Chapter 366: Pillaging

Chapter 366: Pillaging

0The last floor was almost empty there were only five things in there, but the value of those five things clearly surpassed the value of all that Tianlong Yun had pillaged until now.     

There were three pills and two herbs on this floor. The pills were kept in jade bottles as the herbs were safe kept in some small wooden boxes.     

What surprised Tianlong Yun the most though wasn't the pills and herbs but the materials those were being kept with.     

The jade bottles were made of 'Heart-warming Jade' while the boxes were made of 'Yang Essence Wood' both of which while not rare, were definitely pricey materials in the Immortal World.     

The Heart-warming jade was a special kind of jade that calmed one's heart, and made the worries disappear, helping the person relax quickly, and enter a deep meditation state.     

It also had some kind of charming effect that made people feel some kind of weird warmth in their hearts, from which it had even taken the name after.     

This kind of jade was sought after by the craftsmen of the Immortal World to turn it into expensive accessories.     

Who wouldn't want a beautiful accessory that not only looked good but would also help a cultivator in the most important work of their entire lives, cultivating!     

In this place, people probably didn't know the true value of this jade and had used it to make pill bottles, or it was just that abundant and it didn't make a difference for them.     

Either way, as long as Tianlong Yun was here he could make a fortune out of it. But he had to look more into this.     

The second material the 'Yang Essence Wood' was also really pricey because it had a boosting effect on the cultivators that cultivated Yang attributed Arts.     

This 'Yang Essence Wood' was even rarer than the 'Heart-warming Jade' and even more special. Tianlong Yun knew of a few perfect customers that would pay a lot for this thing.     

if he could procure these two in moderate amounts, then he would have a huge boost into his funds to go and develop in the Immortal World.     

The amount of resources, wealth, and power he would need to achieve his plans in the Immortal World was unimaginable.     

He would need enough power and wealth to at least occupy a small planet, other than Earth. But in the Immortal World even the smallest planet, had a Great Ascension Realm Cultivator in it.     

Not to mention that he would need an immeasurable amount of resources to cultivate his power in there.     

Earth had a lot of resources, and many rare ones, but it would never be enough for him to raise his strength exponentially.     

The only reason he was able to take his people so far was because of the resources he got from the inheritance of the mysterious cultivator.     

Compared to those, what he had pillaged until now was only 1/10 of all that. But he was hopeful because this was only the fortress at the entrance.     

With these thoughts in mind, he started looking at the pills in front of him. They were all level 7 pills, 'Bone Cleansing Pill', 'Qi Purification Pill', and 'Transcendence Pill'.     

While the qualities of the pills were low or medium, they were nonetheless level 7 pills, priceless and really effective, especially to someone like Tianlong Yun.     

'Bone Cleansing Pill' cleaned the bones, and made them stronger by teasing the true potential of the cultivator's bone structure.     

In fewer words one could say that it was early growth of the bone structure of the Cultivator, gifting his precious time, and better talent.     

'Qi Purification Pill' was a level 7 pill that helped the cultivators with unstable foundations, condensing their Qi better, and helping them stable their foundation.     

While the last one, the 'Transcendence Pill' just like its name suggested was a pill that increased a cultivator's chances of passing through the lightning trial on Ascension to the God Realm.     

Each bottle held 3 pills which was a great surprise for Tianlong Yun, but placing them quickly inside his next space ring, Tinlong Yun started looking at the two herbs beside them.     

Both of the herbs were really precious as well, one of them was a 10.000-year blood lingzhi, while the other was a 7-colorful lotus flower.     

They were both herbs that could be used to concoct a level 8 pill, but most importantly the 7-colorful lotus was also a precious material on soul cultivation.     

He didn't know what the use for the soul cultivation was, or how to use it, he had only read somewhere that it was useful in the soul cultivation.     

Without even asking or caring about the presence of the other two people by his side, he placed everything in there inside his space ring.     

It was at that time that people started appearing at this side of the fortress, unable to gain much on the other districts, they were here to try their luck.     

Having seen what the other areas had, and the amount of treasures and good weapons they had found in the other areas, they thought that even this medicine smelling area could have something good.     

All of them were attracted from the big building in the middle, and the earliest birds wanted to get the food, too bad that everything had been swiped cleaned from someone else.     

They started climbing the floors one by one, but they weren't able to find even one speck of dust inside the building.     

Only when they reached the last floor they were finally able to see Tianlong Yun grabbing the last bits of everything that was kept inside the building.     

They didn't know what the previous floors held, but they had seen Tianlong Yun take everything on this floor.     

At first, it was only 2 or 3 people but soon they started to appear like mushrooms after a light rain, as they started to crowd the whole place, surrounding Tianlong Yun and the two elders.     

Tianlong Yun and the two elders didn't seem to care in the least about the crowd that started appearing in front of them, as they weren't worthy of their attention.     

Not bothering about them in the least Tianlong Yun started walking towards the exit, he had already taken everything he could from this place.     

The people that had already crowded the building were a bit regretful that they hadn't been able to even see what was inside this building, but none of them dared to ask Tianlong Yun about anything.     

Tianlong Yun and the duo behind him looked really strong and dangerous, none of them had the strength or the guts to try anything funny.     

To make matters easier Elder Tao and Elder Knife were using their cultivations pressure to push open a clearer path through the crowd.     

Like this, they were able to come out of the building easily and without any problems, but the crowd was still following them like vultures, waiting for a chance to benefit from the situation.     

None of them wanted to give up so easily, after all a few of them had seen with their own eyes as Tianlong Yun swiped the last floor clean.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was calmly observing the crowd and the surroundings around him.     

That odorless aphrodisiac seemed to continue spreading all over the place, as the people were slowly getting infected.     

What surprised him was the fact that as the amount of people in this place increased, so did the quantity and the concentration of the aphrodisiac in the area.     

But that wasn't all, earlier he had started to look carefully at his system for any other malicious substance and had found a few others.     

All of these different substances though seemed to have one common goal, which was to drunken or knock out the person who had received them.     

It was a good thing that Tianlong Yun had caught on this early, otherwise, he would never know how he had died in this place.     

What surprised him was that a few of these substances had entered his system more than a week ago, when they hadn't even reached the rocky fortress.     

He had been slowly poisoned all the way up here without noticing in the least. The last poison, which meant the aphrodisiac, was more of a catalyst for the other substances to react harsher.     

Just how, and when had this happened, that he hadn't been able to even notice it? This wasn't something small as his life was on the line right now.     

But he didn't have much time to think about it right now, because, at that moment, a foreign-looking Young Master blocked his way, and said in an arrogant voice in broken English,     

"Take out everything you took from that building and hand it over if you don't want to die a dog's death!"     

Tianlong Yun was startled awake, he had been too immersed in his own thoughts and plans, that he had almost not seen this guy block his path.     

He had thought that there wouldn't be any idiots blocking his path with Elder Tao and Elder Knife's pressure on the crowd, and yet an idiot had appeared in front of him.     

He had never seen this guy before, not even at the entrance or at the barrier-breaking, this was the first time he had ever laid his eyes on him, but he looked like some Easter European kid.     

He was dressed in a clean expensive inner armor, with powerful protective accessories on his body, looking like some kind of modern days War God.     

Especially when he was holding that really expensive-looking sword in his hands. But Tianlong Yun wasn't impressed in the least by him.     

In his eyes he was even worse than cow dung, probably his life's only achievement would be being born in a powerful and rich family.     

Tianlong Yun just gave him an indifferent look, and started walking away, when that kid…     

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