I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 68: Destination Rorikstead

Chapter 68: Destination Rorikstead

0Later the same day at night, while most had gone to sleep, Kel and Silvya were up discussing some changes.     

"How many wishes do I have and which category do they fall under Silvya?"     

Silvya paused for a before her staff appeared in front of her.     

"You have 9 total. 4 under the physical body alteration, 3 under non physical body alterations and 2 under world alteration."     

Kel went gave Silvya a puzzled look before asking.     

"I know physical and non physical altercations but what about world?"     

Silvya held her staff between her large breasts before explaining.     

"World altercation wishes are only earned with each world you physically visit. They allow you to make drastic changes to that world. You only get one per physical world you visit."     

Kel sighed and shook his head before speaking once more.     

"I can think of a few uses for such but that'll depend on the future. Just how vast are the categories for wishes I can earn?"     

Silvya put her finger on her chin and began to ponder.     

"I'm not sure, they're just given at random once the requirements are met".     

Kel rested his chin on his hand as he looked at Silvya.     

"This is why I never wanted to ask, it just leads to question after question."     

Silvya beamed a smile before speaking proudly.     

"It is my duty as your guide to hold all unnecessary knowledge for you Kel-sama. I can also provide you news of events occurring around the current world and information regarding your target."     

Kel narrowed his eyes at Silvya and spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.     

"How come this is the first I'm hearing of this?"     

"You never asked..."     

Silvya spoke as she nervously fiddled with her staff between her breasts.     

'I suppose I really should have asked'.     

"Alright then, Tell me the major things that determine how I earn wishes using a reincarnator".     

Silvya stopped fiddling and spoke quickly and clearly, unlike her usual clumsy self, whenever performing her duty she'd be completely serious.     

"Each reincarnator has different statistics that make up who they are, lowering or increasing those statistics determines how close you are to receiving a wish as a reward."     

Understanding what she meant, Kel continued on.     

"Alright now we're getting somewhere. What are Yorgen's?"     

Silvya closed her eyes for a moment before answering.     

"He cares about the public view, making sure he has a negative one will contribute to earning a wish".     

"As you already know Humiliation, suffering, torture, pain and the like contribute majorly".     

"He is currently reached level 10 and has a negative public view due to his name currently Yorgen TrollFucker. In percentage you're 18% closer to getting a wish."     

Kel shook his head before finally speaking.     

"Just inform me of events and let me know when I've earned a wish."     

"Alright Kel-sama."     

Silvya tapped her staff and it vanished. She then remained standing awkwardly infront of Kel.     

"Take a seat Silvya, I know just where to begin in ruining Yorgen's reputation...well even further."     

Silvya nodded at Kel's words and suddenly sat on his lap, her large breasts where quick to completely bury his face. He freed his face before giving her and odd stare, Silvya averted her gaze and didn't dare look him directly in the eye.     

"As I was saying. Starting tomorrow, we hunt and tame dragons. Those that don't want to be tamed will add on to my achievements, those that do get tamed will be put to very...good use."     

"While doing so, we also have to perform as many reputation building deeds as possible. I doubt Yorgen will like the thought of being in my shadow that much so that should push even him to work harder. If he doesn't actively work hard to reach level 81....well that's where dragon warfare comes in."     

Silvya didn't speak but kept nodding at Kel's words.     

"Alright we better get some rest now, we"ll start off in the morning when Lokir is setting off."     

Early the next morning, Kel and the others all got geared up and ready to leave.     

"Silvya? Are you almost done setting up that spell?"     

"Almost Lord Kel".     

Silvya responded from another room within the house. Lokir finished loading his satchel and walked over to Kel.     

"What's the purpose of the spell?"     

Kel smiled as he turned towards the exit.     

"Whichever thief tries to break in will have to deal with some frost atronachs."     

A/N: basically an ice elemental creature with a humanoid shape.     

Lokir shuddered upon hearing that name.     

"Back when I was in a small group of thieves, we came across a wizard who summoned one of the damn things...only reason I survived is because his summoning vanished, probably used up his magicka. I wasn't about to stick around and ask."     

Lydia who had just finished polishing her sword also nodded.     

"Wise choice, if you aren't wearing a strong piece of armor, those things can kill you in one hit".     

Soon Silvya was finished and the group exited the house and began leaving. After exiting the main gate and draw bridge, they began descending the hilly path from Whiterun heading towards the stables.     

"Wow, seems they're a lot of people traveling alongside the Dawnguard troops".     

Lokir commented as they saw many carriages and horses near the stables packed with people.     

"I'm not surprised, I heard a lot of people delayed their journeys just so they could travel in a larger group, Seems the dragons and vampires have everyone on edge."     

Lydia quickly commented as the group stopped by the stables. After purchasing a horse for everyone, they were ready to set off.     

"Well then, this is goodbye till we meet again. Divines guide you."     

Lokir quickly said his goodbyes with a smile. The others waved back and also prepared to leave as they were going in different locations.     

"Right. I leave Riften in your hands."     

Lokir nodded and prepared to join the group of carriages but remembered something and quickly shouted.     

"By the way, once you reach Rorikstead, tell my cousin Elma I'll visit when I get the chance."     

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