Chapter 314: 300 Years

Chapter 314: 300 Years

0Without delaying for one thought longer, Tianlong Yun started hitting her energy acupoints and meridians so that he could totally block her energy.     

Normally it would be really difficult to perform such an act on her seeing that she had really high cultivation, but her Qi was frozen inside her body.     

The reason why cultivators from Earth couldn't achieve more than the Great Ascension Boundary Realm, was because there was no Saint Qi on this planet.     

As for going to such a place where they could find it, they would either need a spaceship or a transmission array to leave this place, which no one had found until now.     

But what was this stupid little princess thinking right now, trying to kill both of them with that self-imploding, he was pissed off and wanted to give her a tight slap.     

Looking her right in the eyes once again, he could see her sigil in the eye, but surprisingly this time he felt as if he made a mental connection with her.     

It was like he could hear her thoughts, and ideas, something like the bond he had with Tianlong Xia, perhaps not as much, but it was still something comparable.     

When that connection was established he could finally understand her thoughts, and reasons, it was like everything it was an open book in front of him, and he just had to read.     

When he finished reading, he had a grin on his face as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" So that's how it is!? You either have to marry me, or kill me! Because you think I will use you against your race, or even worse!?"     

Seeing that there was nothing she could do, not even be able to kill herself, the little demon princess said,     

Demoness Princess:" Aren't you? You lowly and despicable humans are all the same!"     

Contrary to her expectations though Tianlong Yun suddenly started laughing out loud as if he couldn't stop himself from laughing.     

It took a while before he could, and then said with a calm and dangerous voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Lowly and despicable human you say!?"     

At that moment, Tianlong Yun released just a bit of his aura, that he had been keeping under wraps all this time, otherwise normal people wouldn't be able to stay beside him.     

The moment his aura manifested even though the people around the room were frozen in their place, they started to tremble and shiver.     

As for the little demoness princess, she was stupefied, there was still a bit of human aura to him, but besides that, there was even the aura of a Royal Dragon, and Royal Phoenix.     

The weirdest thing was that those three auras seemed to have fused together, and become one. It was a new kind of aura, one that she was sensing for the first time.     

With clear disbelief in her eyes, she said with a stammering voice,     

Demoness Princess:" Wh-who a-are yo-you!?"     

Giving her a devilish grin Tianlong Yun said with an unperturbed voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" We can talk about our identities later, but first tell me how long have you been here, and what news do you have about the Immortal World and the Immortal Planet."     

The little demoness princess seemed a bit unwilling, why would she had to tell this hateful fellow anything, just because he showed her a bit of his aura.     

 At the same time, she didn't know why but she felt like she would regret not talking, and sensing that Tianlong Yun was about to get angry waiting for her, she started saying,     

Demoness princess:" I have been here for 2 years approximately. I entered the 'God's Graveyard' in an attempt to escape my pursuers, but who would have thought that I would end up here.     

There is no transmission array to get back to the immortal world from here, and the spaceship seems just a useless dream.     

I tried to fly away, but there is a strange layer around this planet that doesn't allow people to leave or enter, and I couldn't find the place where I came from again."     

Tianlong Yun didn't seem much concerned about this issue, but there wasn't even an agreeing voice from him, it was like he wasn't worried at all about that, and he knew a way out.     

Noticing this, the little demoness princess seemed to be startled, after all, she had been scanning the whole planet for a clue but found nothing.     

Now this hateful guy in front of her probably had a way to leave this place, how could she not become stunned, but she was once again awakened by Tianlong Yun's voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" And, about the second part?"     

Hearing that, and remembering what had happened, the little demoness princess showed a pained look on her face, as she said with an exasperated voice,     

Demoness Princess:" It's in war, and getting destroyed!"     

This clearly stunned Tianlong Yun, before he died the Immortal World and the Immortal Planet seemed to be in a balance.     

All the big sects, powerful families, races seemed to have found a balance between them and leaving in relative peace, after all, none of them wanted to die.     

The longer one lives, the more afraid he is of death. So if nothing huge happened, those people would never break that balance.     

So what happened, and why did the balance break? Looking her with a stern and curious look, Tianlong Yun said in a solemn voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Elaborate!"     

As if expecting such a follow, the demoness princess let out a sigh and then said,     

Demoness Princess:" Around 300 years ago, the crown prince of your Royal Dragon Clan was found out to have been cultivating Devil Arts, and he was crippled due to his stupidity in cultivation.     

He was helped by his Master escape their Imperial Palace, and leave away. Unable to accept that loss of face, his big brother and father rallied all the Immortal World's big forces to find and kill him.     

After his, and his Master's death, the greedy idiots of the Immortal World, wanted to check on the whole Royal Dragon Clan if there was any other case or not.     

In actuality, they just wanted to have some profits from the Royal Dragon Clan, or why not also to destroy such a power.     

What they didn't expect though, was that after the Royal Dragon Clan accepted their inquiry, they were all killed mercilessly by the Royal Dragon Clan.     

Immediately after that the Royal Dragon Clan claimed that they had insulted them, and even tried to kill their new Dragon Emperor, so the Dragon Clan killed them and wanted compensation.     

With that pretext, they went on a rampage and destroyed almost all those power, but the more they continued the more did the situation look weird.     

The Royal Dragon Clan was not only taking revenge on them, but also destroying sects, clans, and kingdoms for the smallest of grievances.     

Seeing this the whole Immortal World seemed to have been angered and went to ask about these atrocities to the Royal Dragon Clan, only to be pushed back by a lot of mysterious cultivators.     

After that, a part of the Immortal World created an alliance to fight against the Royal Dragon Clan, and the others are watching from the sidelines.     

My Succubae race joined with the alliance, a group of your kind was following behind me when I was escaping."     

She said her last words with clear hatred sprouting of her mouth, but Tianlong Yun didn't care about that right now.     

At the moment he was trying to process all the information he had just heard. He didn't expect all that to have happened.     

But the more startling thing, he didn't expect for so much time to have passed before his soul had transmigrated to this little planet.     

When it happened he thought that it had happened almost instantly, at least that's how it felt for him, but hearing that 300 years had passed made him feel blank.     

He didn't know how to feel about this actually, and if this wasn't enough, his Royal Dragon Clan had entered into a fight with the Immortal World.     

He wasn't really worried about his Clan though, to him their connection was cut the moment, they treated him like that, and his own father killing him.     

What he was afraid was that someone might kill his big brother or anyone of the scum that was responsible for his humiliation before him.     

He wanted to humiliate, torture, and kill each and every one of them himself. He would make them wish they were dead, for every second of being alive.     

As for the fact that they were calling him stupid, idiot, or the fact that they blamed him for the Devil Arts it wasn't that he didn't expect such a thing.     

The fact that from being called a genius of history to an idiot that achieved everything due to its Devil Arts and cruelty, was a bit infuriating, but it was expected.     

In the Immortal World, strength and power were the rules, the living was right and wrote history while the dead were guilty and could only accompany the ghosts.     

This was the fault of his previous life, he had been too weak and naïve to understand the situation, and at the end of the day not only was he killed but also suffered for all the dirt they threw on him.     

But who would have thought that he would have this second chance? A second opportunity not only to get his revenge and make them regret their actions but also reach the peak of cultivation.     

He already knew that what he knew as the Immortal world wasn't the end of this Space, there was more beyond that, and he couldn't wait to experience all that.     

It was at this moment, that he heard the little demoness princess's voice that awakened him from his nostalgia and thoughts,     

Demoness Princess:" Now tell me, who are you? Why do you have that aura?"…     


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