Chapter 306: Yao Wu Zi

Chapter 306: Yao Wu Zi

0A second limousine stopped in front of the door of the big restaurant, and an average middle old man came out of the car.     

While his face looked average though, his temperament, background, and power didn't seem average in the least, at least for the normal people.     

It was the second master of the Yao family Yao Wu Zi, of course as soon as people saw him get out of the car, they immediately opened the way for him.     

None of them dared to offend the Yao family behind him. So he could easily pass through the crowd and make for the door.     

Hopping that Tianlong Xiangyun would return to welcome him as a guest, and accompany him for some time. But it didn't look like she even cared about his arrival though.     

She was walking forward accompanying Tianlong Yun's entourage inside and didn't seem to even place in her eyes, this little worthless Yao family's second master.     

In the meantime, the manager of the restaurant came out to receive him, and accompany him inside, since Tianlong Xiangyun was already busy.     

The manager was a man in his thirties, clearly with a good demeanor, as he bowed down and said,     

Manager:" It's an honor to our Immortal Hall to have Second Master Yao Wu Zi as our guest. Please forgive my lady since she is busy at the moment.     

Let me accompany you towards your box Second Master Yao Wu Zi."     

Yao Wu Zi had come to this place, just so that he could have a look at Tianlong Xiangyun, and try his luck with her, and yet he was received by this guy.     

Seeing this useless guy coming out to receive him, Yao Wu Zi felt like he had lost his face. He, the second Master of the Yao family had not been received by Tianlong Xiangyun in person.     

This clearly hurt his ego and arrogance. At the end of the day, even if this chain of restaurants had a lot of value, he could still cause huge damage to it if he wanted.     

How dared these insignificant people, not receive him as they should. Who was this young man that was more important than him?     

Although he was about to explode at the moment, he was still an old foggy and knew that there were some people beyond the Yao family that couldn't be offended.     

But this was just a little kid, he had a hard time believing that he was a Master, or something related to that. He looked pretty normal and ordinary when he looked at him earlier.     

Deciding to take his chances, but also cover up his tracks, he made a sign to his guard, who came forward trying to slap the manager and said,     

Guard:" Who do you think you are? Coming forward to receive my master, why isn't Lady Xiangyun here to receive him personally."     

Tianlong Yun and his entourage were just entering the restaurant when they heard the loud voice of the guard, but there was no sign of the slap though.     

While hearing that voice, Tianlong Yun was grinning inside, the only reason he had decided to come here and do this tonight was to declare his return.     

At the same time, he wanted to raise some dust around him, while his identity as Shadow Clan Patriarch would stay hidden, it was time he played the frivolous young master for some time.     

Tianlong Yun had already sensed everything that happened, and he wasn't surprised when he turned around and saw the manager, three steps away from the attacking guard.     

The whole staff in every restaurant of Immortal Hall was a disciple of the Shadow Clan. While most of them were outer disciples, they still had high cultivation.     

Not to mention that the managers, were inner disciples with higher cultivation, so escaping that slap was no big deal for the guy.     

The only reason he was standing down was that Tianlong Yun ordered him to stand down, and not retaliate, otherwise that guard would have been bleeding in the ground right now.     

Tianlong Xiangyun seemed to take permission from Tianlong Yun, and coming furiously she looked right at Yao Wu Zi face, and said with a cold tone,     

Tianlong Xiangyun:" May I know what is the meaning of this, Yao Wu Zi!?"     

She didn't use honorifics to address him, she called him on his name. Normally Yao Wu Zi would be exalted by this, but now the situation was different.     

Inside his expression was dark as an abyss, how dared this b*tch call him like that in the middle of such a big crowd. Where did she get the guts to call out a member of the Yao family?     

Not only that, but she was also asking for an explanation, and didn't seem to place him in his eyes. This truly enraged him, because it should be the other way around.     

If she had chosen a softer approach he would leave the fault to his guards, and punish them a little, but now that wasn't possible anymore.     

So sighing, he said with a serious voice,     

Yao Wu Zi:" Sigh~! I am truly disappointed by the service of you Immortal Hall, not only do you look down upon me, but even cause such a scene!"     

Hearing this, Tianlong Xiangyun just continued with the same voice of earlier,     

Tianlong Xiangyun:" Please explain Second Master Yao Wu Zi how has my Immortal Hall looked down upon you, for you to treat my staff like that."     

Her words were really poisonous, while she turned back the honorifics to his name, the answer to that question would be a bit damaging for the second master.     

But still, he went forward and said,     

Yao Wu Zi:" You have made this second Master lose face by not coming to receive him personally, and receive an unknown young man instead.     

It looks like you don't value much my Yao family!"     

The crowd was kind of stunned, at this guy's shamelessness, accept that it was clearly his arrogance and ego who had started this.     

On one side though they could understand, after all, the person in question was someone from the Yao family, they had all the reasons to be arrogant.     

On the other hand, after Tianlong Xiangyun heard his words, she seemed to show a smile that was not a smile, it was like a king Yama's smile, as she said,     

Tianlong Xiangyun:" So you tried to hurt my staff just because your little ego was damaged!? Good, very good, it seems that my Immortal Hall has stayed too quiet.     

It looks like it's time to show everyone that my Immortal Hall isn't so easy to bully."     

With that said she turned towards the manager, as she said,     

Tianlong Xiangyun:" Break the hand with which he tried to slap you."     

The manager was startled he didn't expect such a turn of events, earlier Tianlong Yun had asked him to stand down, and now he received such an order.     

At that moment though, he received another mental message,     

Tianlong Yun:" Go ahead!"     

Taking the confirmation, he didn't hesitate anymore, as he started to approach the guard that tried to slap him.     

Seeing this scene Yao Wu Zi was fuming, this action was precise to make him look bad, but there was a grin on his face because both his guards were martial arts Grandmasters.     

There was no way that a simple manager, of a weak restaurant, would be able to deal with one of his guards. He could as well enjoy that guy bleed on the floor.     

But before this thought could even finish, or his guard even was able to say anything, he heard a loud and painful scream, that shocked not only him but the whole crowd in there.     

It was his guard who was screaming, the hand with which he tried to hit the manager earlier seemed to be broken in three parts, and he was screaming in pain.     

Everyone was shocked and didn't know how to react for a moment, there was a deathly silence, and even the fall of a pin would be heard.     

The other guard didn't seem to be able to understand what happened either, for a moment, he had felt like the manager, was not a normal person, but a death reaper.     

Seeing his guard fall on the ground, with his arm broken into three pieces, Yao Wu Zi was awakened from his reveries, and fuming he started to scream,     

Yao Wu Zi:" You, you… Well, Very well…     

You dared to place a hand over my people, it is clear that you don't have my Yao family in your eyes. I just hope that you don't regret this decision."     

Before he could turn around and leave though, Tianlong Yun came forward, and with a sigh he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Sigh~! Second Master Wu Zi please wait for a second, this matter was raised due to this junior, so this junior would like to act as a peace negotiator between you two.     

Both parties were at fault in this case, and it wouldn't be better for your magnanimous personalities, to let such a happening grow any bigger.     

Why don't you just let bigger things turn into little things, and little things turn to nothingness? I am sure none of you wants to create huge friction right now!"     

Hearing Tianlong Yun's words Second Master Yao Wu Zi was even more enraged, a young man was trying to give him advice on how to behave?     

Who the hell did this kid think he was? Not to mention that his last words seemed to be like a threat. He was indirectly threatening him, who the f*ck did this guy think he was?     

With that thought on his mind, he said in an enraged voice,     

Yao Wu Zi:" Kid, who the hell do you think you are?"     

Hearing that question, Tianlong Yun released a sigh once again, and said in an agitated voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" I could tell you who I am, but I don't think it would be good for you if it is announced here!"     

These words took Yao Wu Zi past the breaking point, this kid was trying to act mysterious in front of him. How could he allow such a thing, since he had already gone this far, he screamed,     

Yao Wu Zi:" Kid, who the hell are you!?"     

Once again sighing, Tianlong Yun said in a defeated voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" My name is Tianlong Yun, heir to the Tianlong family, and also your SON!!!"     


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