I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 88: Battle For Fort Dunstad

Chapter 88: Battle For Fort Dunstad

0"Tonight! Are you Mad!" voiced Legate Rikke in an angry tone.     

"Uh Kel? You know I trust your skill and all...but that fort is heavily guarded. It's the Pale hold's main point of defense. We can't rush in any how..." whispered Hadvar as he leaned in close to Kel.     

Kel didn't respond but instead handed over the letter he got from General Tullius over to Legate Rikke.     

"And what's that!?" she asked still very angry from what Kel had said.     

"It's a letter from General Tullius. Read it for yourself" said Kel not bothered at all by her outburst.     

After reading it, Legate Rikke found that Kel had been given full command of the attack on Fort Dunstad. General Tullius was taking on a gamble to see if Kel's approach could really work.     

Fort Dunstad would work as the testing ground. If they successfully managed to take it over then Kel would be given command of the other attacks. General Tullius took the gamble as he knew the presence of a dragon all but guaranteed their victory when it came to the forts.     

The letter General Tullius gave Kel carried both his seal and Jarl Elisifs. Not following its instructions would be akin to treason.     

Legate Rikke grit her teeth and looked at Kel with a hateful look.     

"This plan of yours will risk the lives of many! I ask you to reconsider" she suggested still in complete disagreement against the idea.     

"If you're worried about your men, then don't attack. Simple as that. Lydia, Aela, go get into position and prepare to take out the archers on the wall. Just like we planned" Kel answered Legate Rikke before giving instructions to Lydia and Aela.     

Lydia and Aela both got their bows ready and stealthily went towards the fort. Using the darkness of the night and the dense forestry to their advantage.     

"Kel, the Legate may be stubborn but trust me she means well and she makes her plan to ensure we get the least casualties..." Hadvar spoke while facing Kel.     

"I understand her reasoning and yours but if I fully had to explain my plan we'd be here a while and even then who knows if she'll agree. I'm not asking her to put her men at risk. Even with my group alone. Fort Dunstad will be cleared" answered Kel before walking away with Silvya.     

Once Lydia and Aela got into position, they took aim and waited for the right opportunity. As soon as the wind became favorable they fired their shots, both hitting their targets.     

This alerted the remaining soldiers on the wall and they looked towards the forest. But before they could yell out and alert the others. Kel stepped out of the dense forestry and looked towards the fort with his sword drawn.     

"Sahloknir!" He shouted before he charged towards the Fort.     

Aela and Lydia covered his charge taking out multiple archers who tried to take aim for him. Silvya joined in and fired large icicles from the distance. These icicles forced many of the soldiers on the way to jump down because even as they shattered on impact, they'd fire out even smaller icicles that could still prove dangerous.     

Three soldiers decided to attack Kel head on as they charged out of the fort and came towards him with their weapons drawn.     

The one leading the charge was the first to fall as an arrow from behind Kel shot right into the man's head. The other two had helmets on so they continued their charge despite seeing their comrade fall.     

Kel also didn't reduce in speed and continued to charge at them. When he got close, he suddenly slid on his knees and attacked with his sword, aiming for one of the men's legs as they had the least armor.     

With a quick slash, Kel's sword went through the man's leg, making him fall to the ground in pain. The other soldier quickly turned and tried to strike Kel down while he was still crouching. However Kel turned his head towards the man just as he was about to do so.     

"Fus Roh Dah!"     

Kel shouted from up close and sent the man up into the air. Silvya took that as an opportunity and fired multiple icicles that pierced the man's body mid air, instantly ending his life.     

It didn't take long for the commotion to alert all the troops inside the Fort. Many rushed out while others rushed on to the wall. But just as they did so a loud roar echoed in the skies. Too focused on the battle below, they didn't notice a large dragon approaching the Fort in the sky.     

All soon turned their gazes to it with worried expressions. Before they could properly react however it attacked with a mighty frost shout, causing those close to it to feel as if ice was being injected into their veins.     

"Drago-arck!" a soldier tried to yell out but was silenced by getting an icicle to the throat from the distance.     

It was with that attack that they remembered their attackers on the ground. The soldiers charging on the ground turned their attention back to Kel and gripped their weapons tightly, but almost immediately their chests were pierced by arrows from behind him.     

Those that remained faced the fury of Kel's shout and had their bodies launched against the wall. The battle had now become to look difficult for the stormcloak troops but it only got worse.     

Without warning another roar echoed from the skies as another dragon descended and began breathing fire on it's targets. Not having the time to prepare arrows to attack, the archers were either burned to a crisp or frozen solid before their bodies were shattered.     

Those brave enough to charge at the dragons head on were met by their enormous teeth that pierced their armor and flesh. Once eaten by a dragon, it only took one bite to fully crush the victims bones and squeezed the blood from their bodies. Dragons weren't picky eaters and could eat almost anything. Armor made no difference.     

The scene now turned into a complete massacre. From defending the Fort the stormcloak soldiers changed to trying to flee from it.     

Those that did try to flee were either scooped up by one of the dragons or shot at by Lydia and Aela. Soon all the soldiers outside were dead.     

As for those who took refuge inside the Fort, Nahagliiv landed on the highest point of the Fort and aimed its mouth at an open window. Sahloknir did the same but at ground level. Then simultaneously the two dragons unleashed flames inside the fort.     

The bricks of the fort could even be seen glowing red hot the longer the two dragons did this. The fire didn't spread completely to all areas of the Fort as it was too large. But it did make the entire inside burning hot.     

Those caught by the flames that died instantly were lucky. While those who hid in areas the flames couldn't reach had their blood begin to boil and skin start to burn off. The atmosphere inside the fort had become completely corrosive.     

Soon the dragons pulled away from the building as much more heat would cause the building to completely fall apart.     

All the while Hadvar, Legate Rikke and her troops watched the massacre unfold in disbelief. Lydia and Aela came from their positions and so did Silvya before joining Kel who stood not too far in front of the Fort.     

"That's one Fort down. Three to go"     

(A/N: These aren't your normal Skyrim dragons that got killed by farmers. These are realistic dragons that can burn down entire cities. As usual enjoy the chapter and show support by giving stones and leaving a review. Remember the goal is a mass release on Friday)     

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Read ahead on Pat.re.on with advance chapters increasing in number everyday     

Edited by: Rawaz and MagnuS     

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