Chapter 243: Meeting

Chapter 243: Meeting

0Looking at the faces of all the people inside the room, one by one, Tianlong Yun started the meeting,     

Tianlong Yun:" Firstly I would like to congratulate each and every one of you, for this successful night we had.     

While some things were out of our predictions we still managed to end this night in total success."     

Hearing his words, of course, that all of the people present were elated, it was something really important to all of them.     

They were being recognized for their hard work.     

After his congratulatory words, Tianlong Yun turned towards Qin Bao and asked,     

Tianlong Yun:" Did everything go okay with our guests tonight?"     

Qin Bao wasn't surprised hearing his question, after all, it was something she expected, she had been prepared for this question, and she immediately answered,     

Qin Bao:" Yes Master, the guests were able to see only what we showed to them.     

I must say that the impact that the massacre had on them was really the peak of the night for them. But at least they understood that they couldn't play with us.     

We had a few problems with a few drunkards trying to pass the limits with our staff, but everything was totally under our control the whole time."     

Hearing this report, Tianlong Yun was really satisfied with her work, but that was what he expected from someone like Qin Bao.     

Then he turned towards Tianlong Hu Die and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" What about the security after the performance, little one?"     

This was the first time he called her with a name like that, so Tianlong Hu Die was a bit startled for a moment, but then recollecting herself, she started answering.     

Tianlong Hu Die:" Directly after your supposed leave we placed our guards in their positions, Master.     

At the same time we made a thorough search of all our staff, and people that were able to enter our premises.     

As a result, we found 5 more spies sent from different organizations, but there still might be some sleeping cells.     

To not attract attention we just branded them and let them free, but we are keeping tight surveillance on them, and all the other people they converse with.     

There have not been many situations after what happened tonight.     

But I can assure you Master that this place will be watertight."     

At first, you could still see her red face after Tianlong Yun's complement, but as she continued with her report the redness disappeared and she became more serious.     

Tianlong Yun on the other hand was satisfied with her work and said with a tender voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well done little beauty, you are really intelligent."     

This was all it took for that redness to appear once again, and this time one could swear to see smoke coming out of her head.     

Laughing a bit inside at how gullible this little girl was, Tianlong Yun continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well everyone the reason I gathered all of you here, is because I am planning to enter secluded cultivation for a long time, around 3 years.     

In these 3 years that I won't be around, you already know of the hierarchy and who takes the decisions, this will be a good test for you.     

In these three years, I expect 'the Mansion' wings to have spread all over China, and for you to have started the preparations to take over the whole country, not only this province.     

I also fully expect that our companies to have started taking over the international market.     

I have a lot of expectations for each one of you, individually and as a group, but I would leave that into your hands.     

I hope you don't disappoint me."     

At first Jiang Bo, Tianlong Hu Die, and Qin Bao were a bit startled by the time of this cultivation. But differently from Qin Bao, Jiang Bo and Tianlong Hu Die understood the difficulty of cultivating.     

Then hearing about his expectations over them, they were a bit stunned, was that even possible within 3 years?     

But knowing their Master, his ideas, and his plans, then those expectations were most definitely possible.     

Furthermore, he had yet to give them the products that he said that would be world-shaking for their companies.     

So with the necessary money, fame, and support everything was possible.     

Not to mention that at the moment they were in an alliance with two of the three big directions of the next war for dominance.     

No matter how weak those alliances were, at least in that part of the public's eye they would be an alliance, which took care of many flies.     

Now the only thing left was to make sure not to fall behind their Master's expectations. They had to work hard and surprise him with their results.     

While everyone had a life of their own and a reason of their own why they joined Tianlong Yun, they still were fighting for a position and attention.     

That was why everyone was fired up for the three years that would start soon.     

Seeing their fire and desire to work hard, Tianlong Yun was really satisfied. This meant that they would work harder to complete their goals, but also his goals.     

Because now they were a clan, and he was their patriarch. No matter their past, or their past actions they were part of his clan.     

Thinking like this, he suddenly remembered something and then said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Yue'er from tomorrow you will start teaching cultivation to Qin Bao also, she will use the same cultivation technique as Gao Ling."     

Tianlong Yue wasn't surprised at these words, Qin Bao was important to her hubby's plans. Also from their interaction together she seemed to be a nice girl.     

And, why not? In the future, she might become one of her little sisters, even though at the moment she was only a slave to her hubby.     

With these thoughts in mind, she acknowledged her assignment,     

Tianlong Yue:" Yes of course Darling, we will start tomorrow morning."     

But while it was no surprise for Tianlong Yue, the same couldn't be said for Qin Bao. She had a bit of knowledge about cultivation techniques, and she knew those were priceless.     

Her clan was guarding that cultivation technique as if it was their clan's heart. They had even killed some descendants, who were only thinking of selling it.     

But now Tianlong Yun was giving her a cultivation technique so easily like it was some tomato or potato in the market.     

Since when had become the cultivation techniques so cheap? It wasn't that she didn't want it, just that knowing its importance on earth she was flabbergasted.     

Seeing her expression and clear wonder, everyone started laughing. Seeing this situation Tianlong Yun turned to Tianlong Yue once again and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Since we are at it, teach her some of my stories too."     

Qin Bao knew that she was being laughed at, but there was nothing she could do. She still thought that Tianlong Yun was someone who had lucked out at some inheritance.     

She had no idea about the history of Tianlong Yun, the real one.     

But still, this made the situation funny for her seniors.     

Since that place underground, no one could see the sun, but looking at the time, it was around 4 in the morning.     

At this moment Tianlong Yun was thinking of only one thing, and that was the inheritance that all the big organizations were aiming at.     

What was there inside that all the big guys were paying so much attention to?     

That place would open only two days from now, and he had to be part of the people entering it, and why not empty that place from everything precious.     

Of course, the people entering there would have higher cultivation than he had, but with his infiltration and stealth abilities, nobody would be able to notice him.     

Furthermore, not to mention, that he could find his way around any array and formation.     

While the other would be busy fighting with the arrays and formations he could just enter as if it was his own house, and empty that place.     

Thinking like this he had a happy smug on his face.     

Seeing this, Tianlong Xia said jokingly,     

Tianlong Xia:" Now what are you planning to do to those poor people?"     

Waking up from his reverie by that question, Tianlong Yun just kept his happy smug and replied,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well you will just have to wait and see!"     

Then as if remembering something, he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" There is one other thing we need to talk about.     

The new organization that appeared tonight, while that guy might appear like some joke guy, he had real strength, and I felt dark power from him.     

I felt the same thing at Guo Pengs Mansion the other day.     

We need to be careful and open our ear's out there, I am afraid that we aren't the only ones in the shadows.     

And differently from us, these guys don't care much about how they get their power and ethics.     

That's why Xia'er, Die'er your missions will become our top priority from now on. Take all the money and resources you need, I need you to at least complete the China network in at most two years.     

Since these guys decided to appear it means we don't have much time, so you will have to work harder.     

During my secluded cultivation, I will send you pills, and herbs to help you with your cultivation. Bing'er you will deal with their distribution.     

These three years will be hard on all of us, but we have to make the most of it."     

The funny atmosphere was totally gone now, and the only thing left was total silence and a serious atmosphere.     

The people who were the most under pressure now were Tianlong Xia and Tianlong Hu Die. Their assignment was the most important in these following years…     


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