Chapter 381: Buying people & Turnaroud

Chapter 381: Buying people & Turnaroud

0While the situation was really tense from Jayden's words, one of the guys that seemed closer to the Young Master on the other side said in a harsh voice,     

"Do you think you can buy us just like that? Just what do you think we are!? You better clean your neck and wait for us to kill you!"     

His voice and words seemed to have awakened the confidence and self-value amongst the free cultivators at the scene causing that Kid, and his guards to breathe a sigh of relief.     

Even though they weren't afraid of these guys, they were necessary to have the upper hand in this situation.     

If they didn't have their help, they didn't know how they would fare against them, as the fight would be more troublesome since the enemy had 4 Golden Core Experts on their side.     

Most probably they would have to retreat and call for backup because gaining the upper hand was out of the question.     

No matter how highly they evaluated themselves as cultivators, and how big and powerful they tried to show themselves, they were clear about the situation.     

Just as the kid was about to say something, and try to show off once again, he was cut by Jayden who said in a calm and indifferent voice,     

"Well don't be hasty esteemed cultivators, I still haven't made my offer have I? The least you can do is listen to it right?"     

His calm and coolness clearly surprised the cultivators around him, it seemed like he was totally certain that they wouldn't be able to refuse his offer once they heard it.     

But the free cultivators weren't the only ones who were surprised as even the kid's guards could understand that much, as they didn't stop being alert to their surroundings.     

They never knew when some of these guys might change their minds and stab them in the back. These people were clearly never to be trusted.     

At this moment, the kid who hadn't been able to speak until now, finally got his chance to speak as he said,     

"Jayden, Jayden, oh Jayden! Why don't you give up, hand me those ladies for a try, and then if I am in a good mood I might give them back to you, and let you go!     

What do you think? Do we have a deal? Or perhaps you want me to give you some pennies about these beautiful ladies?     

Whatever you want, just make it quick, I would like to spend my free time in softness, rather than dealing with some twerp like you!"     

The free cultivators didn't know what to do as they were amidst their current employer and their possible future employer.     

Looking at Jayden's face, and confidence, they had some kind of weird sensation that they would end up on his side.     

The people that were the most surprised, and astounded by Jayden's composure and acting until now though were the four lady servants.     

They had only heard that he was a weak piece of crap that no one wanted to stay close to. He was a lusty beast that would jump on everything with a hole between their legs.     

A person that wouldn't care about anyone or anything, not even his face and honor. He had once been a genius, but that was far into the past.     

Right now he was seen as the dark sheep of the family, and everyone tried to bully, and insult him. If it weren't for the Old Man's support they would have already thrown him out of the front gate.     

Yet right now he was so cool, composed, and confident that made the ladies open their eyes wide, and observe him better.     

Right now they didn't know what to think any more of this guy in front of them, he looked so different from everything they had heard.     

At this moment Jayden looked like he hadn't even considered the kid's words, as he looked at the free cultivators, and said in a calm and cool voice,     

"1 Million $!"     

After his words the whole crowd was silent, one could even hear the heartbeats of the other guys in the same space.     

1 Million $ was a lot of money, but that was nothing to the group of the free cultivators, as after the split up they would only receive some crumbs.     

Was this the irrefutable offer that Jayden was going to make them? Just who would take this offer of his and turn against the Orientalists organization.     

This seemed like a clear joke like Jayden was insulting all of them, and the same thought even the 4 ladies.     

Perhaps they had thought too highly of him a moment ago, and all this time he had just been pretending and playing with their lives on the line, like what they suffered until now wasn't enough.     

After the moment of total silence came the loud laughing of the kid and his guards. They were really relieved at this moment, as they looked like they had worried for nothing a moment earlier.     

Jayden seemed like a stingy person who thought that he could buy these people only for 1 Million$ it seemed like a joke.     

Perhaps they had been too sensitive earlier and glorified the kid too soon. To be fair though, they were more attentive towards his guards and maidservants, than Jayden himself.     

As they were thinking like that, the kid behind them couldn't stand not putting his finger on the wound, as he said laughing out loud and with a mocking voice,     

"Hahahahaha~! 1 Million, you can't be that poor can you Young Master Jayden!? Hahahahha~! Do you want me to give you 1 more and try it again?"     

Even the free cultivators felt offended at this moment, as they were truly considering switching sides if the offer was good enough, but Jayden seemed to make fun of them.     

Just as someone from the crowd would oppose this crappy offer, Jayden cut with a clear voice,     

"2 Million $!"     

Once again everyone was stunned, 1 Million$ wasn't Jayden's final offer, it was just the beginning of the negotiations.     

Nobody knew what to make of this situation anymore, as they were looking at this situation with more interest than earlier.     

As for the guards and the kid, they had a bad premonition surrounding them, but still, they didn't leave as they were confident of escaping this situation, even if the situation turned for worst.     

Seeing that no response was coming from the free cultivators, Jayden didn't stop as he once again increased his offer,     

"5 Million$!"     

Hearing that amount, a considerable number of the free cultivators were tempted, and they were ready to accept when one of them started saying,     

"Young Master Jayden, we are very sorry but our loyalty is not on sale!"     

Hearing those words a lot of different people had different thoughts in their minds. While the 4 maidservants and Jayden's guard had gloomy faces, the other side was all smiles and relief.     

This looked to be the closure of the negotiations, but strangely Jayden had a light smile on his face, as he looked at the guy who spoke, and then turning towards the whole group of free cultivators he said,     

"10 Million $"     

Those words fell like a meteor from the sky. If his first offers were all pebbles into the big pond, this was a meteor that could easily fill the entire pond.     

Everyone could feel and see that the situation had changed at the moment that those words sounded through the area.     

Nobody needed to ask to understand the decision from the crowd of the free cultivators as they had all already made it really clear with their looks, and faces.     

But while one side was happy about it, one side had turned completely dark and gloomy. This situation had clearly gone differently from their expectations.     

Apparently, the kid couldn't accept this situation, as he started screaming at the bunch of free cultivators,     

"What do you think you guys are doing? Do you think you can go against my elder brother!? My family!? Our organization!?     

Are you trying to dig your own graves or something!?"     

  The whole crowd stopped to think for a moment, as they truly didn't want to have troubles with the outspoken people.     

The Orientalist's organization was after all one of the giants on Earth, so they would surely not want to angry a passing snake.     

But before any of them could any cold feet in this situation, Jayden looked at the kid in front of him as if he was just a stupid moron, and said coldly,     

"I have been thinking this for a while, but could it be that you are an actual moron!?"     

Infuriated by everything that was going on, the kid looked at Jayden like he would eat his heart out, and said in a screaming dark voice,     

"Why do you want to die so much!?"     

He was truly pissed off at that moment, and couldn't laugh it off anymore. But Jayden didn't seem to care in the least. He just looked towards him, and said in a calm tone,     

"It's not me who wants to die badly, it's you. You are practically telling them, that if they want to escape the wrath of those behind you they have to leave no evidence!     

Furthermore, even if they let you go, you will never forget about this. Isn't this like asking them to chose between you and themselves!?     

So tell me kid, who is asking for his death that much!?"     

When Jayden's words fell on the ears of the people present left all of them were stunned, his words were like a final verdict that didn't leave any place for discussion.     

And no one was able to deny his words, they knew how petty and rude this kid was, and as for the people behind him were even more frightful.     

What surprised them the most though was the fact that Jayden had turned this situation from the one where they were his enemies, to one where they had to live and die with him…     

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