Chapter 188: Taking care of details and appointment.

Chapter 188: Taking care of details and appointment.

0Tianlong Yun got out of the basement and made towards his room, on the way he also checked the premises of the house.     

The house was almost empty with the exception of the servants and the maids around, those who were left because he had already made some cuts on the staff.     

Entering his room, Tianlong Yun finally had some peace and quiet to cultivate. All this time he had been too busy and trying to strengthen his foundation.     

Finally, now that he had the chance to get the 'Heart of the Madman' he could start cultivating once again.     

The best about this herb was that the cultivation gained through it was really stable and solid. Due to the fire that the cultivator went through it not only strengthened the body and soul, but also every cell of the body.     

During the fire all the impurities of the body and the cultivation were burned and turned to ashes, this was the best part of refining this herb.     

With this thought in mind, Tianlong Yun entered his sea of consciousness, it had been a long time since he did so.     

His soul seemed a bit larger now, and the flames burned brighter, also the golden color at the end of his hair was becoming more profound.     

There he could also see the symbols of the contracts, and his slaves, and puppets. All of those seemed in perfect shape.     

Thinking like this, he concentrated on one of his puppets, Young Master Yao Gin. It had been a while since his family had paid the ransom money and took him back.     

They didn't make his return public, due to the tense situation at the moment. They had decided to make his comeback public after this week.     

There they would also announce, that Young Master Yao Gin had been kidnapped, together with the ladies of the family Tianlong.     

They hoped to get some information from Yao Gin to make the matter more believable, but they were destined to be disappointed.     

Young Master Yao Gin didn't seem to have heard or found any information over his kidnappers, what was weird though, was that he didn't behave like a person who had been kidnapped recently.     

But that was weird only for those who had time to think about it because in this situation no one had the time to do it.     

Seeing that everything was going well, and nobody doubted in him, Tianlong Yun left Yao Gin and concentrated on the DGP.     

More precisely he focused on the report that the DGP had prepared for him, with all the dirty stuff happening in his city.     

And the first report he read, was about the orphanage from where Lu Bing came. Apparently they still continued with their sh*t.     

Tianlong Yun had made a promise to kill the guy in charge there first, but he couldn't keep his promise until now.     

Thinking like this and also reading the report from the DGP, Tianlong Yun decided to place them as the priority number 4 on his list.     

They seemed to have some back-up from one of the big families, but he didn't care about that, this city was his. He wouldn't let this trashes keep living.     

Done with this, Tianlong Yun got out of his sea of consciousness, and started to cultivate according to his 'Chaos Reborn' cultivation method.     

The Qi he was gathering seemed at least 3 times faster and 4 times purer than the one he gathered when he first cultivated. This cultivation method was really awesome.     

His cultivation didn't continue for long because Tianlong Xia entered his room. Seeing Tianlong Yun cultivating she decided not to disturb him and sat by his side.     

But not long after Lu Bing entered the room, disturbing both of them. Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Xia got out of their cultivation states and made for the bed.     

It was time for their hot love sessions. Tianlong Yun had missed their perfume and they had missed his warmness.     

Like always they had a long battle of human bodies, mountains clashing, and reshaping and exploration of new territories.     

It was around one o'clock in the morning that the battle finally finished, with the win of Tianlong Yun, and the trio finally fell asleep.     

The next morning Tianlong Yun woke up from the message of Doctor Song, who was notifying Tianlong Yun, that he had already set a meeting with the owner of the herb, that Tianlong Yun had set as the primary priority.     

This was a piece of great news to Tianlong Yun, but this also showed the need and the urgency of the herb's owner.     

The meeting was set for 3 o'clock in the afternoon, this left him plenty of time to go and visit 'The Mansion' and also check up on Yang Xiu.     

Thinking like this he got off the bed, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and kissing his beautiful women lightly in the lips he left the place.     

In a short time, he reached the surroundings of 'The Mansion' and according to his instructions, Tianlong Hu Die had arranged for very good security around the place.     

Of course, the security around the place couldn't match the one around the Camp in the forest, but it wasn't that far away either.     

Nobody could imagine, that the security around this place was managed by some young girl around 10 years old, and this was without counting the 4 guardians around the place.     

Entering inside without alerting any of the guards around the place, Tianlong Yun didn't wander inside but made way towards Yang Xiu's control room.     

In the middle of the way he was met with Gao Ling and Tianlong Hu Die, because he didn't bother to hide his presence inside the place.     

Gao Ling seemed refreshed these days, playing with the girls and training them, it seemed like her wishes had been fulfilled.     

She was like a lioness, that would dominate the whole pack, but would always obey and let herself be dominated in front of her lion.     

Tianlong Yun noticed that and decided to show her who the real master was later so that she didn't forget her place.     

But now he had better things to do, and now he was just outside the control room that Yang Xiu was setting up.     

In just one day the control room was shaping up really good, the computers, antennas, the servers, and everything else was already transported in here.     

Now Yang Xiu was setting them up and connecting everything. It seemed that everything would be ready today by night or tomorrow morning.     

And really soon they could hold the Online Auction and also open 'The Mansion'. Tianlong Yun's idea was that during the Auction, he could also advertise 'The Mansion'.     

After all, the most important thing when opening a business was advertising, and the Auction was the best place and time to do it.     

All the participants in the Auction would be rich businessmen and people of power, exactly what Tianlong Yun was hoping to attract in that place.     

Seeing that this place was in really good hands, Tianlong Yun congratulated the girls,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well done girls this place looks to be shaping up very good. You have done a great job here."     

After that Tianlong Yun turned towards Yang Xiu and ordered,     

Tianlong Yun:" Pretty soon I will send one of the shadows to learn from you. You are responsible to teach him everything you know."     

One of the kids was showing really good skills with computers, and Tianlong Yun decided to train him in case something happened to Yang Xiu.     

It was unbelievable, the shadow who seemed more talented with the computers, and the gadgets, was the little Tianlong Gang.     

Tianlong Yun had already ordered Tianlong Gang to come and help Yang Xiu, and also learn by his side, through a mental communication.     

After that, Tianlong Yun left the place with Gao Ling and Tianlong Hu Die. But how could Tianlong Hu Die not understand her master's intentions, so excusing herself she left them alone.     

Satisfied with Tianlong Hu Die's intelligence and reaction, Tianlong Yun took the time to go to Gao Ling's office, and show her who the real boss was.     

 All this time Gao Ling had been able to enjoy the play she had with her new toys, but when she was dominated by her master all that seemed like an empty joy.     

Tianlong Yun played with her till his heart content, when he got out of her office it was already lunchtime. Inside the office, Gao Ling was sleeping like a dead person with white milk leaving her secret cave.     

Not wanting to get late for the medical meeting Tianlong Yun immediately made way towards Doctor Song's house.     

It wasn't that he had forgotten Song Hua or the fact that she was waiting for him to get trained, but he didn't have time for drama at the moment.     

With these thoughts in mind, he reached for the hospital where Doctor Song was waiting for him with his car, to leave towards the client.     

Tianlong Yun not wanting to attract attention had disguised himself as the assistant of Doctor Song, he wouldn't reveal himself or his medical skills at the moment.     

Getting in Doctor Song's car, Tianlong Yun entered the back seat and started to cultivate in silence, while Doctor Song drove the car.     

The person, towards whom they were going to, was the CEO of one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the Anhui Province.     

He was a filthy rich guy who seemed to have knowledge even towards traditional medicine and herbs. Also, he had a lot of friends who were traditional medics.     

All of them had visited his son, but none of them gave him any hope of survival. They all said that his son had at least one month to live.     

It was precisely because of this reason, that he had decided to take out his most precious treasure, and not reject any doctors who wanted to try their medical expertise, and luck.     

Doctor Song and Tianlong Yun reached the guy's mansion just in time, but…     


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