Chapter 333: The Makings of a new puppet

Chapter 333: The Makings of a new puppet

0Inside the mansion, Young Master Qin Tuo had just finished his report to his father, and the family, and was heading towards his playing room, where the prey was awaiting him.     

The family elders were a pain in the ass for the next head of the Qin family, as his brothers were still in the game for the next head, and each one of them had their own alliances.     

Each and any one of them had a few elders in their side, people which always made his life as the next head a misery.     

He already had sworn more than tens of times to pay them back in the same coin as soon as he officially became the new head of the Qin family.     

But until then he had to stay in his bounds, and act as a junior in front of them, and find ways like this and women like this to let off his steam and pent up stress.     

With those thoughts in mind, he continued to walk towards the room where the two women he had taken for tonight were, and opened the door with vigor.     

For a moment he was stunned though, as he saw someone else wearing a mask, being in the same bed that he was supposed to be having fun with the two women he had brought here.     

He was shocked beyond belief, he had never even thought of something like this as a nightmare. His blood started boiling up, and his nerves were showing on his lobes.     

Just as he was about to scream and shout at his guards for being useless, and at the guy who was enjoying what was rightfully his, he felt someone move behind him, and then completely incapacitate him.     

It was really weird, he could still feel every body part clearly, but he couldn't move or send any kind of order to them. This was the first time he experienced something like this, and he was terrified.     

He wanted to scream and cry, but even that was impossible for him. At that moment he had totally forgotten about the fact that some masked man, was on his bed, pounding his prey.     

Soon he was once again reminded of that fact though because the man in there didn't seem to be caring in the least about the loud noises he was making.     

These noises, and the loud moans of the prey that was supposed his, made him forget about the current situation of his body, as he once again was pissed off by what was happening in front of him.     

He was angry, enraged, and really pissed off, he had never been humiliated like this. Even in his worst nightmares, he had never seen something like this.     

It was completely out of his mind, that someone could do such a thing in front of him. He was the next head of the Qin family for fuck's sake, and he was suffering something like this.     

It was totally unthinkable for him. At the same time, he was feeling even a faint feeling of inferiority as he had never been able to get such loud and real moans from the women he was having fun with.     

But his pride, arrogance, and manhood would never accept such a thing, as he let the fault to this, the two women who were supposed to be his prey.     

They must be just two sl*ts that had been waiting so long for such a situation to happen. This guy was just too lucky to experience it.     

This situation continued for a long time, the masked man seemed to have endless stamina, and power, to make the two ladies under him moan like crazy, and enjoy this like never before.     

Since the two ladies even had some kind of cultivation in their bodies, their stamina and resistance weren't normal. It was only after one hour that the younger one fell unconscious.     

As for the older one it was needed another hour, until she also fell unconscious on the bed, unable to stay awake anymore.     

All this time Young Master Qin Tuo had been angered to death with each passing moment. At the moment his face was completely red as if blood was about to explode from his face.     

He was surrounded by a thick killing intent that seemed to be ready to come alive and pounce over the masked guy to leave him only with one thread of life.     

It was right he didn't want to immediately kill him, he wanted to leave him with a thread of life so he could torture him until his soul started to disappear, and get totally extinguished.     

His nerves had been popping all over his face like he had been constipated for a long, long time. All in all, his look at the moment was terribly scary.     

 As for the masked man, after finishing his happy time with the two ladies on the bed, he just took a sheet and threw it over his shoulders as he approached Young Master Qin Tuo.     

His walk looked neither slow nor fast, but in one moment he was in front of Young Master Qin Tuo looking towards him with mocking and teasing eyes.     

Young Master Qin Tuo felt a great desire to jump over him, screaming, shouting, and swearing at him as he drank his blood, but he couldn't do anything.     

Noticing this expression, the masked man's eyes showed a mocking smile, as he started saying,     

Masked man:" Well Young Master Qin Tuo I never expected for us to meet so soon, and in a place and situation like this.     

I never thought that you would be this kind of a person you know!? It's my first time meeting a voyeur!"     

Young Master Qin Tuo's face went even redder as if all the blood on his body was concentrated on his face, and it started resembling a big red apple.     

If he would be able to, probably he would have thrown up more than one liter of blood from his body all this time, but he wasn't able to even do that, even though he felt his blood at the back of his throat.     

The truth was that the moans of the two women had some kind of weird attraction to him, especially when he understood that was totally real, and he couldn't help but get excited about that.     

The masked man didn't seem to care much about his expression as he continued,     

Masked man:" Well, anyway, each one of us has their own strange desires, and ideas, I am sure of it. Now let's return to our current situation, I am sure you want to know who I am right?"     

Young Master Qin Tuo had never thought that the masked guy would do something like that. After all, if he did such a thing then Qin Tuo would haunt him to the end of the world.     

Apparently all this time Young Master Qin Tuo had never even questioned the fact that he would escape his current precarious situation alive.     

No matter what, he was the next head of the Qin family, and whoever planned to kill him, either had to have a great status and background or had to be never found from the outside world.     

Otherwise, his end would be set in stone, haunted, tortured, and killed by the Qin family. That was why he never expected something like this to happen.     

On the other hand, the masked man seemed to have noticed his line of thought as he said calmly, and in a carefree tone, as he took off his mask,     

Masked man:" Oh, did I forget to mention that I don't give a damn about your family, or its supporter on the back?     

Let me introduce myself to you once again Young Master Qin Tuo! I am Tianlong Yun, the Patriarch of the Shadow Clan, and head of the Tianlong family."     

Young Master Qin Tuo was completely shocked at that moment. There was no way he didn't recognize the guy who had made him so angry in the first place tonight.     

The person, that humiliated him in front of his future beautiful wife, and all the people at the party. He already considered him as his worst enemy, but now after this, he reached new heights of hate.     

He was so shocked and wrathful at that moment, that he couldn't even notice the new status that Tianlong Yun used to introduce himself in front of him.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was satisfied with the way everything was going, as his bright smile never left his face, as he continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" You know Young Master Qin Tuo today during the party I was so delighted by your performance as a stupid bait, as I felt jealous of the fact that someone else was using you.     

You are a really useful idiot, you know!? But let's not talk about that right now, there is someone else who wants to see you and torture you, much more than I do, so let me introduce her to you!"     

With that said he made a sign towards one of the ladies that stood behind Young Master Qin Tuo to come forward, which Young Master Qin Tuo hadn't noticed until now.     

He knew that someone else took him down, incapacitate him, and brought him here, but he had never felt the presence of someone else in the room.     

This person must be an expert with a higher level of cultivation compared to his. As it wasn't simple hiding one's presence in front of him.     

No matter what, he was still a 3rd level Golden Core Realm cultivator. Even though his cultivation had come by as a result of different treasures and pills, it was still at that level.     

What surprised him the most was the fact that according to Tianlong Yun's words, this expert hated him more than Tianlong Yun, and had a bigger desire to torture him!     

Just who was it? He never had offended such an expert before, at least he couldn't remember of anyone at the moment.     

But the moment that person came forward and took off her hood, his jaw dropped to the floor, and his face seemed even closer to exploding…     


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