I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 92: Unwilling

Chapter 92: Unwilling

0The next morning, Lokir gets a visitor to his home early in the morning. Upon opening the door he found that the visitor was a goon who worked for the black briars.     

As a member of the thieves guild, Lokir has had his fair share of encounters and deals with the black briars so he immediately recognized the goon at his front door.     

"What do you want here? I don't remember the guild having any arrangements with you boss," said Lokir in a clearly displeased tone.     

"The boss just told me to deliver this letter to your guest named Kel. What she wants has nothing to do with me, I'm just the messenger" the goon said while shrugging before handing Lokir the letter he had.     

Lokir took the letter to Kel who was seated in the dining area with the women. Upon telling him who their guest is and more especially his reason for coming, Kel showed a small smile while Lydia and Aela didn't like the very idea of it.     

"I say you ignore her my Thane, it's best not to get involved with the black briars..." Lydia warned with her brows furrowed.     

"From what I've heard about them I also agree with not getting involved," added Aela while shaking her head.     

"It's rare for Maven herself to write a letter asking for someone's presence. I'd advise seeing what she wants...just in case" Lokir's addition on the matter made Aela and Lydia look at the letter with furrowed brows.     

"I agree. I might as well see what she wants." Kel made his decision before standing up.     

Silvya of course tried to follow but he asked her to remain as well. Lokir then lead him outside to the goon who was waiting to lead him to the black briar's manor.     

On the way to the manor, the goon warned Kel to be careful when speaking to Maven. Kel simply remained quiet and made no comment.     

Upon arriving at the manor the first thing he noticed was the large number of guards present there. They didn't wear a uniform like Riften's guards but instead looked more like hired criminals.     

Seeing the new face approaching the manor, they all stood alert and gave him a murderous gaze. Kel remained unfazed and smirked at black briars scare tactics.     

The purpose was clearly to intimidate any visitors who stepped foot on their property that they weren't to be messed with.     

After reaching the front door, another goon takes over and leads Kel inside. The manor was as luxurious as they came, not surprising for one of Skyrim's most wealthy families.     

Kel was lead to Maven's office upstairs where she sat by her desk waiting for him. The goon was quick to excuse himself and left Kel with Maven in the room. Not waiting for her to speak, Kel took a seat and made himself comfortable.     

"I never gave you permission to take a seat" she said in a displeased tone.     

"And I never asked. Can we skip the pleasantries and just get down to business? I'm sure you're a busy woman" Kel replied in an uncaring tone.     

"Hmph! Well the task I have for you is quite simple. The first is to dispose of a nosey Nord woman who goes by the name Mjoll. She's been getting rather annoying as of late..."     

"For the other I need you to use your dragon or whatever it is you do to take out an opposing meadry. I don't care about the method, as long as both seem like accidents. Do this and you'll have a friend once you marry Elisif. Don't and who knows" she said in a blunt tone. Kel couldn't help but burst into laughter.     

"I think this is the first time since I've come to Skyrim that someone has threatened me so straightly. My answer is simple. I refuse." Kel answered without hesitation.     

"I advise you not to grow big headed just because you're set to marry that naive woman Elisif. Unlike her, I posses real Influence and power. Being my enemy would be a very bad choice" she stated slowly while narrowing her eyes at Kel.     

"Why? Because having some connection to the dark brotherhood and thieves guild makes you feel like you own Skyrim? Then listen to me carefully Maven, you also don't want to be my enemy..."     

"Your power and threats mean nothing to me, get on my bad side and I will humiliate you so hard that you'll take your own life. You're welcome to try whatever schemes you want, but I guarantee it won't end well for you or your family." Kel declared before standing from his seat and leaving.     

As he opened the door, a goon tried to stop him by holding his shoulder. Kel gripped the man's arm and twisted it at an unnatural angle making him yell out in pain.     

This of course attracted more but Kel used the shout "Ice Form" to freeze every single person who approached him solid.     

After returning to Lokir's home, Kel found Mjoll had come to visit. Her first action was asking why Maven asked to see him. He then explained it was because of her. This of course made Mjoll very angry.     

"It's best you leave Riften and go somewhere safe." Advised Kel after explaining the situation to her.     

"I refuse to run away! If she wants me dead then I'm getting close to exposing her for what she truly is" Argued Mjoll while shaking her head.     

"You may be confident in taking her on, but what about Aerin? He may be in danger. You also can't always be awake, the dark brotherhood can also deal with you during this time."     

"Maven has Riften in her pocket, even if you expose her schemes she won't be held accountable I guarantee you that. You'd just be throwing your life away." Kel's words make Mjoll calm down and assess the situation.     

"Then What safe place is there if she's determined to have me dead?" Asked Mjoll while crossing her arms.     

"You can go to Whiterun and stay with the companions. You'd be safe there. Just tell Kodlak that I directed you there," offered Aela with a smile on her face.     

Mjoll thanked Aela before leaving Lokir's home to inform Aerin of her departure. Meanwhile the others turned to Kel curious about what else Maven wanted from him.     

Edited by: Rawaz the lolicon fapper, Cookie the prostitute     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday or Join Discord to get the see the next chapter earlier . You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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