Chapter 210: Surrender and opportunity (4/4) [R-18]

Chapter 210: Surrender and opportunity (4/4) [R-18]

0At first Song Hua felt a piercing pain in her watermelons and especially at the bud's on top of them, which forced her to release a high pitch scream.     

Song Hua:" Aaarrrrggghhh... Mother Fu*keeerrr."     

But immediately after that, it disappeared as if someone cast a magic on it, and a feeling of relief and pleasure passed through her body.     


Only to be followed once again by a piercing pain, only this time the pain was clearly less than the earlier one, and before she could scream again the relief and pleasure followed.     

Slowly the same thing happened in intervals until it stabilized.     

When it did her watermelons were still hanging down, and she still felt a bit of piercing pain, but slowly pleasure was overtaking that pain.     

Seeing those two weights stabilize and her watermelons hanging through the bud at their top, was really a very beautiful view, leaving Tianlong Yun speechless for a moment.     

Then waking up from its reverie, Tianlong Yun looked up in the direction of her eyes and said honestly,     

Tianlong Yun:" It's truly a spectacular view my little toy, now I kind of want to appraise you for your disobedience."     

Song Hua was startled, she was still trying to control herself and not pay much attention to her situation, frightened that she might release a moan or something.     

And this guy was straightly complimenting her about it. No matter how much she wanted to scream at him, to reproach him, to bite him, she couldn't do it.     

If she opened her mouth it was certain that she would moan she could feel it. She didn't want to give him the pleasure of seeing, or hearing her do it, because of this situation.     

But that damn smirk on his face was already enough evidence that he had noticed her situation.     

To make matters worse Tianlong Yun was approaching her watermelons slowly. And upon reaching them, he took his tongue out and started to lick the place of her piercing.     

Due to being just pierced and also stretched like that, her buds on top of her watermelon were already overly sensitive, and now feeling his wet tongue there made her crazy.     

She couldn't control herself anymore and her only choice was to open her mouth and release a moan. Despite her wish of releasing only a small moan, and again keep her control,     

'Aahhnn, mmhhhmm, aahhnn'.     

She couldn't control it anymore.     

Once the dam was breached, the water flow couldn't be controlled anymore.     

On the other hand, while Tianlong Yun licked on one of her watermelon buds, he was playing with the other one with his fingers, pinching it and then pulling on it a bit.     

Song Hua's over sensitiveness just made his job easier and his pleasure increase, because pretty soon she was about to climax.     

Song Hua had never imagined that someone could climax only by being played with her watermelons and their buds.     

It was truly an amazing experience, especially for a virgin girl like her. Maybe it was due to her inexperience, but when her climax was near she couldn't hold back herself and started saying,     

Song Hua:" Som-something is comm-comin…"     

But before she could say coming Tianlong Yun stopped what he was doing, and was looking right in her eyes.     

It took a while for her to understand that what she was expecting would never come, and opening her eyes she could see the grin in Tianlong Yun's face.     

She had seen the same thing happen so many time to her friend earlier, but her arousal and excitement made her forget about all that.     

But now everything that happened earlier once again passed through her eyes. Tianlong Yun would never let her climax, no matter how many times she approached it.     

Now she would just suffer, just like her friend was still suffering in Gao Ling's hands. This was the bitter realization that she would forget again soon.     

This night was destined to be a long and difficult night for Song Hua and her friend.     

It was only after many times of feeling the same climax building up again and again, that their mental fortitudinous was lost and they fell unconscious.     

Only for their body to start releasing all kinds of juices, after. It was like all the muscles could finally relax and their bodies excrete all the pent up juices and climaxes.     

It was in the middle of their session that Song Hua couldn't handle his treatment anymore and started begging him for relief, but he didn't hear her pleads.     

He continued with her punishment until the end.     

As for the EITS agent, she managed to hang on a bit more, but even she couldn't stop herself from begging close to the end of their session.     

This punishment session was a success for Tianlong Yun. Tonight he didn't take Song Hua's virginity since his hopes for her were different and he didn't want this to be her first time.     

Seeing their conditions after their punishment session, Tianlong Yun felt satisfied with himself. Then he left them in their position and left the room alongside Gao Ling.     

Getting out of the room, he threw a look towards his watch and saw that it was still 3 in the morning, he hadn't been there for more than 2 hours.     

With this thought in mind, he started walking towards the control room where the celebrations were towards the closure.     

But suddenly remembering something he turned towards Gao Ling and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Gao Ling, for the next two weeks I want you to start the preparations for a big wedding with 3 brides to take place.     

You select the place and all the preparations, and decorations. But, be careful that Tianlong Xia and the other two don't find anything about it.     

I want this to be a big surprise for them."     

Gao Ling was stunned at first and shocked after. Her master was getting married, well that was going to happen one day, but she didn't expect it so suddenly.     

Furthermore, he was letting her in charge of everything. Would she be able to do it? And keep it a secret at the same time?     

She was really insecure in herself about this and also felt a bit bitter that she wasn't part of the brides entourage.     

Noticing her thoughts of insecurity and bitterness Tianlong Yun continued,     

Tianlong Yun:" I have great hopes in you, and I have started to trust you more. Keep working and obey me as you do, and someday the bride will be you."     

His words took Gao Ling through a rollercoaster of emotions. She had waited so much to hear those words. That he trusted her, and that she could achieve this one day.     

Controlling her tears with a bit of difficulty, she looked him straight in the eyes, and said emotionally,     

Gao Ling:" Yes Master, I will do my best not to let you and my future sisters down."     

From this moment she considered them her sisters because she would do anything, anything she needed to do, to reach that goal.     

Being beside her Master, as his wife, was her ultimate wish and goal at the moment. something she would fight with all her being to achieve.     

Tianlong Yun was satisfied with the weight of his words and just gave her a deep passionate kiss as if to seal their promise.     

This kiss made Gao Ling even happier. Now she was even more determined and firmed in her resolve if that was possible.     

Breaking up their kiss Tianlong Yun looked deep into her eyes and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" I am expecting the best from you Ling'er!"     

Saying that he broke up their eye contact, and made way towards the control room once again, where the party was in its last moments, with Gao Ling following closely behind him.     

As soon as they entered the room, everyone got quiet, waiting for their patriarch's words.     

Tianlong Yun's words were like verdicts to them, no one would object or disobey his words.     

Tianlong Yun just got closer to his future wives and said with a happy tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" You can go on and party as much as you want. But later in the day, I want you in your best form."     

Then after saying something to Tianlong Xia, Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing he made to leave the party. He knew that as long as he was here, his clan members wouldn't be totally free.     

Everybody understood their patriarch's motive they weren't ordinary kids anymore. And they truly admired him about his foresight, attention, and care for them.     

While Tianlong Yun got out of the room, followed by his future wives and Gao Ling, there were also some downhearted people left in there.     

His future women's group, even though they were still young, they could feel their heart beat faster for him whenever they were close to him.     

This damn time was moving to slow for them. They wanted to be by his time as much as possible.     

But, they had to wait. They knew that Tianlong Yun would never do something to them before they got major and could decide for themselves.     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun was inside a big room with Tianlong Xia, Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing.     

More precisely he was sitting on a couch with Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing by his sides and Tianlong Xia on his lap while touching and caressing them one by one.     

It was only after some moments that Tianlong Yun said with a serious voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Darling's I want to tell you, that after this month I will enter a relatively long reclusive cultivation training."     

His words were like a rumble in a clear sky for Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing, this was the first time they heard something like this…     


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