I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 56: The Key

Chapter 56: The Key

0After leaving the room they were from looting, Kel, Lokir and Silvya proceeded into the passage Kel directed. They continued walking through the corridors and they soon reached a small room. Before they got too close, Kel crouched and gestured the others to do the same.     

"What's wrong? Another camp?"     

Lokir asking in a low tone as he got closer to Kel. Kel shook his head and looked in the direction of the small room. Inside the small room was a single bandit.     

"I'm pretty sure that swine went through here, now where's the lever for the gate...ah here we go"     

The bandit wore a victorious smile and activated the lever that supposedly opened the path to proceed. But rather than the small gate opening. A barrage of needles flooded the room. The bandit died almost instantly. Lokir seeing this gulped and turned to Kel.     

"You know how to get through...right"     

Meanwhile in the another passage.     

"You can't ran anymore huh?"     

Yorgen spoke to the female bandit who now laid on the floor holding her leg.     

"Tch. What now? You kill me and claim a bounty? Well go ahead, I've never been one to fear death!"     

Yorgen pointed his sword towards victoriously while laughing.     

"Well how about this...if you become my servant, then I'll spare your lif-"     

Before Yorgen could finish speaking, the bandit burst out into laughter.     

"Haha! Me? Serve a weakling like you? Haha, You aren't even worthy of killing me."     

Yorgen furrowed his brows and grit his teeth as he got closer to the bandit.     

"Don't forget, you're at my mercy. You don't have a choice in the matter. There's no one around here. If I w-want your body then I can have it."     

The bandit's smile faded brought out a dagger and put it to her neck.     

"Finally showing your true intentions huh? Had you been stronger I may have accepted but you? Heh what a joke. *slash!*"     

Before Yorgen could properly react, the bandit woman slit her throat and fell to the ground. It didn't take long for all life to leave her body.     

"Dammit! I better just loot her and head back...wait...her body is still warm. *Gulp* no one's around so who'll know?...Yeah I killed her I deserve to claim my reward..."     

Back in the different passage, Kel had managed to get the others through the small room. Silvya was still having many thoughts racing through her head whereas Lokir was asking Kel questions.     

"Wait? It's that easy to get through those traps? I feel like an idiot for not realizing that sooner. *sigh*"     

Kel shrugged slightly as he replied.     

"You just have to keep an eye out in dungeons and you'll be fine."     

The trio went onward through the corridors and soon they the cane across some spiral stairs heading towards the lower floors. Kel lead the descent down the stairs, knowing what to expect. Lokir was more worried and Silvya remained quiet throughout.     

Suddenly, Kel unsheathed his sword as they got closer to the bottom which had Lokir curious. Before he could ask though. A small group of large rat like creatures approached them. They were about the size a common dog and looked exactly much like rats.     


Lokir yelled out in a panicked tone and unsheathed his bow as well, but Kel had made quick work of the attackers already.     

"Don't worry, they're only dangerous in large numbers, I don't think they're any more but stay alert."     

Lokir nodded as he began to sheathe his bow.     

"You don't have to tell me twice. These things made my life as a young thief a living hell. *bam*"     

Lokir kicked one of the dead skeevers before proceeding on. But not too far ahead. The group encountered a large wounded Frostbite spider.     

"Of course there's more things that want to kill me, why am I even surprised anymore...*sigh*"     

Lokir sighed before unsheathing his bow. But before he could strike. Two daggers shot through the large Frostbite spider's head. Both Kel and Lokir turned to the source which was Silvya.     

"Nice shot. Lokir prepare another arrow and shoot when I give the signal."     

Silvya has a slight smile appear on her face while Lokir was confused. Before he could ask however, Kel walked towards the end of the room where the passage was blocked by webs.     

"Help! Over Here!"     

As Kel got closer, he spotted a figure trapped inside the webs. He smirked before walking closer to the man.     

"Thank the divines, you managed to slay that thing. My name is Arvel, I escaped from a group bandits after me and sought refuge here but they follo-*ack*"     

As the man named Arvel was speaking, Kel had already given Lokir the signal to shoot. Lokir didn't hesitate and had shot an arrow right through Arvel's neck.     

Kel then unsheathed his sword and cut through the webs before searching Arvels lifeless body. Lokir approached as he did so and spoke in a curious tone.     

"How come you killed this guy right off bat? He must be of some value if bandits are after him right?"     

Kel nodded before standing up while holding a strange item in his hands.     

"Precisely, they were after this thing. The Golden Claw."     

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