Chapter 211: Reclusive cultivation announcement

Chapter 211: Reclusive cultivation announcement

0Seeing their worried and tensed looks, Tianlong Yun looked at them with warmth and tenderness and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" I have found a great herb that will help me advance in my cultivation by leaps and bounds.     

It is truly a great opportunity for me.     

Besides, we still have more than 3 weeks for that, and I also will make sure to call you once every week to accompany me there."     

These words seemed to have relieved them a bit, it was truly out of the question for them to live a long time away from their man.     

Just thinking of how much they would miss him, it was torture. Not to mention really doing something like this.     

But at this time it was Tianlong Xia's turn to show them what to do. That was why she said,     

Tianlong Xia:" Little sisters you shouldn't be like that, this is really important for our Husband, we can't make him go there with a worried heart, otherwise it might not succeed.     

We need to be comprehensive and understandable to help him in his way. During all this time we need to show him that we are not dead weights.     

We have to work hard not to be left behind.     

Besides just like he said we will be able to see each other once a week, or as soon as possible. We just have to believe and wish for our Husband to succeed."     

Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing were ashamed of themselves hearing those words from their big sister. It was true they had to work hard, and carry their own weight.     

Apparently they had become overly dependent on their Husband and had forgotten that not only he but also they had to work hard towards their goal.     

Arranging their thoughts, they turned towards Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Xia duo, and Lu Bing said,     

Lu Bing:" You are right Big sister, we have been too sheltered all this time. From now on we will work harder to achieve our goals. We will never let our family down."     

Then she was followed by Tianlong Yue's words,     

Tianlong Yue:" Yes Big sister Lu Bing is right from this moment on we will work harder. We can't let ourselves get too much behind.     

We will do this for ourselves and for our family."     

Tianlong Yun was happy hearing those words. After that bloody night, he had been trying to keep them a bit far from all the killing and gore, to protect them.     

But apparently he had been overprotective, he had to let them freer, and work harder. Even if their characters changed a bit, it was necessary.     

The cultivation world is a dog eats dog world. The fight for power, and towards the peak, had always been, and it would always be a gory one.     

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Very well, I shall help you with that.     

Also during my reclusive cultivation time, there will be two times where not only you but also the shadows can benefit in cultivation.     

But for the first months in my reclusive cultivation, you have to go with the mercenary group and train your hearts and determination first."     

His words were light in appearance but heavy in action, training with the mercenary group wasn't an easy thing.     

Even though they knew the heaviness and the hardness of that training Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing didn't pull out, quite the opposite actually, their eyes had a burning fire.     

Tianlong Yun was really surprised by this, but he just accepted it as their desire to be beside him and their family.     

Looking at their beautiful determined faces, Tianlong Yun just gave them a big hug to all three of them, and they started a four-way passionate kiss.     

It was a really sweet and amazing kiss to all four of them. They hadn't done this in a while now.     

Then breaking their kiss, and lifting all three of them in his arms, Tianlong Yun made towards the big bed while saying,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well let's talk about the details later, right now I am hungry for you three."     

The three ladies on his arms just giggled sweetly and said at the same time,     

Ladies:" Scoundrel!"     

After that inside the room, all Gao Ling who was still inside the room could hear, was the heavy breathing, moans, and grunts of the people involved in the battle.     

Just like always, the battle result got no surprises, it was a total defeat of the three ladies in the bed, who were now sleeping soundly.     

On the other hand, the undisputed winner Tianlong Yun could still go on for some more. And fortunately, there was another opponent inside this big room.     

All this while Gao Ling had just stayed close to the bed, hearing the heavy breathing and moans of her to be sisters.     

She couldn't deny that her pants were dripping wet right now, not to mention her thongs. She had been wearing those in case her master needed her services, she was always prepared.     

Looking towards her with his libido still in full force, Tianlong Yun got off the bed and approached her slowly, watching as her expectations increased with each step.     

Then close enough for their bodies to touch, but not to at the same time, he closed the distance between his lips and her ear and whispered,     

Tianlong Yun:" Ling'er do you mind if knock you out?"     

Gao Ling couldn't hear his words at all, she was intoxicated by his smell and appearance. She had missed him so much all this while.     

That was why without hearing anything she just nodded her head to show her acceptance.     

Tianlong Yun felt that she was really cute and gullible at this moment, but he couldn't be cruel to his loyal little slave, who was close to her promotion.     

With this thought in mind, he kissed her ear, and then blew a bit of warm breath in there, making Gao Ling shiver. She was excited to have her master play with her.     

'Aaahhhnnnn, mmhhmm,aahhnnn…'     

She wasn't controlling her moans at all. She wanted to show her master, her excitement and feelings for him.     

While he continued with his kisses down, along her neck and cheek, his fingers were going down reaching at the lake in between her legs.     

She must have been really aroused all this time, especially looking at the amount of love honey that had flowed down her thighs.     

Even the pants that she wore a while ago after they dealt with the disobedient duo, were clenched in love honey.     

'Aaaggghhnnn, mmhhhmm, ahn…'     

Opening the zip of her pants and then pulling those down, Tianlong Yun felt as if he was about to face a flood.     

In that flood his big dragon and thighs were washed by the waters, she had been expecting him for so long after all.     

Without getting any later, Tianlong Yun took her in his arms towards the couch, placing her down, he immediately shoved his big dragon, with all his power, inside her secret cave.     

That earned him a powerful moan from Gao Ling, she liked it rough. Her master was the only one who could subdue her.     

Gao Ling:"Aaaagggghhhhhhhnnnnnn, mmhhhhmmmnnnn, soooo goooowd…"     

But that wasn't the end of it, because this just marked the start of their battle, which like always belonged to the undisputed champion, Tianlong Yun.     

After their intense battle, Tianlong Yun let her sleep on the couch, but he put a blanket over her, so she wouldn't get cold. Even though, her cultivation protected her from a small cold.     

This marked the end of this long night, or more precisely the start of another long day because it was already 6 o'clock in the morning.     

Tianlong Yun had slept in good intervals the three days that he had been to the cave. That was why he didn't feel sleepy at all.     

Seeing that a new day had started and that he wasn't sleepy, he decided to make the rounds around the place. And, why not, have a small walk, to clear his head.     

Like that he took a shower, wore some clothes, and left the room.     

Walking through the empty hallways it was kind of relaxing for Tianlong Yun, most of the people had left for their missions, or were down sleeping after the party last night.     

He seemed to be the only awake person in the facility. With that thought in mind, he made way towards the exit and decided to take a look around the place.     

Getting outside through the VIP house, he had to accept that Gao Ling and Qin Bao had done a great job. He was really tempted to be the one who would try this place first.     

Furthermore, today would be a special event. The person who bought this place would have a double gift, but that was going to be discovered later.     

Right now Tianlong Yun disguised himself or more precisely his face, and after checking his surroundings with his spirit sense, he got outside.     

It was still early morning and the fall hadn't come yet, so the weather was warm, and the morning dew had covered everything in sight.     

It was truly a nice morning to take a walk, but there, beside the lake was a small body looking at the surface of the lake with a pensive look.     

It was a beautiful little girl with black hair, that was looking at the reflection of her olive eyes on the surface of the lake.     

Approaching her slowly, as if not wanting to scare the little bird away, Tianlong Yun's eyes met with hers in the reflection of the lake and he said tenderly,     

Tianlong Yun:" Couldn't sleep today?"     


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