Chapter 390: Become Strong to be Useful!

Chapter 390: Become Strong to be Useful!

0It was just as he had left it a day ago. Yes, a day had passed with him turning the four beauties into his sex-slaves, after all, they had the stamina of a Golden Core Realm cultivator.     

Even though this was their first time, and it was a bit difficult for them to get adapted to it, they still were able to resist for a day.     

To cultivators like them, a day wasn't a really big amount of time, as they weren't chained to the 100 years old lifespan of a normal mortal.     

A cultivator in the Golden Core Realm could leave from 500 to 700 years old and was something that normal people weren't even able to dream or imagine.     

There were no big explosions or noise in the background which meant that the passage had still not opened, and neither the fight.     

The two guards were cultivating in their special part after they had bathed in the body tempering liquid, as they had clearly gained their own benefits.     

With this Tianlong Yun was assured that they would follow Jayden Smith and become his trusted aides.     

In fact, after he had gotten a grip on this Young Master Jayden Smith, Tianlong Yun had already created a plan on his mind.     

He wanted to use this guy as the face of the western part of the world. He wanted to control the west through him.     

Why? The reason was simple! If he tried to do it himself, then the whole West would join together against him, as he was an Easterner.     

They would all gather under one banner, and Tianlong Yun wasn't in the mood to uselessly fight all these people in the West, he had better things to do.     

Not to mention that he would need the West and the East to keep each other under control, at least until he found a way to send them towards the Immortal World.     

This guy was an easily controllable idiot and was like a gift from the Heavens for him, as he even had the status and background to achieve something like that.     

For that reason, he needed to create a trusted circle around him, more than to protect him, to keep a watch on him, and not allow him to do any stupid mistakes and destroy his plans.     

But that was an idea for later, right now there were more important things for him to do, he took a space ring that contained a big bottle of body tempering liquid and a few pills.     

He handed it over to Alexa, since she had acted as their representative earlier he had decided to make her the leader, as he said,     

"Take this! It's a space ring containing Body Tempering Liquid and a few pills that will help you with your cultivation.     

You can use the Body Tempering liquid as much as you want, but try to take the pill once a month, only after you have stabilized your foundations.     

From now on I will help you stabilize your foundations, and also teach you some formations, and skills. It will depend on you, how much you are able to get from my teachings."     

The four ladies had never expected such a thing, as what they had in their hands was a precious treasure even for their ex-Old Master.     

Yet Tianlong Yun was giving it to them like he was just giving them something normal. Not only that but he was also saying that he would help them stabilize their cultivation, and teach them formations.     

In fact, that last part looked like a joke, especially since Tianlong Yun was younger than them, and they should know more than him.     

But then remembering the fact that Tianlong Yun was the Patriarch of a mysterious clan, like the Shadow Clan, made them bite their tongue due to their stupidity.     

They couldn't judge this fellow by normal standards, everything he had done until now was like a miracle, so how could they allow themselves to doubt him.     

Even though they were just slaves, the four ladies were really intelligent and smart. The only reason they had ended up as they had, was their family.     

They had sold them when they were little children, in order to save from their burden and keep the rest of their family alive, and better.     

Even so, they didn't truly hate their families, after all, they had found something much more important where they had gone, cultivation, and a longer lifespan.     

Thinking like this Alexa just took the space ring, and as they all bowed towards Tianlong Yun, who had disguised once again as Jayden Smith, and bowing lightly, said,     

"Thank you very much, Master! We certainly won't fail you!"     

Tianlong Yun looked at them in a solemn and serious look as he said,     

"I am sure you won't! Just remember that if you try to cross me over, then your life and soul will be the most unimportant things I will take from you!"     

While he said that he also released a bit of his killing intent, and almost immediately their surroundings turned dark and chilly like they were being thrown into the abyss.     

It was just a bit of Tianlong Yun's killing intent, and yet made the four ladies tremble in fear. At this moment the kind and warm Master had turned into a blood-thirsty Asura.     

His killing intent didn't startle only the four ladies though, even the two guards who were cultivating in their own part of the tent, were forcibly awakened from their cultivation.     

They had felt an ominous killing intent, that even they weren't able to produce. Whoever was able to have such a thick killing intent, was surely not some ordinary person.     

And imagine their shock and surprise when they found out that the thick killing intent belonged to their Young Master.     

If they had been kind of persuaded earlier with his conduct, words, and the body tempering liquid earlier, now they were convinced that their Young Master wasn't the guy that the world knew.     

This was their lucky shot, to grow on his shadow and help him out because surely he would go far. Even farther away from what their Old Master had been able to go.     

They couldn't lose this chance, and let the time run out, as they had to pledge their loyalty to him as soon as possible.     

Inside the tent, the four ladies were trembling a bit, but still, they stood tall, as they said in one voice,     

"We pledge our loyalty to you Master."     

More afraid of the killing intent, then truly convinced to serve him wholeheartedly, but Tianlong Yun didn't really care, as far as they obeyed, and served him well, he didn't care why that happened.     

Satisfied with their response he just nodded his head, and said,     

"Mhm, it's good that you understand. Now stay here and cultivate, and stabilize your cultivations. I have some things to do!"     

The ladies were surprised to hear him say something like that, as Alexa said,     

"But Master we should be by your part, and guard you, that is our job!"     

Looking at her, Tianlong Yun said in a natural and calm voice,     

"At the moment you are too weak and would only be a burden to me! So, you best stay here and cultivate! Become strong enough to be useful!"     

Alexa wanted to argue with him and try to go with him, but his look was showing that he had said the last word. They could only stay behind, and try to cultivate.     

With that episode finished Tianlong Yun masked as Jayden Smith, got out of his tent, as two people were waiting for him there.     

They had a stern, solemn and serious look on their faces, as if they were about to commit some serious crime, or do something that would affect their lives.     

Tianlong Yun was a bit taken aback by the look on their face, as he thought he might have messed up with the masking, and the guards had recognized him.     

It wasn't like it would affect him too much as he would most probably place them inside the Old Pouch and use them as puppets, or at his Arena.     

But he didn't want to create too much cloud and suspicions towards Jayden, and it would be better if these two looked intact from outside.     

For that reason, he hated the fact that he might have forgotten something again and made any kind of blunder.     

But while Tianlong Yun was thinking about what could he had done wrong if they had discovered him, and how should he deal with this situation, the two guards walked forward slowly.     

Tianlong Yun had almost given up from the fact to leave them untouched, as he was even ready to send them inside the Old Pouch, for the people inside to take care of them.     

Just as he was about to do such a thing though, the two guards stopped in front of him, and kneeling on one knee they said in synchro,     

"Young Master Jayden Smith, we are prepared to become your most trusted guards and aides, treat you, and respect you as our only Master.     

Your word will be law for us, as we will be your blade and shield. We will weather any storm for you and are willing to live and die by your word.     

Please accept our resolve and decision!"     

Tianlong Yun was baffled, he hadn't expected such a thing to happen so soon. Apparently, his killing intent had been a bit too powerful a moment ago.     

But this wasn't a bad thing, as he finally could make these two his servants, and it was also good timing since it was him and not his puppet.     

Like this, he could deal better with this situation. With these thoughts in mind, he started looking at the duo kneeling in front of him, as he said with a complicated voice,     

"I can accept your resolve and decision, but…     

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