Chapter 323: Too late

Chapter 323: Too late

0Yu Qing had been too invested in their conversation, and her pondering, that she had failed to notice the arrival of the two old men.     

They seemed to be walking slowly towards their destination, their steps carried no hurry, but their aura was a bit disturbed since they didn't know what to expect today.     

They were here to meet a representative of a possible big force, but who knew how this situation would turn on, this wasn't a friendly meeting.     

The situation they had to deal with was a bit complicated because Tianlong Yun had a lot of hostages in his hands including Master Fei.     

It didn't take long for them to reach the box where Tianlong Yun was still lying down on Yu Qing's lap while enjoying some fruits from her hands.     

He didn't seem to care at all about what was going on around him at the moment, like everything that was happening here until now was just a big joke to pass some time.     

The two old men didn't know what to think about this, he had killed so many people just to make them come here, and now he was ignoring them like that.     

On one side Patriarch Wei was furious about the treatment that the disciples and master of his family had gotten under Tianlong Yun, on the other side he was afraid of the organization behind him.     

His old friend on the other hand seemed to be in a better situation than him, but then when he saw the miserable state of his disciple and his spirit sense past through his body, he almost coughed blood.     

He would have never thought that Tianlong Yun would dare to destroy his disciple's pride as a male, and his golden eggs, after all, who would be so cruel to think of that.     

At this moment Tianlong Yun was still enjoying his time at Yu Qing's lap, but noticing this old Master's rage suddenly a grin appeared on his face.     

He was thinking of a reason to kill this old man, but who thought that he would send himself in a golden plate, now he just had to wait and let him react.     

The old Master on the other hand was getting more and more furious as time went by, and Tianlong Yun wasn't giving any explanation about this situation.     

He knew his disciple was arrogant and foul-mouthed, but he was his only inheritor as he didn't have kids, and this disciple was everything for him.     

He had raised him as his only son, and given him everything he wanted, and taught him everything he knew without holding back.     

Even though he a lone and free cultivator, he still had managed to help his successor reach the Golden Core Realm at the age of only 42, which was something few people were able to do.     

And right now he was forced to look his only successor, his only hope for the future, be humiliated like that, and lose his golden eggs.     

He couldn't support this, no matter who was behind Tianlong Yun it didn't matter right now, at worst he would join one of the big powers that had extended him a lot of offers.     

Thinking like this, he immediately used his Qi of a 7th level of the Nascent Soul Realm into a terrific looking dark flame arrow that headed towards Tianlong Yun.     

At this moment, contrary to the crowd's expectations the black mist that appeared inside the box didn't stop the Old Master's attack, it just looked like it had sealed the space around them.     

When everyone was curious to see this powerful attack to reach and destroy Tianlong Yun, nobody was able to notice when, but Tianlong Yun was in front of that attack, meeting it with his fist.     

Everyone was dumbfounded, Tianlong Yun looked to be only around 20+ years old, there was no way he had the same cultivation as the Old Master was there?     

The moment the fist and the dark flame arrow clashed, the whole place started shaking, and the people present could feel a terrific pressure inside the box, but there was no cracking in the walls.     

It was really weird, but it looked like that black mist was controlling the power of that clash without problems, and keep the whole building standing.     

The pressure flew most of the people inside the box towards the outside making them crash against the wall on the hallway and lose consciousness.     

Slowly inside the room were left only the two old men, the Young Master Wei, and Master Fei, with a few more elders of the Wei family.     

After some time, finally, the shaking and the pressure disappeared to leave the place only to a shallow smoke that slowly faded away too, only to reveal an empty space.     

Tianlong Yun wasn't in his previous place anymore, he had disappeared. Could it be that the Old Master's attack turned his body to powder or dust and he died just like that?     

It was too easy, wasn't it?     

But the people inside the box didn't seem to think that much at the moment, and they started to show happy and relieved looks as they had just passed through a great disaster.     

Even the Patriarch of the Wei family was a bit surprised at this outcome because he hadn't expected something like this, but this was the best possible outcome for his family.     

Even though he had been friends for so long with this sly fox of an old friend he had, in front of his family's future he was on the losing end.     

Of course for appearance's sake, he had to pretend to be worried about his old friend as he said,     

Patriarch Wei:" Old Huo, you…"     

He couldn't continue his words, because the moment he turned his head towards his old friend he saw a sharp knife pass through his heart from the back, and fiery red blood drip at its point.     

Right at this moment, his old friend seemed to be shaking and shivering inside, as his Nascent Soul seemed to want to escape, but soon he just became cold and stable like a stone.     

The Wei family Patriarch was dumbfounded, according to his senses there was no one standing behind his old friend, but his eyes could see Tianlong Yun staying there with a calm expression.     

A calm expression that made Wei family's Patriarch shiver from the depth of his soul, in this situation that calm expression seemed so out of place.     

He wasn't bothered in the least by his presence in this place, and it seemed like he was just playing with some flies that had gotten in his way.     

And when their eyes met, he felt his sea of conscience shake horribly, and in no more than a millisecond be overtaken. He felt like a kid in front of his father, unable to even resist.     

As soon as his sea of conscience was overtaken, he could only see a white gold transparent soul who seemed to be covered in fiery flames, draw a few symbols over his soul.     

He couldn't do anything to defend against that, and could only see the symbols turn into some kind of chains covering his soul, and restrict him, and turn him into a humble slave in front of Tianlong Yun.     

In that instant that he had looked into Tianlong Yun's blue eyes, he had turned into his slave. At that moment he could understand that Tianlong Yun wasn't here just because of a trifling matter.     

He had come here to subdue him and his family, but he still didn't understand why Tianlong Yun had killed so many of the Wei family people if his purpose was to turn them into his slaves.     

What was the need for such a big show? Even though they were connected to some other organization, they wouldn't have been able to do something against it.     

At this moment, he heard Tianlong Yun's mental order,     

Tianlong Yun:" Kneel in front of me and beg forgiveness in the name of the Wei family!"     

The old Patriarch of the Wei family still didn't understand what Tianlong Yun plans and intentions were, but there was no way he could disobey his order, as he fell to his knees as he said begging,     

Patriarch Wei:" Young Master, please show mercy and forgive our Wei family for our impudence. We had eyes but failed to see Mount Tai.     

Please, Young Master, show your magnanimity, and let my Wei family go, my whole family will apologize to you, and provide you with fair compensation!"     

His words stunned the crowd who was still on the happy train of Tianlong Yun's death, but when they turned their heads they could finally understand the reason why.     

Tianlong Yun had already killed the old Master, who was way more powerful than Patriarch Wei, so they had no chance to stand in front of him, if he didn't show mercy then they would be all dead.     

Only now could they finally feel the terror and hopelessness of messing with someone like Tianlong Yun. They regretted their actions, and hated their Young Master, as now they could only beg and hope.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to be moved by the kneeling on the ground of Patriarch Wei, as he pulled out his knife from that Old Master's body, and said with the same calm voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" I am afraid you are too late Patriarch Wei. And it's not only for tonight but from the moment you set your eyes on my Shadow Clan's Tianchang City.     

That was a mistake you shouldn't have done! Not only that but your trash of an upbringing comes in front of me and flaunts his status in front of me.     

The decision has been taken Patriarch Wei, the Shadow Clan has decided to use your family as an example to all the people eyeing for Tianchang City."     

In the next moment, the black mist spread once again covering all the newcomers of the Wei family in the area and…     


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