Chapter 356: Yue Que

Chapter 356: Yue Que

0Understanding his words two of the ladies were approaching Tianlong Yun slowly and sensually, while the third one was staying in her place without moving.     

She didn't seem to have any idea of joining in on the fun happening right in front of her. It wasn't like she was trying to protect her purity or anything like that, but she had big questions inside her brain.     

The truth was that this wasn't her original body, as her original body had disappeared in that dangerous, and mind-blowing torturous space travel.     

Her body had been torn into small pieces due to the unstable conditions of the space channel between their entrance at the God's Graveyard, to this unknown, and a backward planet called Earth.     

She didn't know where this planet was even found in their Galaxy, and there were no connections whatsoever to the Immortal World that she knew.     

All she knew was that the moment she woke up in this world, she had already occupied the body of a weak and almost non-cultivating woman's body.     

The original owner's soul and sea conscience seemed to have totally disappeared, as her soul, and the sea of conscience had taken over this new body.     

One thing that was worth celebrating for though, was the fact that the body she had taken over had a really special constitution, she had the Bewitching Body!     

Cultivators of her race would pay everything they could, wage wars, and even kill mercilessly, just to have this special constitution.     

Yet this was in the hands of some stupid human girl who never knew what kind of jade she was holding in her hands, and how valuable this was.     

Truly the heavens were unfair sometimes, gifting things to people who didn't know how precious they were, or how to use them.     

Sometimes the best things someone could wish for were hidden and buried in the normalcy of life, and in spots where no one would ever think about.     

This was clearly the case this time, if it wasn't for Yue Que's luck on casually chancing upon this, this special constitution would be buried and disappeared just like that.     

But the fact that she had this body now, and had the chance to start cultivating from scratch without needing to obey anyone, she thought of making this world turn the way she wanted to.     

For that reason she had trapped the Qin family 3rd Young Master, she wanted to take control of the Qin family slowly, as she understood more about this planet, and find a way to turn back.     

She had never, not even in her wildest dreams, thought that even before she could start with her plan, she would come across someone like Tianlong Yun.     

He had completely destroyed all her new dreams and plans just with his presence there. She hated him and wanted to kill him!     

If she had her previous cultivation and strength Tianlong Yun would be nothing more than an ant in her eyes, but unfortunately in this new body of hers, she had just started her cultivation.     

Not to mention she had that feeling of servitude that came from her soul which made her even more curious about whom Tianlong Yun was, and why had he selected precisely her.     

Did he choose her because of that servitude feeling she had, or did he choose her because of her constitution?     

Was that even possible for Tianlong Yun to know? The people on this planet seemed to not know a lot about cultivation, at least it was like a dust particle in front of the Immortal Worlds knowledge.     

So she kind of ruled out that thought immediately, but there was something about Tianlong Yun that made her feel complicated.     

He had a kind of mysterious aura around him, even though he was pretending to be a lusty playboy right now, who only thought about the two ladies by his side, she felt that things weren't quite right like that.     

For that reason she was just looking at the view in front of her with a closely observing look, she was looking at a man and two women having intercourse in front of her.     

But slowly with the passage of time the moans, and the rough breaths in front of her started to make her feel something inside her, and even her breath was becoming rough.     

Her mental prowess was quite strong, but in that atmosphere around her, with those smells, those moans, those bodies, made her resistance even more difficult.     

But still, she was able to restrain herself and use this perfect situation that was created around her, to start cultivating. This was the perfect situation for her, as she sat in meditation there in place.     

It took a bit of a long time, but finally, the battle between Tianlong Yun and the duo came to an end with Tianlong Yun's complete victory.     

Feeling this happen Yue Que woke up from her meditation state with a startle, as she was faced with an observing look from Tianlong Yun.     

It looked like he wanted to look deep down inside her, and have a look at her soul. Then suddenly, she felt someone attack her sea of conscience.     

Even though she had lost her cultivation, her soul and sea of conscience were quite developed and strong. This was even the reason her soul had been able to survive the space channel.     

But even the intruder didn't seem to have any intention of really attacking her or causing any damage. It seemed like he was just there looking around.     

She didn't understand what he was doing, this was the rudest and inappropriate behavior towards a cultivator, their sea of conscience and soul space were totally private and personal.     

They would never allow anyone they didn't trust inside those spaces because even the smallest damages could cause terrifying consequences.     

Yue Que would have never allowed something like that to happen either, if it hadn't been for the fact that she was startled when she saw Tianlong Yun looking at her like that, she would never allow it.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun had enjoyed the company of the two ladies sent here to keep him company and had left Yue Que alone.     

He hadn't mind the fact that despite knowing her reason for coming here she hadn't joined on the fun and was just looking at them.     

When she sat in meditation and started cultivating in that situation fully convinced him that she was a survivor from the group following behind Yu Qing.     

For unknown reasons though she had lost her original body, and had occupied this woman's body. He was really interested in her, and her situation.     

He wanted to have a long conversation with her, and then depending on her attitude, he would also decide her fate.     

Of course, the outside wasn't safe, and they couldn't talk easily, so the best way was to enter her sea of conscience and talk with her in there.     

In this way, he could have a look at something that truly interested him, and at the same time, no one would be able to hear their conversation.     

He wasn't surprised that when he entered her sea of conscience it was a really big beautiful ocean that seemed like it didn't have ended.     

The color was a deep blue one that made one wonder about its depth, but what was most important was that at the center of her sea of conscience was her soul avatar.     

It was a demonic humanoid avatar, with silver-gray hair, and purple eyes, and with well-endowed curves. Nothing like the avatar of just a starting cultivator should be.     

There were no traces of the previous owner either, it seemed like it had completely disappeared, or assimilated to the new owner.     

Tianlong Yun just had a look around, and said in a calm and carefree voice,     

"It's truly surprising, not only have you totally taken over this body, but also have lucked out to find such an exquisite and special constitution like the Bewitching body.     

It should be perfect for your race, and cultivation isn't it!?"     

Yue Que was completely stunned hearing those words, in two lines he had said everything she thought would forever be a secret.     

But this wasn't something that some normal cultivator, even if he was considered a genius, could just understand and talk about.     

She was a bit taken aback by Tianlong Yun's words and was left a bit speechless, apparently, she had underestimated the guy in front of her, and not just by a little.     

Trying to reevaluate the situation and the person in front of her Yue Que looked at him more carefully, as she asked in a solemn voice,     

"Who are you!? How do you know about this?"     

Tianlong Yun wasn't surprised by her questions, they were just common in these situations, so looking at her right back in her eyes, he answered,     

"Let me cut all the useless words and tell you that I don't intend to tell you my real identity because I simply don't trust you.     

But what I can tell you is that I come from that same big world outside that you come from, the Immortal World.     

Also, the princess that you followed up to here is in my hands and has now linked with me. Her curse worked perfectly I guess, she is now my concubine.     

As for how I understood what I said, well those are secrets of the profession, and I don't intend on telling you anything!"     

Letting her process his words for a few moments, Tianlong Yun's calm and carefree expression turned into a solemn one, as he said,     

"Now let me ask you the important question…     

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