I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 74: Return

Chapter 74: Return

0Once night fell upon the group, they had already set up a camp and a fire. Silvya had already began roasting the deer Kel had managed to catch. After setting it up, Silvya left to go take a bath by a nearby river. Kel remained to watch over the meat while Lydia stayed Incase of anything aswell.     

"...are you going to just watch the meat roast until it's ready my Thane". asked Lydia in a curious tone.     

"I've got nothing better to do..." replied Kel while shrugging.     

"You should also go take bath and I'll watch the the camp, then when you're back I can do the same." Suggested in Lydia in a cheeky tone.     

Kel showed her a raised brow and a smile before agreeing and leaving the camp. He had gone to a different spot a little further from where Silvya was.     

'I really miss the simpler times already. No dragon's, Sketchy powerful beings, girl's who stab me then get kinky or bathing in rivers. Just me and Charlie's mother...' Kel sighed as he washed his body in the cold open.     

'Though...Silvya is really starting to grow on me and Mordred is just plain adorable....'     

Kel continued to ponder as he carried on bathing. After finishing he took another deep sigh while looking at the sky.     

'Goodbye to the simpler times...'     

On his way back to the camp, Kel found Silvya crouching alone near a tree, petting a little rabbit. He chose to stay hidden and just looked at her curiously.     

"Hey there little friend, are you lost? I know the feeling, I was lost too. But I was found by a really kind woman. I was still alone like you...but now I have Lord Kel...he doesn't treat me badly for being clumsy or slow. I just hope I don't disappoint him..." a smiling Silvya confessed.     

'...Sounds like she's had it rough.' Thought Kel while looking at silently.     

"Silvya? What are you doing over there?" Kel feigned just arriving as he called out to Silvya who was slightly startled.     

"Oh...Uh....I was talking to a rabbit..." said Silvya with her head lowered, fearing Kel had heard her.     

"You don't have to be embarrassed about wanting to pee on a tree, it's perfectly normal when camping." Kel sighed feigning ignorance.     

"N-No! Lord Kel I wasn't doing that...there was really a rabbit...it just hopped away..." said Silvya in a low tone with her head still lowered.     

"Hopping? I'm not sure what that means, can you show me?" Asked Kel while tapping his chin in thought.     

"Hopping is when the rabbit goes... Hop... *boing*... Hop...*boing*....Hop...*boing*" Silvya demonstrated while holding her hands out like a rabbit.     

"I think see it now".     

Kel answered while showing a small smirk on his face, Silvya hopped a few more times before realizing what Kel was focusing on was completely something else.     

"Lord Kel...you knew what hopping meant from the start" said an even more embarrassed Silvya     

"Yes but I couldn't resist, you looked adorable doing it, come on, let's head back to camp and eat".     

A short while later, Kel and Silvya arrived back at the camp. They found Lydia had dozed off leaning against her sword. Kel walked over to her and shook her shoulder, ending her little nap.     

"Huh? Oh...Welcome back, are you both feeling better?" Asked a slightly drowsy Lydia.     

"I'm feeling hungry, mind telling me where the meat went?" Asked Kel with narrowed brows.     

"...."Lydia looked at fire and saw nothing on it, looking closer one could see the tracks of a wild animal.     

"That's it...I'm going wolf hunting..." Kel announced grabbing a sword and walking.     

Just their like that their night came to an end. The next day the group set off back to Whiterun, after arriving around sunset, they left their horses at the Whiterun stables and continued on foot up the hilly road to the city.     

"Haha! Back again from a Dragon Slaying Adventure eh Kel?" Asked a guard at the main gate in a happy tone.     

"What makes you ask?" replied Kel in a friendly tone.     

"Hah, News travels fast. Your escapades are all people talk about lately. Just recently a group of companions tried to confront a dragon that was circling near the farms outside Whiterun."     

"But they failed horribly, we lost a good few fields because of that. Anyway you'll see for yourself" Another guard quickly explained before opening the gate for Kel, Silvya and Lydia.     

Once inside the city, Silvya went to sell off the many wolf pelts Kel had...acquired and also hand over ingredients to Arcadia. Meanwhile Lydia and Kel went to the bannered mare for a drink and quick meal.     

"Well look who we have here! A real dragon slayer has come!! Haha" one of the patrons shouted as Kel walked in.     

Soon many gazes turned to him. Some raised their tankards towards him while some cheered him on. Lydia left his side to order some food and drinks while Kel found an empty table and began conversing with the other patrons about his tales.     

".....in the end, one dragon died while the other gave up. Dragon's aren't difficult to kill if you know what you're doing." said Kel while his shoulders.     

"Well then the companions definitely did something wrong, Haha! I was on guard duty that day. One of the lads had his clothes completely burned off while the others looked battered and beaten." Announced a patron not too far from Kel.     

"I'd to see you say that to my face...." voices and angry feminine voice.     

The once smiling patron had his smile completely disappear as Aela appeared in the inn, not the least bit amused by what she heard.     

"You can sit there and laugh all you want but we companions feel no shame in losing a battle to fierce opponent, we take out loses with our heads up high."     

"You think you can laugh at companions when you're just a guard who does nothing but stand all day. Whenever there's danger, we do the real defending while you all fall like flies."     

"It's why I've worked so hard in life, my ma always did say that if I didn't I would end up being a useless ant that could be stepped on like a mat by anyone who felt like it. In other words I'd become a Whiterun Guard!" Aela quickly spoke before turning.     

The once laughing patron held his head down and didn't dare reply, while another in a guards uniform shook his head.     

"I'd like to just be clear and say I only chose to be a guard because I took an arrow to the knee...."     

Aela ignored the comment and walked towards Kel's table. She stopped near a few inches away and looked at him with her arms crossed.     

".... I can't win our bet..."     

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