Chapter 449: Preparations, Speech & Rewards

Chapter 449: Preparations, Speech & Rewards

0In the two weeks that Tianlong Yun was refining pills, all the disciples in secluded cultivation had come out, and all of them had achieved successful breakthroughs.     

This was added strength to his already soaring army, as they would most certainly be really valuable in the next battle.     

This time he was getting almost everyone out in order to go fight the mysterious monster waiting out there for him.     

He had also included the 4 maids, and a few of his secret cards in order to create a little base behind the fighting disciples in order to give them a breathing opportunity.     

When Tianlong Yun finished with his refining he immediately sent word, and all the disciples inside the Old Pouch were gathered in less than an hour in the training area.     

Besides the 3000 disciple's attack force that would be used to fight and hunt down the trees, the others would be there to create a safe sanctuary at the back.     

He had left out of the line-up the two princesses, and Irina, but that was only because their mental defenses were just too low.     

If he took them out there then they would just be free targets for the tree's souls attacks and would be more of a liability than actual help, despite their current strength.     

The whole crowd gathered in less than 30 minutes, each one is done with his own preparations, and ready for the big challenge awaiting them.     

While this would be risky, and word had gone out that it would be a fight to the death, this made them enthusiastic, because the biggest opportunities lied in with the greater dangers.     

Their mentality was slowly changing and turning exactly into what Tianlong Yun wanted soldiers eager for opportunities, and empowerment.     

Of course, according to Tianlong Yun's instructions, Tianlong Hu Die had given them a brief explanation of what they should be expecting from this upcoming battle.     

Their expecting faces made Tianlong Yun really satisfied with their attitude, as every one of them seemed eager to fight.     

It seemed like the training, and education they were receiving was working out really well, not to mention that with their breakthroughs in their Soul Cultivation they were able to get brighter.     

A really good thing about these two weeks had been that almost all of the disciples had already had their first breakthrough in the Soul path.     

Even though they didn't know it had happened, or what had exactly changed, they all could see a bit of improvement with their selves.     

They could see that their senses had improved greatly in their point of view and that their Soul Power had increased quite a bit.     

Even though they didn't know how long they would be able to stay outside and fight against those trees, they knew that it was definitely longer than before.     

In fact, they didn't know it, but they could feel it! It was like their own bodies were testifying about their new abilities, and they all believed that this was another boon from their Patriarch.     

This was a bit unexpected for Tianlong Yun, but he guessed that besides those 'herb roots' even the fighting outside, and the training they received in there was showing its worth.     

While he had lost around 11 disciples until now to the trees outside, he didn't feel much pained as the benefits clearly surpassed the losses.     

For a few moments, Tianlong Yun just looked at them gathered all in the training ground, staying in lines, and a clear formation.     

In his previous life, he had always been a loner, and would always think only for himself, armies, and followers weren't much to his liking.     

That was mostly due to the fact that not many people could follow him, but also because he had always thought that it was better to be alone.     

He could do whatever he wished, and when things got too difficult for him to handle, he could just show his identity, or use his strong background.     

After that, no one would dare to enter his sight again, in fear of what would happen. He felt that he could deal with any problem himself.     

It was only when he was left all alone in the darkness and without anyone to help him come out of there did he finally realize the worth of having followers.     

Not friends, and family, but followers. You would never understand the true motives of the friends or family, and you would never be able to truly deal with them, but followers were different.     

True and loyal followers would try to serve their Masters to the best of their abilities. They would live and die for their Masters, of course, if the Master was worth it.     

And if one of them didn't act as he should then you could easily behead them without having a wounded conscience.     

But if someone from the friends or family group betrayed you then no matter how you dealt with it, it would always end up insufficient.     

Perhaps he was a bit too cold, and pragmatic, but this was what life had taught him until now, and he could only act based upon it.     

Seeing the faces of his followers right now made him think that if he had these guys in his previous life perhaps he wouldn't have ended as he did.     

But that was something that belonged to the past, and no one would be able to answer that question.     

Furthermore, he was living a new life, and a new future. Perhaps if that hadn't happened he would have always remained that stupid, and the immature lusty young dragon he was.     

At that moment he decided to place all those thoughts to the back of his head, as he finally started talking in a heavy solemn voice,     

"First, I would like to congratulate all of you who have been able to make a breakthrough these days, as I have also decided to start a rewarding system for any breakthrough from now onwards.     

Of course, all you who have made a breakthrough in the last month will be included in the list, and will receive your rewards."     

As soon as these words sounded through the training grounds all the disciples had two kinds of expressions on their faces.     

One part of them was happy about their breakthroughs, and were thinking about the rewards they would get.     

The other part was angry at themselves for not working hard enough, and promised to themselves to work harder.     

One thing was for sure, the fire inside them was going to burn even fiercer after this moment onwards.     

Allowing them a moment to process his words, Tianlong Yun then continued,     

"Secondly all of you already know about our upcoming battle, so I don't need to say much about it, but I will add this, on this occasion all your contribution points will be doubled!"     

Once again, the crowd was totally shocked at the prospect of those words. They were already really satisfied with their breakthroughs and rewards, but now it seemed like things were getting even better.     

Tianlong Yun had done this to give them more reason to fight in this upcoming battle, but too much fire wasn't good either, as they might get reckless, and lose their life for points, as birds did for food.     

With these thoughts in mind, he continued, this time in a heavier voice,     

"This upcoming battle is a great opportunity for each and every one of you to perform your best, and reach great results.     

But at the same time don't forget that this is also a trial of fire and danger. Just like I have always told you, the profit is higher when the stakes are higher.     

The same is true for this case. While it will be a great opportunity for you, it is also the biggest danger we have faced so far.     

This is a life and death battle for all of us, and it won't be the first or the last! Your lives are in your, and your comrades' hands. Only if you fight together will you be able to survive, otherwise you are dead!"     

These words were like a bucket of cold water over their heads and served to awaken them to the dangers that they would be facing.     

Until now everything was beautiful and dandy, as the prospect rewards were even beyond their expectations, but so were the dangers of this upcoming battle.     

Those last words were the weight they needed to return with their feet on the ground once again, as their faces were now more serious.     

With that out of the way, Tianlong Yun took a cup of good wine on his hand, gulped it down with one breath, and said,     

"I drink this cup for all of you! Let us return victorious from this battle!"     

At the same time, a small cup of fragrant wine appeared in the hands of all the disciples in there. It was clearly a rare and unique wine.     

This was called the mortal's wine in the Immortal World and was the lowest quality in there. But on Earth this wine would easily get the Oscar prize for wines, there was no other one that could match up to it.     

They all relinquished a bit in that profound aroma, as right after they too gulped down their glasses in one breath, but not before all screaming in one voice,     

"We drink this cup for our Patriarch's glory! Let us return victorious from this battle!"     

The mix of voices created a powerful booming sound that reverberated through space, as it looked like it could even disturb space a little a bit.     

Even though there were so many of them, no one missed the tempo and the call was unified, making them look like a titan speaking.     

The next moment, the glasses were broken to the floor, as they all disappeared from where they were, and reappeared outside in the darkness…     

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