Chapter 242: Demon Lady and her Master

Chapter 242: Demon Lady and her Master

0Voice:" The fu*k you so smug about, when you have been played for a fool?"     

The two guys entering the place were stopped dead in their tracks. They were stunned for a second because didn't expect such an angry voice waiting for them.     

What was happening here?     

But, then processing those words, they could understand what was happening. At that time Zorro placed the hand of that arrogant pri*k in front of them, that was still holding the treasures.     

Yes, he hadn't taken them off from the hand yet.     

Looking carefully at the pieces, they looked exactly like the treasures they were supposed to get. There was no difference at all.     

He hadn't tried to try them with his Qi, because he deemed it important that only his master did so.     

But now hearing his master, he understood that he had done a grave mistake. While he accepted the mistake, Li Qi who had done all the work, couldn't,     

Li Qi:" Master what do you mean? How is it possible that those are fake? I even had to use my dark arts to kill that guy!"     

Hearing such questioning the voice got angrier,     

Voice:" Are you doubting my words, you worm? If you think that it's not possible then try checking them with your Qi."     

It was clear that the person, who that voice belonged to, was truly furious at those doubts. That was why he immediately grabbed that fake sword and ring from the hand and threw it to Li Qi.     

On the other hand, Li Qi wasn't doubting his Master's words, but more like couldn't believe himself. How was it possible? When did this happen?     

But it was true, they were both fake!     

Then when could it have happened?     

It was at this time that he remembered the time when that arrogant pri*k covered himself in the fog, but to think that he showed so much strength even without the sword, it seemed unbelievable.     

Remembering this he started to curse,     

Li Qi:" That motherfu*ker, I never thought that he would anticipate something like this."     

But then remembering what just happened in here, he immediately bowed down to the ground, with his head shoved on the ground and started begging,     

Li Qi:" I am really, really sorry about my offense Master. I never meant to doubt your words. Please forgive me, Master!"     

Just from his tone, and his words, one could understand how frightened Li Qi was of his Master. Or it would be more appropriate to say, how terrified he was, of his Master.     

Hearing his words, the mysterious person, said with a mocking tone,     

Voice:" Well it seems like you have regained your clarity. But do you think I will forgive you that easily?     

Have I been this merciful lately?"     

While it was talking, the voice seemed to get closer and closer, to the two people in the room. It got creepier with each word.     

At that end of its words, from the shadows of that dungeon-like room, appeared a stunning hot masked female.     

While the voice made it look like she was some kind of legendary old geezer, her appearance was totally unrelated to that voice.     

Right now she was having a bad grin on her face, that seemed to be spelling doom, but that didn't make her look less stunning.     

Walking slowly towards Li Qi she took out a knife from somewhere, and with a quick move, she cut his left hand.     

Blood exploded from his cut hand right into her face, but she didn't seem to hate, quite the opposite actually, she seemed to enjoy.     

On the other hand, Li Qi didn't dare to make even a small noise, he knew that there was no way to escape easily from this demon.     

Seeing this, the lady took out her tongue to lick a bit of the blood close to her lips, and enjoying the after taste she got closer to his ear and said with that old geezer voice,     

Voice:" You better not disappoint me or doubt me again little worm. Otherwise, your hand wouldn't be the only thing to be cut off."     

Li Qi was feeling terrible pain in his left hand, but there was nothing he could do besides, trembling, shivering, and saying,     

Li Qi:" Yes, I understand Master! It will never happen again."     

Hearing those words, the smile on the woman's face was charming and hot, and then she said with that disgusting voice once again,     

Voice:" Very well, little worm. I thought that you were going to accompany me to my room tonight, but I see that you are still clear about your place."     

When he heard this demon talk about accompanying him to her room, Li Qi shivered for a moment. It was beyond terrifying.     

No matter the cultivation of the people accompanying her to her room, none of them had been able to come out to tell the tale.     

All of them had disappeared from the face of the earth, with no left remains.     

At this moment Li Qi was so happy with the fact that he had just escaped a horrifying tragic ending, but at the same time, he was angry to have been cheated like that, and have suffered this.     

If that arrogant pri*k was still alive he would have tortured him for a long time, before melting him once again.     

But his line of thought was soon brought to an end by the next words of the demon, who was now staying in front of a horror flicking statue and saying,     

Demon Lady:" Well let's forget about that weak show that you put in front of them there. Now they think that these treasures are in our hands, and we will become their target.     

So I want you to as soon as possible start with taking over that place while securing as many herbs and materials.     

Also from this moment on, instruct our worms to start attacking the other organizations, by claiming we are doing this in the name of normal people.     

Try to gather as much public support as you can."     

Then as if remembering something she continued,     

 Demon Lady:" And, how are we going with the cursed blood production? We might need it very soon."     

This time it was Zorro who answered,     

Zorro:" We are close to producing it in mass Master, but the people at the lab said we need more human sacrifices, and that it needs at least 5 years to get our first results."     

Hearing that answer the demon lady seemed to be in deep thoughts for a moment and then said,     

Demon Lady:" Get in touch with the human traffickers and make a request for as much as you can. At the same time, attack small villages, that are isolated from civilization.     

Meet all their demands, and tell them that 5 years is all the time I give to them.     

I have waited for 100 years, waiting 5 more is not a problem."     

With that said, she turned around to them and put an end to this gathering,     

Demon Lady:" Well what are you doing still here?     

Don't tell me you want to spend the night with me!"     

Both men had a face of being sentenced to death, but they quickly answered,     

Zorro & Li Qi:" We would be honored Master, but there are things we need to do, perhaps another time."     

And then, they ran outside at supersonic speeds. Who would want to disappear when he could still live for hundreds of years after all.     

Laughing with that disgusting voice, at the behavior of the two men, the Demon Lady's voice seemed to go through a 180-degree rotation when she bowed to the statue and said,     

Demon Lady:" Master, what do you think of the created situation?"     

It was at this time that that disgusting voice sounded once again,     

Statue:" Well for sure things are getting complicated, but don't worry, with the knowledge and power that I have, all I need is enough Yin energy to create my body.     

After I create my body, this whole planet would be under our rule, and then we can go and make a try for the Immortal World.     

Those fu*kers will suffer the consequences of betraying and killing me."     

His anger seemed to have gotten the better of him, at the moment, and if anyone was in there, he could feel a chilly cold run down their spine.     

But what was the most terrifying was that big shadow, extending from the statue. Looked like one of those Demons in fairy tales, with horns, tail, and all that.     

Then regaining his calmness once again, the voice continued,     

Statue:" But you have to take care of your dying brother first.     

And that dangerous fellow that approached your house that night, you still haven't found him.     

I feel like he is a real danger to our plan if he is alive. We have to find him and kill him as soon as we can if we don't want any problems with our plan.     

That should be your second priority, little slave."     

Hearing the ultimatum of the statue, the authoritative and dominating Demon Lady of earlier had disappeared.     

Now, only a little obedient girl slave was left, who immediately acknowledged her order,     

Demon Lady:" Yes, Master I will try to accomplish that as soon as possible. As for my idiot brother don't worry, he will die soon."     

The statue didn't seem impressed by her words and just plainly said,     

Statue:" I hope so, for your good, I hope so!"     

With that their talk seemed to have come to an end.     

In the meantime, the same types of conversations were happening all over the country.     

This new mysterious organization wasn't the only one to have suffered in today's show. And the worst was that the other three organizations had instigated what happened tonight.     

Of course that the higher-ups wouldn't be happy about this, that was why shouts, screams, and punishments were flying all around the place.     

And while all of them were in this tensed state, Tianlong Yun was in a room, in the underground facility of 'the Mansion' having a meeting with his wives, Gao Ling, Jiang Bo, Tianlong Hu Die, and Qin Bao…     


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