I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 146: A New World, A New Beginning.

Chapter 146: A New World, A New Beginning.

0Inside one of the many castle halls, Kel and the others where gathered around a large dinning table filled with an array of different and exotic looking foods.     

Kel at the largest and most exquisite looking seat with Lilith at his far opposite while Silyva and Mordred sat on the sides, opposite of each other.     

"Cheers! To Master finally returning!" Mordred yelled out as she raised a tankard high up with a grin on her face.     

Silyva did the same with her glass of water but more slowly as she seemed somewhat confused. Whereas Lilith raised her glass sophisticatedly and tilted it slightly.     

"About that..., I plan on leaving after the meal." Kel said hesitantly before all glances shifted to him.     

"But you practically just got back!" Mordred protested while showing a displeased frown but Kel simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders.     

"She's right, there's no rush Kel. Take time to rest and enjoy yourself." Lilith added in a slight tone of concern while Silyva nodded at her words.     

"I just can't relax whenever I'm here. I keep remembering what I need to do and feel like I'm wasting time. When I'm in other worlds, my mind is at the very least kept busy and I know I'm one step closer to finishing the duty assigned to me." Kel explained in a casual tone while neatly cutting the meat on the plate in front of him.     

Although he spoke casually, Kel's words basically conveyed how being away from the city was his way of adjusting to his current situation quicker and better. Lilith was the first to understand this and gave Kel a nod with a smile on her face.     

"I understand, I hope you'll be able to spend more time here as it grows alongside you. How about we toast to that? To growth and prosperity for Kel and his Divine City?" Lilith expressed in an understanding almost motherly tone while raising a cup towards Kel.     

"To Master" Mordred sighed before showing a grin and raising her tankard once again towards Kel. Silyva quickly followed suit with her glass of water and a small smile on her face.     

"Thanks for the well wishes, I appreciate it." Kel replied before raising his own cup with a smile on his face.     

"Serana is still in slumber but how come Meridia isn't here?" Kel proceeded to ask this after placing his glass down.     

"She said she wanted to rest." Silyva quickly answered to which Kel raised a brow for moment but didn't ask further.     

"A shame, this place does get lonely. The point of a city is to fill it as you wish you know Kel?" Lilith inquired while raising a brow at Kel.     

"Just seems like it would become problematic very quickly, among other things." Kel sighed at the idea but Lilith remained persistent.     

"Let me rephrase that, you never know when having useful and strong allies or friends may come in handy. All I ask is if you consider it. Anyway I should be leaving, I too have duties I must see to." Lilith announced before snapping her fingers and vanishing entirely from the room.     

"Hmm, I suppose I'll roam around the lower world for more heretics." Mordred sighed as he chugged the remaining alcohol in her tankard before raising her sword and putting it over her shoulder.     

"Try not to wreck havoc whilst you're down there. Silyva, we might as well start of as well." Kel stated in his regular manner before standing from the table as well. Silyva quickly followed suit and walked over to his side as they turned and were ready to start heading towards the throne room.     

"Good luck Master, I expect more stories of blood and glory when you return." Mordred reminded Kel with a bright smile on her face before waving as she walked away.     

After giving their brief farewells, Kel and Silyva made their way towards the throne room.     

"Shall I fetch Meridia Lord Kel?" As they were walking, Silyva turned her head to Kel and asked but he shook his head while still smiling.     

"Just me and you this time around, show me what options we have this time around." Kel quickly replied while shaking his head before instructing Silyva to display what world options were around.     

A large semi transparent screen appeared in front of Kel as he still walked with his hands in his pockets while reading through. After a short while, he asked Silyva to short list the ones she felt he could make the most gains.     

[ Option 1: MHA. Reincarnator is a teenage otaku who died and got the opportunity to reincarnate into MHA. He chose reincarnate as the son to all might who becomes one of the worlds most dangerous super villains. He enjoys trying to play the part of an evil villain and wishes to conquer the world and live with a large harem. ]     

"I've seen worse I suppose. Next" Kel sighed and stated before another option appeared.     

[ Option 2. Kuroinu. Reincarnator chose to...]     

"No. Next."     

Kel was quick to reply before moving on to the next option and then the next, and then the next. Saying Silyva's list was special was an understatement.     

"I didn't even know people could have Hello Kitty fetishes....*sigh* next." Kel sighed and muttered ready to see another obsurd option.     

[ Option 54:.....]     

"Now this, I can do. Silyva, open the portal. It's time to fight angels in kinky outfits."     



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