Chapter 352: Trouble Knocking at the Door!

Chapter 352: Trouble Knocking at the Door!

0Also, the seal wasn't this obvious normally, and it looked more like a small birthmark on the sacrifice's face, but clearly, the guy who had done this to the little fairy wasn't efficient with it.     

This kind of made sense at the moment, this was precisely the reason why they were allowing their fairy to marry Qin Tuo, the next head of the Qin family.     

The Qin family had gone too much astray from their original goal and was thinking that they could stand on their own, so the Tang family had to leash their dog again, so it didn't bite its owner.     

This little fairy was just one of the many probably, and he had to be careful about who else could have suffered such a fate.     

This was important news for him because it showed that these families had more knowledge and techniques than he had thought.     

This was supposed to be a disappeared technique of ancient times, and he had only read about it in journals, and history records.     

To think that something like that would appear in this small planet, so far away from the center of the Galaxy, just didn't make any sense.     

It raised his doubts that this little planet wasn't really as simple as he thought. There must be more to this place that he would have to figure out and research.     

But now was not the time for that, as the little fairy looked like she had just experienced the nightmare of her life, and there was no reaction coming from her whatsoever.     

Tianlong Yun didn't really care about her conditions though, and even more now that he understood what she truly was.     

It wasn't that the sacrifice couldn't be overturned, and he could release her, it was just that if he did that, then the owner or the perpetrator would know about it, and start investigating deeper.     

At the moment he didn't want too much attention focused on him, the reason he was in this place, was to lay low and make his enemies lower their guards.     

Furthermore, he wasn't planning on returning her to the Tang family anytime soon, and if she wanted a chance she would have to come out of her trauma first.     

With these thoughts in mind, he sent another mental message in her direction,     

"I can release you from that seal, and I can help you get revenge, but the now you, is useless. Make peace with yourself, and then let me know!"     

He didn't care about her reaction after he left, as he went to have a look around the place, and the people living in here.     

The Old Pouch wasn't empty, there were a few people living in here, there were maids, servants, and a few of his personal disciples in here.     

He brought them with himself to teach, and train them, while they were journeying. There was also a big group of powerful cultivators lead by Jiang Bo, and Tianlong Hu Die.     

Jiang Bo had become extremely more mature, and dependant, as his loyalty towards Tianlong Yun had become firmer with the pass of the years.     

As for the little Tianlong Hu Die, she was now 14 years old, her smarts, intelligence, and wits had grown to new levels, as she was more mature in her attitude.     

The only problem with her, which seemed to be bothering her a bit too much, was the fact that she didn't seem to have grown much in height, but she was developing well in other areas.     

Her height thought seemed to have become her Achilles heel, and whoever mentioned it to her, well, let's say that they would never even think about doing it again.     

Seeing that everything was proceeding okay, Tianlong Yun wanted to stay a bit and take a look at their training, but at that moment he could feel the door knock on the outside.     

He didn't think that Elder Tao would be so fast as to bring his 'fruits' so quickly, but concentrating on his spirit sense he understood that it wasn't Elder Tao.     

At the door, was a young man around his twenties, with an elder by his side. That young man seemed extremely sly and arrogant, a truly weird combination.     

As for the elder, he looked like a true snake that had been fanning the flames, and his Young Master's anger. He seemed like one of those useless advisors that would jump first from a drowning boat.     

But under no circumstance should they be underestimated when the boat was sailing in smooth waters, for they were sly and merciless.     

Looking at this situation, it was truly trouble knocking at his door. Not that he cared about it though, these guys were just small fries.     

Even that elder behind the Young Master was just a 6th level Nascent Soul Realm like himself, as for the young man he wasn't even part of the equation.     

They were clearly overestimating themselves if they thought that they had any chance against him. So with a calm face, and a carefree attitude he went and opened the door.     

As soon as he opened the door he was faced with a devilish mocking grin from that young man's face, who looked like he was seething with rage, but also joy in finding a new toy.     

This guy clearly had some personality issues. Not that Tianlong Yun cared much about those issues though, as he didn't even put him in his eyes.     

Looking at the calm and carefree attitude of Tianlong Yun, the 3rd Young Master of the Qin family was clearly startled, as Tianlong Yun didn't seem like he was sleeping at his enemy.     

He looked like he was having a nice time relaxing in a vacation resort, and had been disturbed from his peace. Was he okay in the head?     

He had expected Tianlong Yun to be more agitated about this, more on his guard or something. Not so calm, and carefree like this!     

He was here to mess with him, and vent the anger of Tianlong Yun asking for a girl he had brought here. Since he didn't get justice from his father, he had come here personally to 'talk it out'.     

No matter what happened, Tianlong Yun wouldn't dare to do anything to him at the Qin's mansion. And if he took out his anger on that stupid big brother of his would be even better.     

After discussing it with the Elder supporting him, that was by his side, he had come to this conclusion, and had arrived here to teach him a lesson.     

The elder had assured him that he could fight Tianlong Yun, even though they were supposedly at the same level, most probably he had boosted his cultivation earlier and now was in a weak period.     

But even if that wasn't the case, the elder had confidence in his strength, and experience to take down a little kid like Tianlong Yun.     

The earlier situation, where Tianlong Yun killed those three people from the 2nd rate family, was just a clear show of their lack of abilities in their eyes.     

On the other hand, seeing that the person disturbing him wasn't talking, Tianlong Yun started scratching some snoot as he said,     

"I am sorry but I am not into those kinds of fruits! Tell Elder Tao that he shouldn't be joking around, and bullying me with these weird fruits just because I am of the younger generation."     

With that said he closed the door with a bored expression, as he didn't care at all about the faces, or the thoughts of the people at the door.     

The two people at the door were a bit startled and confused with Tianlong Yun's words, as they didn't quite understand what he meant at first.     

But understanding what he meant, and seeing the door being closed on his face, the 3rd Young Master of the Qin family flew into a rage. Using all his strength, he punched towards the door and Tianlong Yun.     

The moment his punch started moving, big vibrations could be heard in the movement, as his fist turned into a clear silver fist.     

"You trash, don't go too far!"     

He was screaming those words, as the punch was still on its way. He just wanted to see how would Tianlong Yun stop his fist, and protect himself.     

It would be fun attacking non-stop at someone who only could defend but not attack. Perhaps he could even make a breakthrough in his cultivation, and strength.     

As for the elder behind him, he just had a sly smile on his face, as he was enjoying the show.     

He really thought that Tianlong Yun wouldn't dare to act against his family's Young Master, in their mansion.     

After all, no matter how big the dragon they can't go against a local snake. Not to mention that they were in the lair of the said snake.     

Who would ever think that Tianlong Yun would go against that common sense? The punch destroyed the door, and a huge cloud of dust was raised in that one move.     

The 3rd Young Master's scream had grabbed the attention of the passer-by, and even Elder Tao had come precisely the moment, that his Young Master destroyed the door.     

This idiot had just poked a beehive while he was completely naked and unprepared. He had to go there and find a way out of this.     

As for the place where the fight was going on, Tianlong Yun had stopped 3rd Young Masters punch with his little finger, as a weird devilish grin appeared on his face.     

For a moment, the 3rd Young Master felt the chills pass down his back, as he thought that he had just awakened a slumbering beast…     

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