Chapter 318: Subjugation complete [R-18] (2/2)

Chapter 318: Subjugation complete [R-18] (2/2)

0He started moving slowly at first since this was her first time, but also because her body resistance was much more powerful than he expected it to be.     

Even though he had destroyed the last obstacle, her body was still much more powerful than his, and she had one of the tightest entrances that he had ever tried in both life.     

For that reason, he had to use not only his body's strength but also his cultivation in order to be able to move his hips so that his ragging dragon could enter inside and get outside of her secret cave.     

While he kept plowing her secret garden he could feel her purity Yin enter his body, pass through his meridians and reach his Nascent Soul and boost his cultivation.     

At the same time since he had to use his cultivation in order to keep going, he was also training his newly gained power and cultivation.     

He had never thought that such a situation was possible, he was taking pleasure, cultivation boost, and training at the same time, three birds with one stone.     

While he was embezzled by this strange situation, Yu Qing had totally forgotten about her pain, and her breath had started to become haggard once again.     

She seemed really close to start moaning once again, especially when she felt her secret cave being totally conquered, it was a divine sensation for her.     

As if that wasn't enough, Tianlong Yun started to tease her cute tail once again, when his eyes were stuck a bit in the cute little horns above her head.     

They were really beautiful and cute, looking at those two little horns Tianlong Yun felt a sense of nostalgia for his own.     

In his previous life, he as a Royal Dragon was no exception to his magnificent horns but in this life, they didn't seem to be showing until now.     

 He guessed that they would start showing when the time was right, until then he could play with Yu Qing's cute horns.     

Without delaying for much time he started to caress them slowly, and then their source over her head. It seemed like they were really sensitive because she started releasing full moans in no time.     

'Ahh, ahn, aahh, ahn…'     

Her moans were really lust-inducing, because as soon as he heard those moans, Tianlong Yun couldn't hold himself back anymore, and started moving his hips faster, and with more strength.     

Of course, that increased even Yu Qing's moans as another huge climax was building inside her body.     

'aahh, ahh, ahhn, ahh…'     

At first, Yu Qing was inexperienced as this was still her first time, but slowly she started moving too, a bit sloppy at first, but then she increased her rhythm slowly to meet his hips movement.     

Really soon her work benefited her some tough groans and grunts from Tianlong Yun who was experiencing something like this for the first time.     

'aahh, ahhn, ah, ahh…' 'ugghh, ugghh…'     

Very soon both of them were at the end of what they could handle and looking each other in the eye as if to read each other's thoughts they climaxed at the same time.     

Yu Qing's love honey started flowing like an exploding dam, while Tianlong Yun's special milk hit her womb with high pressure and filling her with warm milk inside.     

For a moment they both almost lost their consciousness in that climax, it was that good, but Tianlong Yun couldn't let that happen.     

While he was experiencing a great climax, Yu Qing's secret cave's walls were contracting really hard, and he felt like he was being milked inside her body.     

If he hadn't kept his consciousness in place and used his Qi to protect his rage spewing dragon inside her, then perhaps his dragon would be harmed from all that tightness.     

When their climax happened though, a large cluster of the information entered Tianlong Yun's sea of consciousness, it was the entirety of Yu Qing's memories and knowledge.     

The Succubae Royal Clan's seal was really terrifying apparently, in change for their terrifying power they really turned into servants to their lover.     

After that, both of them fell unconscious on the bed, while the mist kept all the people inside the apartment, and those who tried to enter, frozen in their place.     

It took a while for Tianlong Yun to finally regain his conscience back, after having finally sorted his new memories, and knowledge.     

He wasn't surprised by the fact that Yu Qing was by his side naked, with a red hue on her face, she was truly a very beautiful woman.     

Only by her looks, she could be easily called one of the top 5 beautiful women of the Immortal World, and he had the luck to taste and have this beauty by his side for eternity.     

This time he had been extremely lucky. Looking at her beautiful face that seemed as if it was painted by the best painter, he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" How much longer will you pretend to be sleeping little beauty!?"     

Actually, Yu Qing had woken up much earlier than he did, but as soon as she did she was reminded of what happened between them, and their connection.     

And she couldn't brave herself to open her eyes and look at the face of the man she would spend the rest of her life with.     

That was why when she heard those words Yu Qing was startled and her eyelids started palpitating, to finally retread and show her beautiful red eyes.     

She seemed a bit scared of him, like a little sheep afraid of being devoured by the big bad wolf. In just a short afternoon her whole life had changed.     

Seeing her like that Tianlong Yun just caressed her face, and her hair while saying,     

Tianlong Yun:" Don't worry, now that you are my woman no one will dare to bully you. Besides me that is!"     

At the end of his words, he couldn't help but laugh at his own words, while Yu Qing seemed stunned, at finding a different angle to this bad fellow.     

But right now she was thinking that perhaps her fate wasn't that bad, only the future would show that this was her lucky day.     

Seeing her like that, Tianlong Yun couldn't resist this beauty and approached his face close to her, while he started sucking on her lips, and touch her body.     

She could feel that Tianlong Yun wasn't satisfied with what happened a while ago, but she was feeling really sore in her secret garden, and as a mode of self-defense she said in a sorry look,     

Yu Qing:" Please do-don't, I don't feel well right now."     

Tianlong Yun knew he might have been too rash with his actions, knowing that she just had her first time, but it was her fault for being such a beautiful woman.     

Anyway, he managed to control himself, and kissing her lips tenderly he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sorry, I was too hasty!"     

Then he just embraced a stunned Yu Qing, as he ordered Jake Long to lift a part of the seal on the other people in the apartment, especially the Matriarch and the two elders.     

From the moment that Yu Qing had become his woman then normally all these people that were under her, and the little organization she had created too.     

On the other hand, the Matriarch and the two elders that were beside her at the moment felt the pressure over them suddenly lighten, and they could finally get up from the floor.     

All this time, they had been able to hear some parts, but still were unable to comprehend the whole picture in front of them.     

Getting up from the place, they felt like they were once again just weak mortal women without the slightest thread of cultivation.     

This situation terrified them because they never thought that such a thing was ever possible. They had passed so many hurdles to have their current cultivations.     

And suddenly being unable to use it without even understanding how and why it happened, just made the situation worse for them.     

Looking directly towards the bed they were startled by the scene in front of them, especially the Matriarch.     

She was watching her Master, her benefactor, one of the most mysterious and unfathomable women she knew, stay in Tianlong Yun's embrace naked just like a docile cat.     

Not to mention, that appearance of her that she had never been able to witness, she was witnessing for the first time in such a situation.     

Just what kind of magic had Tianlong Yun used to change her so much in such a short time? Or had she been always like this inside?     

She didn't quite understand what had happened all this time, especially the stuff about the Immortal World that was just a myth for someone like her.     

Seeing their faces Tianlong Yun knew that they were still confused about a lot of things but he didn't intend to clear that confusion for them, he would just tell them their new role.     

With this thought in mind, he started saying,     

Tianlong Yun:" I know you have a lot of questions and things you would like to know but I don't plan on answering them, you can ask Yu Qing later.     

What I will tell now is that from this moment you will be part of my clan, and work for me!"     

They kind of expected this, but the decision for this was in Yu Qing's hands, and she didn't seem to care much about it.     

Right now she was still staying like a confused cat in his arms, but she seemed more confused about the treatment she was getting than the topic of them joining his clan.     

Seeing that her Master had no objection to Tianlong Yun's words the Matriarch had nothing to do besides accepting her fate, as she said,     

Matriarch:" Yes Master, from this moment forward the Pleasure Clan belongs to you."     

Satisfied with the answer then Tianlong Yun said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Very well, now let's talk about what you will have to do from now on…     


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