Chapter 191: Hidden troubles

Chapter 191: Hidden troubles

0Doctor Lao:" I checked his body really carefully Mister Guo Peng, but I have to painfully announce to you, that what the doctors before me have said is the painful truth. Your son doesn't have much time to live, and his death is inevitable."     

Even though he had a sad look on his face, he said everything with a certain voice, as if he was the Death Reaper himself that had come for Guo Peng's son.     

Guo Peng was startled and angry at this moment, he had supported this guy's overbearingness and his arrogance to take an answer that could give him a little bit of hope.     

But now, this fu*ker was giving his son the death sentence, destroying all his hopes. He was truly mad at this point, and his last straw of hope was Doctor Song and that mysterious young man.     

Thinking like that he turned towards Doctor Song and Tianlong Yun and with a voice of someone holding his last string said,     

Guo Peng:" Doctor Song, 'little' brother can you please have a look at him?"     

Doctor Lao seemed furious that his diagnosis hadn't gotten the right kind of attention he expected and that it was being doubted. But he decided to wait and see Doctor Song's diagnosis.     

He wanted him to repeat his words, or make some mistakes and then start mocking him. To Doctor Lao everything turned around him. Probably even the Sun was doing the same, turning around Earth just because he was here.     

While all this was happening Tianlong Yun had finally discovered something wrong from the body of Guo Peng's son. He found traces of something poisonous inside his organism.     

If what he found was the reason of his sickness then, Guo Pengs son wasn't sick, but poisoned by a not easily traced poison.     

What made this weirder was the fact that Tianlong Yun could feel that this wasn't an ordinary poison, but something he was familiar with.     

Thinking like this and hearing Guo Peng's words, Tianlong Yun made a sign towards Doctor Song to approach the patient, and ask him to go closer.     

He needed to check the patient's body closer, to be able to find more information over the poison that he had been inflicted with.     

Doctor Song did what Tianlong Yun wanted of him and checking the patient for a moment he said towards Tianlong Yun,     

Doctor Song:" Yun'er come and hold his hand in a high position."     

There wasn't anything weird in his request, but the sly foxx Guo Peng could feel that there was something extra to his request, even though he seemed really down at the moment.     

Tianlong Yun approached the patient and was holding his hand in the eyes of the people around him, but in reality he was sending his Qi inside his body to check him in more detail.     

It wasn't really hard for him to do such a check on some normal person's body. But it was hard in this particular case, because he had to be careful of not activating the poison prematurely, while checking his construction.     

And soon he had the answer to the question why this poison seemed so familiar to him. This poison was similar to the Dalgon's life poison, just a way diluted one, and badly concocted.     

Dalgon's life, the real one, was one of the most powerful poisons in the Immortal World. This poison was odorless and traceless, and it was really difficult to be traced.     

It was a perfect poison for killing, its only drawback was that it worked only on cultivators and people who hadn't surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm. That was why his ranking was so low in the poisons list.     

In this case it was Tianlong Yun's luck and opportunity that this poison was so diluted, and a part of the ingredients were replaced by weaker ones. Thus he was able to find.     

But this didn't make Tianlong Yun's shock disappear. Dalgon's poison was one of the poisons that the evil sects, and clans of the Immortal World used most, especially, the sect of the Nine Ghost Souls and the Ghost Clan.     

What made this poison really familiar to Tianlong Yun was the fact that to concoct this kind of poison one needed, a blood drop from a poisonous Dragon.     

Normally the Royal Dragons were the ones that controlled and protected them, but there were always special cases and exceptions happening all the time.     

This added to his curiosity and the mystery of what really was this planet. Because, here he was finding so many herbs that were so priceless, and now such a poison.     

But he didn't have time to think of that now, there were more important things to think about. Like for example, who was the one that had poisoned Guo Peng's son, and where did he found the recipe for this poison.     

When he thought about the person responsible for the poisoning he finally remembered Guo Peng's son in law. That guy really gave him a dangerous feeling.     

Even at this moment, Tianlong Yun could feel his eyes pierce his back. It was like he was going to kill him, if he gave Guo Peng's a little bit of hope.     

This was going to be such a bother if Tianlong Yun talked in front of him and Guo Peng. That guy seemed like a psycho, if he could act so cordially, and do such a thing at the same time.     

That was why Tianlong Yun decided on a new plan of action, he didn't give Doctor Song any instruction, and let him just give his opinion as a doctor.     

Seeing that Tianlong Yun didn't give him any specific instruction or any sign, Doctor Song was a bit disappointed that he couldn't show off in front of the woman that blew his mind earlier.     

But there was nothing he could do at the moment, and he said dispiritedly,     

Doctor Song:" I am really sorry, Mister Peng, but I will have to repeat the words of my colleague, your son doesn't have much to live, and his death is inevitable."     

Guo Peng on the other side was destroyed as a person, if both of the best doctors on the province gave the same verdict, then there really might be no solution for his son.     

This was something that he couldn't accept, his son couldn't die, not this young. He had always loved his son more than anything, and had always given him everything he wished.     

When his son was stricken by the sickness, and he heard the first diagnosis his world started to crumble. And now he was feeling that exact feeling once again.     

Not being able to support such a thing he became hysteric and started screaming,     

Guo Peng:" No you are lying, that can't be possible. My son can't die, no I will give you anything you want, just help my son get well. Just save him pleaseee!!"     

In that hysterical crisis he fell down on his knees, but Tianlong Yun and his son in law ran towards him at the same time, to hold him high up.     

Tianlong Yun seemed to be faster because he managed to hold him first, and at the same time place a piece of paper on his pocket, and pinch him a bit on that side.     

Guo Peng was startled feeling the pinch and he could only scream at the top of his lungs, but his face was turned towards Tianlong Yun and nobody could notice his startled face.     

But apparently he got the message, Tianlong Yun wanted to tell him something in private. Well that had to wait and see if he really understood that.     

 On the other hand, while Doctor Song was feeling bad for Mister Guo Peng, since he had his own kids and knew how much it could hurt, Doctor Lao on the other hand said arrogantly.     

Doctor Lao:" Huh! Star Doctor! More like a piece of trash that knows how to copy, and got lucky."     

Saying that he left the place in large strides like he was leaving behind a dirty world, towards a place where his greatness was well known.     

Although nobody seemed to care about him, they were all focused and gathered around Guo Peng, who after that short communication with Tianlong Yun started to feel better.     

Having finished his job in here, Tianlong Yun made a sign towards Doctor Song to leave the place. He seemed to be unwilling, but there was no other option to it.     

Turning towards Guo Peng, Doctor Song said a bit apologetically,     

Doctor Song:" I am really sorry for not being of help Mister Guo Peng, but I need to leave the place, together with my assistant."     

Guo Peng was a bit startled hearing that, but he quickly recollected himself and getting up he said,     

Guo Peng:" Ye-Yes Doctor Song, of course you may leave. Please forgive me for my loss of composure."     

While he said so, he threw one last look towards Tianlong Yun, who seemed really casual, following behind Doctor Song.     

But there was nothing he could do beside waiting, and read what was in that small letter in his pocket. He couldn't wait to read it, but since Tianlong Yun had given him the letter in secret, this meant that there was someone who shouldn't see him read that letter.     

Thinking of benefiting from his last crisis, he turned towards his daughter and said,     

Guo Peng:" Guo'er please help me go to my room to relax a bit. I feel really powerless and weak right now."     

His daughter immediately went close to him and put his big hand around her lithe shoulders, and started to walk him to his room. Guo Peng couldn't wait to read that letter.     

On the other hand, Doctor Song and Tianlong Yun, were on Doctor Song's car in their way towards Tianchang city.     

The atmosphere seemed peace and quiet, and Tianlong Yun was apparently cultivating on the back of the car. But Tianlong Yun could sense Doctor Song's piercing eyes, and multitude of questions on his mind.     

Not being able to concentrate due to that, Tianlong Yun said after a sigh,     

Tianlong Yun:" Ok, Doctor Song, ask away. Let's see if I can answer your questions."…     


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