Chapter 347: Unleashed Dogs

Chapter 347: Unleashed Dogs

0It had finally come to this, the reason for Tianlong Yun's visit! But was there anyone who didn't know why Tianlong Yun had arrived and crashed their gathering?     

It was surely connected to what happened the previous night, but their plan had totally failed, not only didn't they reach their objectives, but they also had their people captured.     

In the eyes of the high and mighty arrogant people, Tianlong Yun had no reason to ask for compensation or any kind of explanation.     

They had given their message with their actions the other night, furthermore, the three big families weren't the only ones at the place.     

Right at this moment, that average-looking guy said once again,     

"Young Master Tianlong Yun aren't you really underestimating the other families gathered in here? While they aren't as powerful as the three big families, there are still experts in their midst."     

As soon as they heard those words, the people from the 2nd and 3rd rate families made a step forward to show their presence, and a look of pride and a devilish grin was pasted in their faces.     

Differently from their expectations though Tianlong Yun didn't seem to be affected by those words, as he looked calm and carefree just like before as he said with a cheeky smile,     

"Haha… you truly know how to start a fire little brother, but aren't you forgetting something in here!? A dog on the leash would never attack without its owner's permission!     

But let me tell you the reason I am here before you go barking, I am here today because…"     

He wasn't able to finish his words, when suddenly some idiot from a 2nd rate family that wanted to show off, pounced towards him with the idea of teaching him a lesson.     

The guy attacking was around the same age as him, with a fresh babyface, and a clear look of arrogance. As if Tianlong Yun was just trash with a bit of luck.     

This kind of guy was the one that Tianlong Yun couldn't stand the most. This trash only had the cultivation of the 8th level of the Foundation Establishment Realm and had such a look on his face.     

Most probably he was thinking of taking him down, and receiving all the glory and benefits that came with it, but did Tianlong Yun look like he was such an easy bone?     

Angered by this action, Tianlong Yun just extended one finger to receive the attack from the guy, who seemed to be enraged at being underestimated by Tianlong Yun.     

Just who did Tianlong Yun think he was!? He was the direct descendant of one of the most powerful 2nd rate families, while Tianlong Yun was 'a nobody'.     

With that thought, he didn't find it weird that there was no distortion in Tianlong Yun's Qi waves around his body or the fact that he couldn't sense Tianlong Yun's cultivation, as he continued his attack.     

In the eyes of a normal person, his attack looked really flashy and powerful, as big colorful lights were created in his fists, but in Tianlong Yun's eyes, it was just a little wimpy kid playing with crackers.     

A strange occurrence was that no one in the crowd even tried to stop the kid, they were all thinking that he would be a nice stone to test the waters.     

As for the family of the kid they didn't dare to do anything in fear of angering the big families and the crowd, they could only curse his idiocy for jumping ahead like an idiot.     

At the same time, they didn't think that Tianlong Yun would dare to harm him too much, after all, he was still in front of a huge crowd of experts, that were seething for a fight.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun seemed to have regained his calm, as his attacker approached him, and finally, their attacks connected.     

There was a flashy blind light that covered the crowd's vision for a moment, but everything was made clear a moment later, and they couldn't help but get shocked.     

Tianlong Yun's finger had pierced through the guy's fist rather easily completely extinguishing it, just like hot iron over butter, and then had hit his mouth.     

The finger had cut open his lips, and broken his teeth, as the residue Qi had made a hole in the back of his head, leaving him dead with a hole through his mouth.     

But this wasn't even the most shocking happening, what was even more shocking was the cultivation that Tianlong Yun had shown in that attack.     

He was a 6th level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, and he wasn't 25 years old yet. How could they not get shocked at something like this?     

They had cultivated for more than a century and some of them even more than 2, and yet didn't have the cultivation he had.     

Just what kind of monster was this kid? But not all of them could think rationally at this moment since the guy's father and family were clearly seething.     

Their descendant had been killed in front of them, how could they accept something like this, in front of such a huge crowd?     

Immediately the guy's father, together with two other experts jumped in the air and pounced towards the calm-looking Tianlong Yun.     

They couldn't allow him to live any longer! On his side, Tianlong Yun was looking at the scene calmly, as he said in a clear voice,     

"Three Esteemed Masters leash your dogs, otherwise they are going to experience a dog's death!"     

But they didn't seem like they would do any move, and leash them, as they were trying to create even more hate between Tianlong Yun and the other families.     

So they decided to only stay and watch by the sidelines, as Master Qin said with a rightful tone,     

"We would never interfere with other families personal matters, while we can't come and capture you, we don't have any right to stop them either.     

I am afraid that we can only stay on the lines, and watch the fight. Don't tell me you are getting cold feet kid, and that your strength isn't real!"     

His words were clear, they had no intention of interfering, and that they didn't care about the lives of these dogs.     

What made the true impact from his words though, was that last sentence. With that, he planted the seeds of doubt, that Tianlong Yun's strength and cultivation were fake!     

After all, Tianlong Yun was just a kid wet by the ears in their point of view, there was no way he was truly that powerful.     

He had been extremely shocked when he felt the strength that Tianlong Yun showed a moment ago, but after that, his subconsciousness couldn't accept that fact, so he was thinking it must be fake.     

In fact, he was more hoping and wishing it was fake, as he used those idiots that jumped ahead as stones to determine the depth of the lake in front of him.     

He didn't care much about these trashes around him, they were just useful tools to him and the big families. Some of them more useful than the others.     

These guys were tools that he could spare, and sacrifice for a greater cause. So he didn't care much about them.     

On the other hand, the three experts that were in mid-air waiting for instruction were relieved that they could go ahead uninterrupted.     

At the same time, they were now even braver, as following Master Qin's words they really thought that his doubts must be true.     

The more they thought about it, the more sure they became of the doubts being true. Furthermore, they weren't weak themselves.     

The father of the now 'mouth-hole' guy, the patriarch of the family had a cultivation of the 5th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, while the other two were of the 4th level of the Nascent Soul Realm.     

They could easily be called powerhouses in their circle, as it wasn't easy to reach their level, the problem was that they were in front of a monster.     

Tianlong Yun wasn't surprised hearing Master Qin's answer, as he had already expected that. While Master Qin was trying to flame the hate between him and the other families.     

Tianlong Yun was trying to show those idiots that they held no value to the big families, they were just disposable tools, and sow discord between them.     

But the eyes of the greedy would never tell the truth, and those who could see the truth were too weak and useless to do anything.     

This view made him give up on these guys, as they would never escape the disaster that was coming their way.     

With that thought in mind, he just disappeared from his place, and in a moment, the trio that was standing in front of him fell from the sky, in their fours.     

And a moment after their heads rolled on the ground, as they were finally dead. Three experts had died in such a short time.     

If anyone else doubted Tianlong Yun's strength from now on, then he would be a blind idiot beyond saving.     

But who could believe their eyes, they had never even imagined that Tianlong Yun would be so powerful, he was just a kid after all.     

And yet the evidence was clear in front of their eyes, four people were on the ground, one had died through a hole passing through his mouth, while the other three had died like dogs.     

What had terrified them the most, was the fact that Tianlong Yun had destroyed the trio's cultivation first, then pierced their legs and arms, while breaking a few bones, to make them stand on their fours.     

Only when they had fallen in their fours, had Tianlong Yun cut their heads, and made them roll on the ground. But, but during all this, the three experts hadn't even been able to scream in pain…     

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