Chapter 302: Huo Li & Core (2/3) [R-18]

Chapter 302: Huo Li & Core (2/3) [R-18]

0While his hands were slowly trailing through the cold silky skin of her legs. It was really special, because the more he trailed, the more she seemed to tremble.     

She was just like a little prey, at the hands of her hunter. The only difference was that this little prey wanted her hunter to have a taste of her.     

Tianlong Yun took one hand back, to her soft squishy left pillow while he sucking and teasing the right one with his lips and tongue.     

The other hand though trailed along the inner side of her leg and arrived at her wet secret garden. All this time she didn't know why but the fluid was coming out of her secret cave.     

Tianlong Yun slowly trailed through her secret garden, taking his time enjoying the feeling of her cold fluids.     

While Huo Li couldn't hold it anymore and started releasing some low moans, she felt really lewd and ashamed of herself.     

Huo Li:" Mhmn~, ahhn~, ahhn~, som-something, ahhn~, is cominggg!"     

While she experiencing those feelings, she couldn't stop her first climax from happening, it was the first time she felt something like this.     

She had never before even touched herself, she knew nothing of the carnal desires of her body. The only thing she knew was that she was supposed to do this with someone she loved.     

But now she couldn't think about that, her mind was blanked for a moment, and she couldn't make sense of her surroundings.     

After making her experience her first climax, Tianlong Yun lowered his lips to her abdomen, planting small kisses all the way, and then over her belly button.     

He didn't stop there, as he continued going even lower, without stopping of planting little kisses on every inch of her body.     

Until he reached her rosy secret garden, which had the smell of icy rose, it was so thrilling, and enticing that Tianlong Yun couldn't hold himself back anymore, and went immediately for the taste.     

His hot tongue went directly through her secret garden to find her secret cave��s entrance. It was like a clash of opposites trying to pull on each other.     

Her love juices were cold, but they tasted so sweet, and with the warm atmosphere around them, it felt like eating a cold ice-cream on a warm spring day.     

No matter how much he tasted that, it wasn't giving him a brain freeze, so he just kept attacking her secret cave's entrance with his tongue, to get as much ice-cream as he could.     

From the first moment, of feeling something hot coming down between her legs, and enter right for her secret place, Huo Li was startled so much that she immediately forgot her climax.     

Lowering her head down, she could finally see Tianlong Yun's head between her legs, and then his tongue licking and entering her secret cave.     

As soon as she saw something like this, she said a bit ashamed of herself,     

Huo Li:" No, please don't do that, ahn~, that place is, ahhn~, dirty!"     

But the more she tried to talk, the more she understood that it was impossible, she was feeling so good from having that hot tongue play with her secret cave.     

Her cute moans were becoming faster and faster, with a higher pitch in every upcoming one. While Tianlong Yun, felt like he would never have too much of that sweet ice-cream.     

Pretty soon, the inexperienced Huo Li was really close to her second climax, in such a short time. She was losing her mind, the only thing she could do was moan and say,     

Huo Li:" Bi-big, ahn~, ahn~, com-coming, ahn~, ahn~. Whiteee~."     

With that, her mind went blank again, and her love juices started flowing out as a dam had just exploded inside her body.     

Tianlong Yun on the other hand was like a kid who got his favorite juice drink and started slurping at the meal.     

It took a while for Huo Li's second climax to start subsiding and relax. Only when her climax totally relaxed, could Huo Li finally see her surroundings again.     

And at that moment, she was attacked once again by Tianlong Yun's lips, this time it was a deep kiss, that only made her hungry for more.     

But raising her head a bit, she could see that Tianlong Yun was almost above her, with his awakened dragon over her secret cave's entrance, ready to tear through it at any moment.     

Right now he was just looking at her eyes, and she was doing the same by looking at his. It was like none of them wanted to talk and let their souls do the talking.     

Looking at those eyes, Huo Li could detect a lot of love, care, and tenderness for her, she felt safe and happy looking at those enchanting eyes.     

The same thing was happening with Tianlong Yun, he was surprised by what he was seeing in this girl's eyes, she was so different from that girl that took him for a demon.     

This silent looking in each other's eyes continued for a few moments, until Huo Li seemed to have made up her mind, and broke the silence,     

Huo Li:" I am ready, please be careful with me."     

Tianlong Yun didn't go immediately in, instead, he once again closed the distance between their lips, and started kissing her once again.     

Huo Li felt so good that even the possible reservations that she might have left for this moment, immediately disappeared, and she felt happy that she was becoming his woman.     

Feeling her a little tensed body, totally relax, Tianlong Yun pushed his hips forward entering her secret cave's entrance.     

Soon he was stopped by a small shield in his way. Feeling that he stopped for a moment and wanted to check if she was okay, but she didn't let go of their kiss.     

Only after a few more kisses, did she finally released his head, and looked at him with an intoxicated and guilty look. She was afraid she might have done something wrong.     

Seeing this Tianlong Yun gave her another kiss, before separating once again, and then placing the core of the 'Heart of the Madman' inside his mouth.     

He felt as if his mouth immediately became parched dry, and there was no more saliva on his mouth. Soon his tongue would start burning.     

Before his throat became too parched from the heat, he swallowed the core, one millisecond more and he wouldn't be able to do it.     

At that moment he felt like he had just swallowed a piece of melting gold, and it was going to start burning and melting all over his body.     

But he had to tolerate this sun fire temperature inside his body for a few moments because only like this, would he be able to burn the impurities on his Golden Core.     

Otherwise, his already puffed up cultivation would get more puffed up, and he would be nothing more than a useless air balloon.     

Every second felt like a millennium, every molecule of impurity being burned felt like a new sun was being created inside his body.     

He had no other choice but to clench his teeth and let his body burn like he was being washed inside by the hell-fire, or even worse.     

Probably even the furnace of hell-fire wouldn't have such a temperature. It was painful to the extreme, but his impurities were being cleaned fast at least.     

His only consolation was that this wouldn't take many millenniums. Otherwise, he was surely going to be a dead man.     

With every passing moment though, he felt like his soul was separating from his body, and soon his body would burn in that fire inside him.     

When the final atom of impurity was burned out of his Golden Core, and his Golden Core took a shiny fire glowing shade, he pushed his hips forward and broke the last shield of Huo Li's purity.     

The moment the last shield fell, a huge stream of ice-cold Yin Qi started flowing towards his body through their connection.     

While the Yang Qi coming from the core of the 'Heart of the Madman' seemed like the sun fire trying to burn him into ashes, the Yin Qi seemed to want to freeze him into a statue.     

While those two were still kind of bearable on their own, the moment they clashed inside his body, he felt that this was perhaps his last moment living.     

It was a clash of opposites, it was a clash of two different pains, that for a moment numbed him, and he thought he was really dead.     

At that moment he didn't know if this was a piece of blazing ice or a freezing fire inside him. The only thing he knew was that his nerves weren't making sense.     

His brain couldn't process that feeling, it was like he was getting two contradicting reports on the same important matter, and both of them were correct.     

It was a new kind of paradox that he was experiencing inside his body, at this moment he wasn't even able to see Huo Li's tear of pain, nor hear her sharp scream of pain, nor see the blood at the connection.     

While this paradox was making him crazy, at least it was better than the unbearable pain of each of those two extremes.     

At least his brain seemed to be numb to this pain, and couldn't figure out how to respond to it. This made him like someone who was on a high.     

But slowly that Yin Qi seemed to be getting less, and less. He couldn't let this happen, otherwise, that searing pain would come and hit him once again.     

With that thought in mind, his body started instinctively, to go backward, and forwards, with the intention of getting more and more of that Yin Qi.     

Tianlong Yun felt like he had no more control over his body or his actions, and he had passed into standby mode, where his body did naturally what thought it was best to survive.     

Right now he couldn't even think of the pain he was causing Huo Li under him, he was just thinking of living…     


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