Chapter 363: Gathering of Experts

Chapter 363: Gathering of Experts

0Kunlun Mountains Range was one of the longest, important and beautiful mountain ranges in the whole of China.     

Praised always for its beauty and its relation to the supernatural, Kunlun Mountain Range had always been and was one of the most important places for China and the whole planet.     

This mountain range had always been associated with divinities, gods, and immortals of the world, but not many believed them.     

Especially in the world of today where people believed more in technology and the laws of nature and the supernatural stuff was just some cultic ideas.     

To the largest part of the population on Earth, the supernatural didn't exist, and a way to become a powerful and long-living God was even more impossible.     

But of course, that was only the opinion of the sheep and the people that preferred to live in their ignorant bliss, because the truth was that what they called supernatural was living beside them.     

That didn't matter now though, what mattered was the fact that maybe for the first time after a long period, the Kunlun Mountains Range was filled to the brim with people and experts.     

There were more than 400 free cultivators with cultivations ranging between Golden Core and Nascent Soul Realm, who had little connection to hear about this place.     

But the most important people were still the people coming from the big powers, big families, and the foreigners, unfortunately, the news of this place had spread through all Earth.     

Within the big power like EITS, Orientalists, Royalists, Masons, and Justice Sect they had sent a fairly equal number of people to hold a balance.     

They had each sent around 500 cultivators between the Foundation Establishment Real, and Nascent Soul Realm accompanied by 10 Soul Formation Realm cultivators and 2 Body Integration Realm ones.     

There were new and old faces showing up this time, as Young Master Qing Fang seemed to have recollected himself, and his wits, and was presenting the EITS once again.     

Now there was even a new deeper and more mature look on his face as if he had grown a few more times than what he was before.     

Between the rest of the known faces around there were the representatives of the Royalists, and the Masons being the same people, as for the Orientalists it seemed to be some other guy.     

The representative of the Orientalists seemed to be a lady, she seemed in her late twenties, with purple hair, and purple eyes, but with a very dangerous look on her face.     

She had a purple katana on her waist that in a way completed her look and style. But still, the deepest impressions were from her look, it seemed like she could cut through everything.     

The Justice Sect had two ladies wearing skeleton outfits with veils covering their faces. They looked like deadly skeleton vipers, ready to kill whoever tried to approach them.     

They gave a dangerous and threatening feeling to each and everyone gathered in this mountain range, and for that reason, no one dared to even approach them.     

Besides them, there was one more big power that Tianlong Yun knew of its existence but it was the first time he was looking at them.     

European Union Association, these guys were the true leaders behind the European Union, and the true strength keeping the European Continent united, and protected.     

Their power and influence were no lower than the other powers, but they were special because they had a special kind of cultivation which they called Magic.     

The truth was that their Magic and Mana were the same as what Tianlong Yun and the cultivation World called Qi and interaction of laws.     

These guys hadn't shown up much lately but Tianlong Yun was sure that they were involved in everything that had happened, and their reach wasn't normal.     

It was just that they didn't really like to show themselves to the outside world and attract a lot of attention. It seemed like they were working in the dark and keep a neutral standing.     

This power seemed to be led in here from a Young Master with blonde hair, and blue eyes. Differently from the other Young Masters out there though, he seemed more contained and cold.     

None of the powers beside them dared to take them lightly though, even the recently surfaced Justice Sect, and the Shadow Clan had to give them due respect.     

Talking about the last two, the Justice Sect had brought the same manpower as the others, it was only his Shadow Clan that looked a bit out of place with the manpower they had brought.     

They had no experts with a cultivation Realm higher than Nascent Soul Realm, but the number they had sent almost eclipsed the other powers.     

They had sent a shocking number of more than 3000 cultivators, all at a really young age, staying in a complete formation.     

His Shadow Clan disciples and members were being led here by Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue. They were both wearing black Chinese outfits, with veils covering their faces.     

But even though their faces were covered one could clearly see that they were rare beauties. If they didn't know the fairies personally, they would think that these two topped the list.     

They were a lot of people who were infatuated with their looks, and beauty, it was just that not many dared to come close to them and try to hit them.     

Of course, not all of them were wise enough to stay away from them, when a Young Master from a foreign power came close to them, trying to introduce himself to them.     

Too bad that the duo didn't seem to care about him, and just continued to talk to each other without any care about their suitor.     

Of course, this hurt the guy's pride, and not being able to stand this ignoring he was about to jump the gun, and attack the duo when something appeared behind him.     

It was like a shadow appearing behind him, as he felt the sharp edge of a cold steel knife touch his throat, as he heard a cold voice behind him,     

"Are you looking for death!?"     

This scene clearly shocked the crowd because they hadn't seen, and not even sensed when that guy appeared behind that Young Master.     

The worst part about it was the killing intent coming from the person who was holding the knife, he seemed like someone who had been born in the midst of blood, and violence.     

The Young Master in question was trembling for a moment because he felt like for the first time since he was born, his life was in someone else's hands.     

To think that he had done this only to show off to the others, and please some other Young Master. But right now he felt like even his family wouldn't be able to save him.     

But the shadow behind him didn't cut his throat, he just grabbed him by the neck, and threw him towards his group while saying,     

"If you want to cause troubles to my Ladies you can show up yourself, stop sending some useless idiots. But let me tell you, the two ladies are the wives of the Shadow Patriarch.     

So whoever asks for death can step forward, I will be his reaper!"     

While his language seemed a bit hard and not fluent, his killing intent was enough to spread his message, which made the whole crowd feel the chills down their backs.     

The truth was that there were a lot of foreign powers that wanted to check the waters before entering this place. And a few of them were even sent from their parent big powers.     

Just like China had 3 big families, the other countries did too. While their circumstances and standings were different, there were a lot of powerful families.     

Nonetheless, the appearance of the Justice Sect and the Shadow Clan had agitated the whole world, and clearly, they wanted to know the strength of these newly emerged powers.     

The Justice Sect had much more of a reputation, being called crazy, bloody lunatics that would torture and kill people left and right.     

But they knew nothing significant about the Shadow Clan besides the fact that it could raze to the ground a 2nd rate family in one night, and the internal struggle for power.     

This Shadow Patriarch was most probably the one who had grabbed the Clan for himself, killing a few powerful figures.     

Nonetheless, he was illusory, and no one besides Tianlong Yun could have any information on that guy. For that reason, no one dared to step forward right now.     

Not to mention that they weren't here to create fights with other powers, but to explore the Ancient Ruins. They had to have all the power they could muster to keep possession of their findings.     

Every big and small power had sent people to this place to explore the Ancient Ruins and try to find anything they could find.     

They were giving it different names, like the Mount of Tibet, Lost Paradise, or Heaven's Palace, but all of them were here to explore this place and pillage it.     

As for Tianlong Yun he was in a corner of the Qin family's people, looking at the view in front of him, and occasionally throwing his eyes towards his beautiful wives, and his Clan's disciples.     

While on the surface his look was full of hate, and wrath, inside was full of warmth and care. When that Young Master had approached his wives, he had sealed his death.     

But now looking at his people and the power that they were radiating he was feeling a sense of pride because these were just a fraction of the power he had created.     

While Tianlong Yun was thinking like this, the big powers finally gave the order and permission for the people to enter inside and officially start the exploration of the ruins.     

As soon as that was heard, people started running and flocking towards the entrance like chickens, as the big powers watched the spectacle.     

When finally it was the Qin family's and Tianlong Yun's turn to enter inside, Tianlong Yun sent one last mental message,     


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