Chapter 322: Emergency & Goals

Chapter 322: Emergency & Goals

0The old man that had come to bring the new people didn't know what to say. The truth was that he had insisted for the Patriarch and that Master to come, but his words didn't have much value.     

No matter how much he insisted, in the end, he could only agree to this and bring them here, but now the consequences were obvious.     

Not only were those two old men unable to save the first batch, but they had also fallen into Tianlong Yun's hands, giving him even more leeway over them.     

It was truly a big blunder created by the arrogance and anger of the Patriarch of the family, and that Master.     

They thought that no one would dare to antagonize them this much, but apparently, their Young Master had set their whole house on fire.     

Seeing his hopeless, and tired face, Tianlong Yun sighed once again and said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sigh~! I really am too lazy to go there by myself. Old man go once again to invite my guests, this time I will not give you any time, I will continue to kill them each minute.     

If they still want to send more cannon fodder here, tell them that Shadow Clan doesn't care about a trifle Wei family. I have already been magnanimous in this case!"     

The crowd around him was stupefied, this was called magnanimous? He had killed more than 30 people while trapping more than 300 others ready to add the numbers.     

Not to mention that he had also exploded Master Fei's golden eggs. If this was magnanimous on his part, then they truly wondered what was his cruel side.     

The old man didn't dare tarry any longer, and once again disappeared from the box, to go towards the Wei family's main building.     

He didn't really know what this Shadow Clan was, but one thing was for certain they couldn't afford to anger them further.     

All of this was because of that stupid, arrogant Young Master of theirs, that couldn't hold his lust over every woman.     

As if this wasn't enough, he even had to involve the whole family in this. Most probably if they had known this, the Patriarch would have killed him, with his own hands.     

Once again with a haggard breath, he arrived at the door, of the mansion, where the guards were immediately shocked seeing his appearance and condition.     

He seemed to be running himself to death, but how was that possible, they had just seen him leave the place with a big entourage of the clan. What had happened?     

The old man didn't seem to care about them, as he ran towards the main building screaming at the top of his lungs,     

Old man:" Patriarch, Emergency!"     

The whole place was shocked, how could someone dare to scream for the Patriarch in that fashion, what was this emergency he was talking about.     

In a wide room inside the mansion, two old men were enjoying a group of beautiful girls dancing and singing in front of them, while a few others serviced them on their side.     

Of course, there were more people inside the place that were participating in the merry, beside the Patriarch of their family.     

The two old men seemed like they were both old acquaintances, and both of them had a sly look on their faces.     

At that moment both of them seemed to be talking in merry for their old times when they heard the old man's scream, which startled both of them, and the crowd around.     

The Patriarch recognized the voice, this was the second time tonight he heard such a thing tonight. But he had considered this thing closed for tonight.     

He had already sent the second and third elder to deal with this nuisance, and they were powerful cultivators of the Nascent Soul Realm.     

He himself was a 3rd level Nascent Soul Realm cultivator and wasn't much stronger than they were. Just who had his spoiled nephew offended this time?     

Even before he could think more about this, he heard the big door of the room get opened with a loud noise, as the old man came and kneeled in front of him and said,     

Old Man:" Patriarch, we clearly underestimated that young man, not only was he able to fend off against the second and third elder, but they also have been added to the trapped people.     

We made a blunder Patriarch, he said that he would continue to kill one person every minute that passed, and more than 30 people had already died when we arrived there.     

He wants you and the esteemed guest to be there before he kills all of them, including the Young Master and the Elders, otherwise, he would come here and erase the Wei family from the roots."     

Hearing these words the Patriarch of the Wei family was enraged, who dared to talk like that in front of his Wei family in this Shanghai city.     

That guy was clearly asking for death, no matter who he was, he would make him die in his own blood. He had already surpassed his limits.     

But there was no way he would go there himself, he wouldn't give so much face to a young man that still was wet by the ears, as he said in a dominant voice,     

Patriarch Wei:" Heed my orders, all the Wei family available force is to go at the place and deal with him. I want him alive!"     

The old man seemed like he aged 20 years in one moment, as he knew that this would just make Tianlong Yun even more furious, and he might kill all of them.     

But then he was reminded of Tianlong Yun's last words as he said,     

Old Man:" Patriarch I am sorry for my offense but he said if you don't go there personally he would kill them all in a moment.     

Also, he asked me to tell you that, Shadow Clan doesn't care about our trifle Wei family."     

As soon as they heard that, the two foxes face became grim as if the death reaper was in front of them. Not long ago were they talking about this Shadow Clan that had appeared lately.     

No one knew how or when they appeared, but their track record was becoming more and more dazzling. Just the power on the surface was enough to give them a rank in the international rankings.     

But there were rumors that they were even more powerful, and just like their names suggested they stayed in the shadows, and nobody knew who or what they were.     

This Shadow Clan was able to surpass even the fame of the Sect of Justice, and as of late there were rumors that they had dealings with EITS, Royalists, Orientalists, and the Masons at the same time.     

But this was only the amount of information on the surface that they were able to extract, who knew what was behind that mask of information.     

Just how had that stupid nephew of his, offended such a figure, and why. One thing was for sure they couldn't treat this case the same as they did, they had to go there personally.     

Looking at the grim expression of his friend, he knew that he was probably thinking the same as him, as he said in a solemn voice,     

Patriarch Wei:" Old friend, I think we should go there ourselves, and take a look at the things."     

His friend could only agree with a nod since things had become much more complicated than they initially thought.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun continued to stay in his position like he had stayed until now, enjoying Yu Qing's care and service, while killing a person every minute.     

Yu Qing seemed pensive at this moment, Tianlong Yun earlier didn't seem like an arrogant idiot, who would make such a big ruckus for a trivial matter.     

He could just kill all of them, or go and ask for a big compensation from the Wei family, after all, they were just trifle flies.     

So why was he insisting so much on meeting their Patriarch? And that name he just used, Shadow Clan, they were a really mysterious power that had surfaced recently.     

Was that Clan his power and foundation on this planet, if that was the case then it would make sense, but yet why was he doing all this?     

Noticing her pensive look, Tianlong Yun said with a calm voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" You know little demoness when a big power shows to the world, they have to create some fireworks so as to amaze the crowds.     

Otherwise, some people might think that they are the mantis stalking the cicada and have some weird stupid ideas.     

Furthermore, while our goal is to return to the Immortal World one day, how could we let go of such a place behind?     

This planet is small and trivial at first glance, but I think that you also have realized that it is beyond our expectations, and there is something special about this place.     

I have been too weak to explore this place until now, not to mention that Ancient Devil Beast that was keeping its eyes on me, but now I can finally do so freely.     

This will be the backyard of our power, don't you think it's a perfect place?"     

Hearing those words Yu Qing could finally understand what he meant, his thoughts really made sense. This was Shadow Clan showing a tiny bit of their power, to create a new balance.     

Most probably the Shadow Clan still needed some time to grow stronger, and more powerful, so a new balance process was truly required.     

But she was almost dumbfounded when she processed all his words. Ancient Devil Beast? Did he just say Ancient Devil Beast?     

Furthermore, what did he mean by that was taken care of, and he could move freely now? How did he deal with that?     

Before she could even voice her thoughts, she heard him say,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well we are going to talk later little demoness, our guests seem to have arrived."     


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