Chapter 355: Plans and preparations

Chapter 355: Plans and preparations

0While he entered his room, the fact that the previous door had been destroyed left him wide open to the eyes of the crowd.     

As if he didn't care at all about the people outside his room, Tianlong Yun jumped over his bed, and once again entered his meditation state.     

Once again the crowd was totally surprised, this kid didn't seem to know fear at all. But that was only for the weak people because the truly powerful guys knew he had a powerful guard on the watch.     

No matter what, it was commendable how he could enter the meditation state so quickly. It clearly showed his strong mental power.     

In the hallway, Master Qin and his assistants dispersed the crowd, as the only people left in there, were them and the badly slapped duo, the 3rd Young Master and the elder.     

The 3rd Young Master was clearly not satisfied with how this issue had been handled, but he didn't dare to express this in front of his father.     

Not to mention that right now, he was feeling his father's gaze pierce through him like some kind of flaming arrows.     

He had never thought that things were going to end up like this tonight, and he couldn't help but feel an even more deep hatred for Tianlong Yun.     

Really quick the hallway was empty, as this time Master Qin instructed Elder Tao to stay all the time close to Tianlong Yun, and not allow anyone else to come and cause trouble.     

He made it clear that no one was allowed to come near Tianlong Yun without his permission, and whoever tried something stupid was to be caught and sent to him.     

The troubles might stay away for today, but the same couldn't be said for the next days. His family members didn't know everything and weren't satisfied with the situation.     

It was impossible for them to just forget everything that had happened these days, and especially Tianlong Yun's status, and the humiliation.     

He had born with all these things solely because of the possibility of him learning some important information from Tianlong Yun.     

He couldn't permit anything to happen to Tianlong Yun before he had discovered that important information. After that, he would show Tianlong Yun what his true hospitality was.     

Until then, he had to treat Tianlong Yun like a true guest in his family's mansion. Thinking like this, he turned to Elder Tao, and said in a serious voice through a mental message,     

"Elder Knife will stay here with you to help you deal with anyone that might come your way, but also so that he is never left alone.     

Add more fruits to his plate tonight Elder Tao, and make sure they don't leave his side not even for a moment. Give him everything he wants, and make sure he gets a lot of alcohol and aphrodisiacs.     

Everything should be given with small amounts, unnoticeable ones, we can't allow him to suspect anything, and keep an eye if that troublesome guard makes an appearance.     

Tell the girls that they are to listen to every word he says, and make a report, I don't care if he is truly speaking or rambling, they have to hear anything!"     

He had to make sure that everything he did until now was worth it. Otherwise, even if Tianlong Yun died thousands of times he wouldn't be satisfied.     

Elder Tao could understand his Master's thoughts, as he immediately nodded his head, and acknowledged the orders, and that Elder knife appeared beside him.     

He had already been briefed on the assignment, so he left him behind him to keep an eye on Tianlong Yun, as he himself went and took care of the extra part of their assignment.     

While all this was happening in front of the room he was in, Tianlong Yun was concentrated on his meditation and checking the training of his disciples inside the Old Pouch.     

He guessed that since today was his first day in this place, the security around him would be too tight, and he would only alarm them more if he did any snooping around and was caught.     

Furthermore, he wasn't alone! He had someone who could easily pass through all this without getting detected.     

For that reason, he sent his order to Zi Qian, who was guarding behind him, in his new body. His order was simple,     

"Find out what they are hiding and report back, don't take action, and don't show yourself under any circumstances."     

This might take a while with these conditions, and also considering the fact that he also had to take care of the survivors, and their mission.     

But still, everything was doable, he had a few days he could spend staying in the Qin family's Mansion. He had to enjoy their hospitality to its best, otherwise, it would be rude.     

As if they heard his words, someone knocked at the side of his now destroyed door, and he woke up from his meditation state.     

His eyes were opened to a great view of sorts, in front of him were three beauties and Elder Tao. The beauties were looking at him with complex faces, while Elder Tao kept his seriousness and solemnity.     

It was truly a strange, and unique view on its own. Three beauties with hot looks trying to enchant, and seduce him, and one old man with a serious and solemn look.     

What truly astounded him at the moment was that the two girls standing behind the one he had eyed earlier were products of 'The Mansion'.     

He could clearly feel the soul brand they had on them! For a moment he thought that the Qin family knew about his position with 'The Mansion', and were trying to provoke him.     

But that didn't seem to be the case, as he heard Elder Tao start speaking,     

"Young Master Tianlong Yun, these fruits are the best our house has, and are a special gift from Master Qin for the earlier inconvenience.     

They are just ripen, and handpicked, as they have grown into the biggest and best tree of the moment, 'The Mansion'.     

Master Qin had to pay a lot to get his hands on these two, but from now on these two girls belong to Young Master!     

I hope you like the compensation!"     

Tianlong Yun didn't care much about what had happened earlier because most of the Qin family people were dead people walking, and those two were part of them.     

He was just extending their lives, and well-being for a while, before he let Qin Bao deal with them as she wished. So he said with a visibly fake solemn voice,     

"I think that they are escaping this fairly easy, but for Master Qin's face and words I am willing to let this go, as long as it doesn't happen again!"     

Hearing that response Elder Tao felt that Tianlong Yun was just a lusty young man who would sell even his honor for a beautiful woman.     

But clearly, he couldn't express his thoughts, as he had a forced smile, and said with fake gratitude,     

"Young Master Tianlong Yun is truly a magnanimous young man, this old man can only bow his head in shame to your greatness."     

With that said, he clapped his hands, as a few servants came in, and started setting up a small table, full of food, and drinks.     

The maids were working swiftly and efficiently to make sure they left as soon as possible. Seeing Tianlong Yun's looks, and the three ladies beside him, they thought he was just a lusty beast.     

None of them wanted to fall prey to the hands of this beast, for that reason they were working as swiftly as possible.     

In less than 5 minutes, the table was ready. It was a small, low table that was comfortable for people sitting on pillows by its sides.     

There were a lot of tasty, and mouth-watering dishes placed all over it, and of course a lot of high-quality alcohol. It seemed like a restaurant bar in there, with the variety.     

After everything was set up, Elder Tao took his leave silently and politely leaving inside the room, only Tianlong Yun and the three girls.     

As soon as Elder Tao left the place, Tianlong Yun started looking amusingly at the three girls in front of him. He looked like a smug demon that was looking at his blood sacrifices.     

The three ladies felt a bit weird, all three of them had a sense of sub-servitude towards him. It was like they were standing in front of their Master.     

This was weird for them because none of the trio had met, or seen Tianlong Yun anytime before. They could swear this was the first time they had seen him.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was just looking amusingly at them, as he started to have a look at the food, and he started tasting a few dishes.     

They were truly tasty and mouth-watering, but he could still feel the taste of the 'sweet' poisons added to them.     

It didn't take much thinking to understand what it was and who had done it. After all, he already expected something like this.     

In fact, it would be weird if they didn't do something like this. But he didn't mind it. His blood and body were different from the normal.     

He could rebuild his heart from scratch, let alone dispose of some small amounts of aphrodisiac, truth serum, and sleeping powder.     

Thinking like this, he sat down on a pillow, as he said in a clear voice,     

"Well ladies, I don't think they brought you here just to stand there, and look at me like that, right?"     

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