bandit had stumbled upon Lydia and Silvya who weren't exactly the most stealthy. An arrow from Silvya however quickly put the bandits alert to rest.     

"No surprise attack then."     

Kel muttered while unsheathing his sword, not caring for any noise he made. The bandits who had heard the earlier warning quickly rushed out of the rooms they were in.     

"Do you have a death wish!!"     

A bandit yelled as he ran towards Kel with a large war hammer. Before the hairy bandit could land a hit, Kel held the hammer in place with one hand and kicked the man in the gut, bringing him to his knees.     

"Gah! Why you..."     

The angered bandit wanted to voice his anger but when he looked up, Kel was wielding the man's very hammer in full swing. Before the man could speak any other words, Kel swang the hammer and hit him on the side of the head, sending him flying to the wall in bloody mess.     

"Who's next?"     

Kel looked at the now hesitant bandits while casually twirling the heavy war hammer in his fingers.     

"N-no way, I surrender."     

"M-me too".     

Two of three remaining bandits got on their knees and surrendered, while the last tried to make a run for it but.     


Kel threw the warhammer at the man's leg, instantly breaking it. The bandit yelled but Kel casually walked over and the broke the other leg.     

"Gah!...divines why!!!"     

The slim bandit roared as he began to cry from the pain. Kel then turned to remaining two and spoke while twirling his hammer.     

"I don't have any rope so..."     

*crack!*x 4     

The synchronized cries of grown men filled the halls of the fort, as Kel left the three bandits who surrendered and continued onward. On the his way met two more bandits which he easily disposed off before facing the bandit leader.     

"W-who sent you here! Whatever they're paying you I'll double it. If it's the prisoners you're after g-get them, we haven't touched them I swear, we just wanted ransom money."     

Kel, looked at the bandit leader with an odd look before speaking.     

"You have until I count to 5 to leave".     

The bandit's eyes grew wide as he bolted past Kel. Kel sighed and picked up a bow and arrow before starting the count.     


Kel muttered before firing an arrow right into the bandit leader's leg. The bandit leader screamed and tried to keep crawling but.     


Kel stabbed a greatsword he picked off the ground into the man's back, pinning him to the floor before leaving. As he left, he stumbled across a kitchen with an old lady without weapons. Despite the clear screams and sounds of fighting that filled the halls of the fort, the old lady continued to clean casually.     

"Hmph! Another group has come to take over, hopefully they aren't as sloppy."     

The old woman then turned to Kel and spoke in an irritated tone.     

"Don't go thinking you can kick me out, I come with the Fort. If you're here to take it over then hurry up, I'll start preparing lunch soon. You can call me Agnis. I'm this fort's maid".     

Just like in game, Agnis was an old lady who served as the Fort's maid. Never leaving despite who or what came to take over the Fort. Be it orcs, vampires, bandits or the like, she'd still remain acting as the maid.     

"I'm just passing through."     

Kel already knew of her and carried on walking. Back near the entrance, he found Lydia and Silvya with some people in rags.     

"These are people we found locked down in the dungeon."     

Lydia spoke looking Kel while crossing her arms. Kel nodded and turned towards the prisoners before speaking.     

"We've cleared the bandits here so you're free to leave. But depending on where you're from, it's not safe to travel with vampire attacks becoming more frequent and dragons about. Go to Whiterun and tell them what happened here and that Kel The Dragon Slayer freed you. You're free to the gold and loot, you'll need it."     

"Lydia, Silvya, we're done here. Let's go."     

Lydia and Silvya nodded at Kel's words before following him outside. While outside Lydia showed Kel a smile and spoke.     

"The more I see you do, the more honored I am to be your Housecarl my Thane. Giving up the gold to help them is quite the kindness you've shown to those poor people."     

Kel showed Lydia a faint smile and nodded.     

"They need it more than I do..."     

'...is a lie, but I'll need them to sing the highest praises about me so what's a few bandit septims. Also having Lydia trust me a bit more is an added plus. Because despite her loyalty, she does have her morals.'     

The group soon got onto their horses and continued heading towards Rorikstead.     

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