Chapter 229: A Surprising guest

Chapter 229: A Surprising guest

0Qin Bao:" Uncle Luo, gentlemen, I would hope for our deal to remain a secret to the other big families and especially my family.     

As you know, my position and situation in my family, well let's say it's not what I want it to be.     

So, in order to not complicate it further, and also not to make the Masons aware of us, I think it would be for the best that we keep this as tight as possible."     

Of course, how could the three big organizations not know what was happening in a family like the Qin's.     

The only reason why the three big families were called big families of China, was because the real big shots cared more for World rule, and not a simple China.     

And just like Qin Bao said, they had to keep this deal a secret, as to not alarm the Masons at the moment.     

For as long as it remained secret, they had an extra advantage against the Masons. But still, there was a need to tell at least to a short circle of people, for better collaboration.     

That was why Old Luo said,     

Old Luo:" Of course Young descendant of the Qin's, I am one of the people most clear about your situation and position.     

But, in order to have better collaboration, a few important people must know about this deal, and this includes your Grandfather, the patriarch of the Qin family.     

You must be proud of your achievements and also receive a reward from your family for it."     

Saying that he gave a warm smile towards Qin Bao, and made towards the door to leave the place.     

Qin Bao seemed to give up after those words, but she said one last line before they left though,     

Qin Bao:" That is in your best judgment gentlemen, but I must warn you to be careful who you trust. I don't think the Masons have come here on their own."     

Her words made the three men stop in their tracks for a moment. The meaning of Qin Bao's words was clear, there might be sold people in the midst of the big families.     

The most important thing was that it made sense. The Masons were not a small and stupid organization, but the biggest, the wealthiest, and the most powerful.     

A few members of the big families were nothing in front of these incentives. And of course, they must have some guarantee cells in their midst.     

After a few moments of thinking, it was Young Master Qing Fang's turn to speak,     

Qing Fang:" You don't need to worry Young Miss Qin Bao, I will take care personally of the bad apples."     

Hearing his words Qin Bao seemed a bit relieved and said,     

Qin Bao:" Your words assure me Young Master Qing Fang, only that I have a request, if possible don't kill their families but bring those to me.     

After all, my place needs a lot of high society workers. I think you understand what I mean."     

Young Master Qing Fang was startled for a moment but then with a grin he said,     

Qing Fang:" Don't worry Young Miss Qin Bao I will make sure to check the merchandise myself."     

Saying that he turned around and led the other two men outside the office room, and under the company of Jiang Bo, they left the place.     

After they left Tianlong Yun continued to keep the control on the body of Qin Bao, and made for the big window that looked through the front of the building.     

From there he could see the three men that were earlier in his office leave this place.     

Actually before leaving Young Master Qing Fang and Master Jiao Wen, turned towards Qin Bao and waved their hands, with what seemed like an honest smile.     

After that, each one of them got in their cars, together with the Young Masters accompanying them, and made left the place.     

Old Luo on the other hand seemed to have disappeared from the place. He was nowhere to be found.     

Waiting a few moments making sure that the previous guests had left the place, Qin Bao turned towards a corner of the office and said with a light voice,     

Qin Bao:" Well then Master Ming Tong, my previous guests seem to have really left the place. Now will you join me for a talk, or will you keep hiding in that corner?"     

None of the people in the room seemed to be surprised at his words and had a natural calm face and appearance.     

But even after a few moments there didn't seem to be any movement from the corner where Qin Bao was directed and was talking.     

Taking a deep breath and releasing a sigh, Qin Bao took a knife that was in one of the drawers of her desk, and throwing it towards the corner she said,     

Qin Bao:" Huff… Sigh~ Well, apparently, you still doubt our sense, Master Ming Tong."     

Her knife wasn't headed towards his head, so the intruder thought that it was just a lucky guess, but a moment later he was stunned from the knife's hit place.     

It-it was right in the middle of his legs, only half an inch away from his family jewels and his little brother.     

If he moved a bit, or that knife was an inch higher, then his family jewels would be stabbed by that knife, which clearly didn't seem to be a normal one.     

Just as he thought that this was also a lucky shot, Qin Bao's voice entered his ears,     

Qin Bao:" Don't think it was a lucky hit Master Ming Tong, otherwise in my next shot, I am afraid that you will have trouble procreating in the future.     

Furthermore, I know that you can't move from there, otherwise, your stealth will be deactivated.     

So how it's going to be Master Ming Tong?"     

As soon as she finished speaking, Qin Bao made towards her desk once again to take another knife.     

Just as she pulled out the knife and was about to aim, a dry cough and a forced smiling voice was heard at that corner,     

Ming Tong:" Who would have ever thought, that Young Miss Qin Bao would have such a Master and such a technique.     

I feel truly sorry for spying on you Young Miss Qin Bao. But, this is the suffering of low-ranked people."     

After those words, at the place that the knife had been stabbed, the environment seemed to move a bit and change, it was like water waves on air.     

From those distortions in the air, appeared the figure of a man, it was Master Ming Tong.     

Qin Bao didn't seem surprised seeing him appear from where seemed to have nothing a moment ago, quite the opposite actually hearing his words, she had a dazzling smile on her face.     

Looking towards his direction with that smile she said,     

Qin Bao:" I truly wonder Master Ming Tong, when even a Soul Formation Cultivator like you, who seems close to breaking through to the Great Ascension Boundary Realm.     

Claims to be a low-ranked servant, then what power do the high ranked people possess?     

Or to be more precise what power does the Masons organization possess?     

Thinking of it like this, perhaps my idea of joining those three earlier might be a mistake! What do you say, Master Ming Tong?"     

Master Ming Tong was startled at first. Qin Bao had been able to pinpoint his cultivation in one short look. Furthermore, she was extremely confident in her words. It was in no way a lucky guess.     

But then thinking of her Master and the other people present in the room, he could accept it. After all, earlier he had been one of the victims of that high pressure.     

He almost lost his stealth mode during that time, if it weren't for his strong will, he would have already been found. As for what would happen after that, let's just say that it wouldn't be a good thing.     

As for her next words, those were clearly an attempt to learn something more about the organization that he was part of.     

That seemed completely normal, especially after her position as part of the alliance against his organization.     

He had to accept though, that it was something he never expected to happen, and if that alliance wasn't stopped, or taped with then they could cause real problems to their organization.     

But of course, he wouldn't give Qin Bao important information such as this. But at the same time, he had to find a way to get out of this situation.     

He was outnumbered and outpowered by Qin Bao's Master and her husband. At this moment the most important thing was to find a way out of this place.     

But then he found something strange with this situation, if Qin Bao had known about his presence from the beginning, then why didn't she say anything earlier.     

Seeing his quickly changing face, Qin Bao seemed to have already expected this and said,     

Qin Bao:" If I had known about your presence from the beginning, then why didn't I tell my new alliance partners about your presence?     

That's your question, isn't it Master Ming Tong?"     

Ming Tong was startled once again, but he could finally understand how those three earlier must have felt when Qin Bao was controlling their conversation.     

 Right now he was exactly in the same position they were, he was being led towards what Qin Bao wanted to talk.     

And he had no other choice but to allow her to do it, that was why he said with a defeated voice,     

Ming Tong:" Young Miss Qin Bao is truly a terrifyingly intelligent lady. I feel extremely lucky and unlucky at the same time today!     

You are right Young Miss Qin Bao, that is truly the question going through my mind at the moment."     

Looking at his face and hearing his words Qin Bao started to value this person more and more, he wasn't like one of those usual idiots.     

No, he seemed like a truly wise person, truly a terrifying opponent. But leaving these thoughts at the back of her head, Qin Bao said,     

Qin Bao:" Let me answer your question with another question Master Ming Tong…     


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