Chapter 315: I am that Idiot!!!

Chapter 315: I am that Idiot!!!

0The little demoness princess was really curious about Tianlong Yun's identity, after all, he was the first person she had met who had knowledge of the Immortal World on this planet.     

Not to mention his aura of mixed Royal Clans, and that weird black mist that had frozen everything inside her body, including her Qi.     

It seemed like this guy was a mix of weird opportunities, and abilities. He was so mysterious and unfathomable to her.     

Not to mention that he had seen the sigil in her eyes, and she either had to be his from now on, or she had to find a way to kill herself.     

His identity would be a scaling factor in her decision, she had already made up her mind, that if he was an evil person that she would rather die than be with him.     

Tianlong Yun had been too concentrated on thinking about all the information he received, but then hearing her question again, he said with a teasing tone,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well apparently I am your future husband and the only one who can take you out of this little planet, back to the Immortal World.     

But it seems like I have to teach you a lot my dear wifey, because apparently, you don't even have the common sense of introducing yourself, before asking others."     

The last sentence was said with a lost voice as if Tianlong Yun would be facing an impossible war soon. It would be really difficult for teaching her some manners.     

The Demoness Princess was totally infuriated with his words, and a red hue had covered her face. She had lived all her life in the palace, a sheltered and peaceful life.     

She had never interacted with someone like this, and no one on the Imperial Palace of her clan dared to even talk to her like this.     

Of course, being raised in such an environment her arrogance had slowly increased, even though she had a soft and warm heart, she still couldn't be immune to that.     

Even now as she was talking with Tianlong Yun, she still didn't deem him worthy of her presence, while he had Royal Dragon, and Royal Phoenix aura about him, he also had the human aura.     

Just the fact of having that bit of human aura made her think that he was extremely below her level. To the demon races, humans were the most deceitful and worthless races in the world.     

Not only had they always mistreated demons, but they would always try the most they could to turn them into slaves, and objects to fulfill their greed and desires.     

There were a lot of demon races that had been destroyed by the hands of the cruel and deceitful humans in the Immortal World.     

So with the passage of time, the demons had gained some kind of loathing ability towards the human aura and blood. That was why she even attempted suicide.     

But the fact that she hadn't introduced herself was true, and it was rude on her part, so she decided to do it now, and also see his reaction at the same time,     

Demoness Princess:" It was rude of me not to introduce myself until now, I am Yu Qing, the 5th princess of the Succubae Royal Clan, daughter of Yu Meng the Succubae Empress!"     

Her voice resounded through the entire apartment at that point, she seemed really proud and arrogant at that moment.     

The reason she introduced herself as the Empress's daughter was quite easy, as a princess, her father was clearly the Emperor, so only her mother's status made the difference.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was surprised at her revelation, but then said as if he had made a shocking discovery,     

Tianlong Yun:" No wonder you looked so familiar, you are actually that seductress's daughter. You have definitely inherited her good genes."     

He said that while having a good look at her body, and her curves like he was about to devour her totally.     

But Yu Qing couldn't bother about that at the moment, there was something else in her mind, this guy knew her mother.     

She was getting more and more curious about his identity, and she couldn't hold herself back anymore as she said,     

Yu Qing:" You know my mother? Exactly who are you!?"     

It wasn't like Tianlong Yun hadn't expected this though, but there were still things he needed to know, as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" You will eventually know me, but there is something that made me curious. In your previous words, you didn't seem to think highly of that crown prince.     

I had heard before that he was an extreme genius, who reached God Realm in only 160 years!"     

Hearing those words in Yu Qing's face was clear disgust written all over it, as she looked at Tianlong Yun and said with a serious voice,     

Yu Qing:" Huh? That guy was a genius!? Maybe in terms of cultivation and strength, he was one of the biggest geniuses out there that's true.     

But that guy was trash and an idiot since he didn't have brains. At first, we all thought that he was really cultivating Evil Arts, but soon there were rumors.     

Rumors that he had been set up by his big brother and his uncle, so they could take him out and take his father's place.     

He was so stupid as not to realize the games happening inside the palace, and was even betrayed by his mate.     

While these were all rumors, seeing that his mate could immediately forget him, and change him for his big brother, it doesn't take a genius to understand what happened.     

So of course that guy was an idiot and a super huge one at that."     

Tianlong Yun was startled at first hearing all this, but it was the truth. It was like a big bucket of water had just been thrown over his head, his previous self was really pathetic.     

He had been a really super huge idiot just like Yu Qing said, there was no doubt about it. Thinking like this, he could do nothing but erupt in a self-mocking laugh.     

That laugh caught Yu Qing by surprise, all this time she had been speaking seriously and telling the truth, who would have expected that this guy would suddenly laugh.     

Did he go crazy or something? She didn't think she said anything funny up to that point. It looked like he was making fun of her, so she was immediately angered and shouted,     

Yu Qing:" Why are you laughing?"     

Her shout made Tianlong Yun stop laughing as he looked her directly in the eyes again, with a serious and solemn expression on his face, as he said,     

Tianlong Yun:" Because I am that idiot!!!"     

BOOM! Yu Qing felt like something exploded inside her brain, and then silence. Total silence. For a few moments, they just kept looking in each other's eyes, as if they were frozen like that.     

Yu Qing was shocked, she was stunned, she was thinking that maybe she heard that wrong. After all, what did he mean by that?     

Only after some time, could she finally say in a disbelieving tone,     

Yu Qing:" Wh-what did you just say!?"     

Tianlong Yun seemed really calm and serious right now, as he kept looking in her eyes, and repeated once again,     

Tianlong Yun:" I am that super huge idiot!!!"     

This time there was no doubt about it, she heard those words clearly, he was saying that he was that idiot, which meant that he was the ex-crown-prince of Royal Dragon Clan.     

But how was that possible, wasn't he supposed to be dead? So many God Realm cultivators had witnessed his and his Master's death.     

So how was it possible that he was claiming to be that guy, it didn't make sense. But at the same time what would he profit by falsely claiming to be him, in front of her.     

She really didn't know what to believe right now, both sides of her thoughts seemed rational and logical, she didn't know what to think anymore.     

Noticing her confused and lost look, Tianlong Yun said in a serious voice,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well this is complicated, while I am him, at the same time I am not totally him. While the soul inside this body is mine, this isn't my original body.     

I don't know how I ended up in this body either, all I know is that after death I woke up in this body, and apparently more than 300 years have passed."     

With these words, Yu Qing could finally understand some parts, and she truly believed those words. She didn't know how but she could already feel that his words were true.     

He was really that idiot that she had been cursing and talking all this time. This guy's death was the switch that threw all the Immortal World in chaos.     

It seemed like it was completely unbelievable but it was true. There was one problem though, he didn't seem at all like that idiot she thought he was.     

His attitude and way of conduct were so different from the idiot that the whole Immortal World thought him to be.     

This truly surprised and amazed her. But after what happened to him, it would be weird if he didn't change at all though.     

So she could understand all this, but then she was awakened from her reverie when she heard his next words, which completely stunned her,     

Tianlong Yun:" Well now that the identity issue is resolved, how should we deal with the other matter?"     

While saying these words Tianlong Yun had returned to his teasing tone, and a devilish grin appeared on his face when he finished saying those words.     

At first, Yu Qing didn't understand what he meant but then suddenly realization hit upon her, and …     


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