Chapter 303: Huo Li, Pain and Love (3/3) [R-18]

Chapter 303: Huo Li, Pain and Love (3/3) [R-18]

0He was just thinking of living, just thinking of surviving this terrible moment where he couldn't even control his own body.     

At this moment his body just didn't want to suffer the same pains over and over again, it was just doing whatever it could for its self-preservation.     

Without caring in the least of the situation, or the pain that it might be caused to his source of relief. On the other side, the poor Huo Li was trying to support all this pain with her eyes closed.     

She couldn't gather herself from pain at first, she felt like something was ripping her through her secret cave.     

She felt like some kind of saw was trying to cut her in half, and the pain didn't seem to be subsiding in the least, it seemed like it was going on automatically.     

She couldn't hold on like that for longer, opening her eyes, she wanted to tell Tianlong Yun that it was too painful and that he should stop.     

But when she looked into his eyes, she noticed that his eyes seemed empty, like there was no sign of consciousness in this body.     

Not to mention that his body, had become a mixture of fire and ice. The upper part of his body seemed to be burning in a blazing red, while the lower part was white like ice.     

She didn't understand what was going on for a moment, it was just that at the point where those two contrasts clashed, she could feel an amazing Qi.     

Seeing this condition of Tianlong Yun she seemed to have forgotten of her pain while thinking how much he should be suffering like that.     

At that moment her pain disappeared, she was only thinking of how she could be able to help him. A woman in love would do anything to save her lover.     

But there wasn't much she could do, she could only, embrace his body, while her hot tearing eyes, were locked into his, as she approached her lips to give him a kiss.     

As her lips approached his, she could feel the blazing fire burning inside him, it felt like he was trying to send a part of that fire to her, through their connection.     

At the moment their lips touched, her pain had almost completely subsided, while her soft pillows were squished to his chest, and their hearts started beating in synchrony.     

When her sweet tongue entered his mouth, searching for his, Tianlong Yun's body seemed to tremble for a moment, and slowly clarity was returning to his eyes.     

That new sense of touch and that new feeling made him forget about a part of his pain too, and slowly regain control of his own body.     

It was still extremely painful, a normal person or a normal cultivator perhaps would have died by now feeling this pain for so long, but he could handle it.     

The more she kissed him, the more his pain was subsiding, and the more he felt like he could control that unbridled energy inside him, and make it a part of his cultivation.     

With this thought in mind, he started to use his own Qi to direct that unbridled energy towards his Golden Core, which had now become a mix between fiery Golden and pure White.     

This surprised him a lot, he had read somewhere about this case, but it was one in 10 billion years, it was a really rare case.     

The cultivators of that time didn't know what to call this new Core, but they could testify a few things. Firstly it was almost impossible to break this Core and form the Nascent Soul.     

But once it happened, it created one of the poorest and most intricate Nascent Souls in World History. That person had reached the peak of the Immortal World.     

The only problem was that history was cut there because he had suddenly disappeared in thin air. No matter how much people looked for him or his inheritance, they found nothing.     

And now Tianlong Yun was experiencing something like this inside his own body. His Core had become so strong and sturdy, that no matter how much Qi he sent its way, seemed to do nothing.     

The Qi seemed to enter a big abyss and disappear, but he didn't give up, it was still early, and he had so much more Qi to harness.     

There was so much Qi inside the core of the 'Heart of the Madman' that would probably boost someone's Cultivation with about two Realms above Golden Core.     

With this, the pain and paradox he was living inside his body seemed to slowly subside, and he was getting the hang of it.     

Huo Li was still having some hot tears in her eyes, while she tried to hug him harder and harder as if wanting to enter his body.     

Seeing this scene Tianlong Yun was really touched, this naïve and innocent girl, had gone through so much for him.     

He would be an idiot if he didn't understand it, and evaluated it for what it was. This incredible flower had to be by his side as long as he was alive.     

Thinking like this, he immediately started returning her kiss back, while fighting her tongue inside his mouth. Huo Li was like a startled rabbit.     

She was happy that he was finally back, but at the same time she felt ashamed of being caught like that, but she didn't break the kiss though.     

Now that he had complete control of his body, Tianlong Yun embraced her lithe body with one hand, while the other went to erase her tears.     

In his eyes was a deep sorry look for having caused her pain earlier. And, a promise, to never hurt her again as he was alive.     

Seeing that look in his eyes, Huo Li shed one more tear, but different from her first tears of pain, this was a tear of pure happiness.     

Her man had finally turned back, and he was giving her that look, how could she not be happy. How could she not feel bliss at that moment?     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun had started to slow down his thrusts inside and outside her, to let her get slowly used to their lovemaking.     

He had been too rough on her earlier, and he felt guilty for that, she must have been through horrible pain, but he couldn't do anything about that right now.     

The only thing he could do was make it as pleasurable as he could from now on. With that thought in mind, he started to play with her soft pillows once again.     

While it could be difficult he wanted to make her excited again, and help her have an experience that would totally clear the pain she felt earlier.     

Slowly with his ministrations, and that look on his eyes, Huo Li started to forget about the painful and horrible experience of a few moments ago, and her breath started getting short and rough again.     

Slowly but surely, her secret cave started to get filled with love juices once again, and the friction didn't cause her more pain.     

Quite on the contrary, she started feeling better and better. It was rubbing all the necessary places, making her moan once again from pleasure.     

Her moans were smothered by the deep kiss she was still sharing with Tianlong Yun, but she was releasing hot breaths of air into his mouth.     

Huo Li:" ahn~, mhmn~, ahn~. More, ahn~, please, mhmn~, give me more, ahn~!"     

She didn't care if she sounded like a lewd girl right now, she just knew that she needed more, faster, and harder.     

She wanted to feel him more inside her, she wanted this good feeling to replace all that bad experience of earlier, and at the same time, she wanted him to shape her secret cave's insides only for him.     

To Tianlong Yun her wish was an order, and he just increased his pace, and strength behind his hips moves, at the same time he didn't forget to guide the Qi towards his Core.     

It seemed like no matter how much energy he sent its way was useless, but he could do nothing but send everything towards it, and hope.     

One thing surprised him though, his core was slowly getting transparent. He had never seen or heard something like this happen, but it wasn't like he could do anything for it.     

Anyway, the best thing at the moment was to concentrate on the woman in his arms and make her feel better. So he kept pumping her up and down until she was once again brought close to a climax.     

This would be the third of the night, but she was trying so much to hold it back, she didn't want to be the only one climaxing this time.     

She wanted them to climax together, so no matter how difficult it became she would hold it up until he was ready to climax too.     

Seeing her cute attempts, made Tianlong Yun have a soft spot for this woman, and he didn't try to hold himself back anymore, as he said in between their kisses,     

Tianlong Yun:" Ugh~, together little cuttie!"     

As soon as his words finished, Huo Li could only release her hold, and her love juices started to explode from her secret cave.     

With that huge load of love juices, she sent even a terrific amount of Yin Qi towards his direction, which hit his dragon while entering inside her secret cave.     

Feeling that explosion of love juices, even Tianlong Yun couldn't hold himself back anymore and started releasing everything he had inside her lithe body.     

He was releasing so much, that it didn't seem to finish, and a small bump was starting to form on her belly, but she couldn't see it because everything had gone blank around her.     

While she was trying to recollect herself, that whiteness she was seeing suddenly turned to blackness, and she lost consciousness of her body.     

It was an understandable reaction after all that she went through, it was a wonder that she was even able to make it so far.     

Seeing her unconscious state, Tianlong Yun had a smile on his face, it seemed like he had found another gem. So no matter the pain inside, he lowered her down, slowly and gently.     

The moment he lowered her though…     


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